Abstract | Obitelj je temelj svake zajednice i svakog društva. Da bi se što bolje shvatile sve njene komponente važno je znati kako se ona razvijala kroz povijest i kako je povijest utjecala na nju. U današnjem svijetu odmaknuli smo se od tradicionalnog shvaćanja obitelji (majka, otac i biološka djeca) i spremni smo prihvatiti i drugačije strukture. Pravilna funkcija obitelji ima veliki utjecaj na pravilno funkcioniranje djeteta, kako u djetinjstvu tako i u odrasloj dobi. Da bi se ona mogla ostvariti najvažnija je suradnja majke i oca u timu roditeljstva. Tim je funkcionalan ako ni jedan roditelj ne osjeća prisilu da bude u njemu i ako je ispunjen na više razina (bračni život, karijera, stambeno pitanje...). Roditelji sami biraju na koji način će odgajati svoje dijete i veoma je važno da su u tome suglasni, a prema njihovom izboru možemo ih svrstati u jedan od četiri odgojna stila (autoritativan, autoritaran, permisivni ili zanemarujući). Cilj roditelja, ali i društva, trebao bi biti pravilno odgojiti dijete, da se ono snalazi u zajednici, da bude individualna, ali istovremeno i društvena osoba, da radi za dobrobit društva, ali i da društvo radi za njega Međutim, u suvremenom svijetu roditelji često odgajaju djecu permisivnim roditeljskim odgojnim stilom pa kao posljedicu imamo agresivnu i razmaženu djecu. Cilj diplomskog rada je pregledom znanstvene literature opisati razvoj obitelji kroz povijest, pokušati prikazati obiteljski odgoj te njegov utjecaj na dijete. |
Abstract (english) | Family is the foundation of each society and community. In order to better understand all of its components, it is important to know how the family has evolved throughout history and the impact the latter had on it. Nowadays, society has moved away from the traditional understanding of family (mother, father and biological children) and has started accepting different structures. The proper functioning of the family has a direct influence on the proper functioning of the child, both during childhood and adulthood. In order to achieve that, it is important that there is co-operation between mother and father in the parenting team. Thus, the team is functional if none of the parents feel compelled to be in the marriage and if they feel fulfilled on the multiple aspects of life (e.g. marita life, career, housing issues, etc.). Parents need to make the decisions on how to raise the child themselves, and therefore harmony is essential. Depending on their choice, it is possible to distinguish between four parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved). The goal of the parents, but also that of the society, should be to properly raise a child so as to function independently, but at the same time be an active part of the society, to work for the common good, but also understand how society works for its members. However, in a modern world parents often use permissive parenting and as result children become aggressive and spoiled. The purpose of the thesis is to review the scientific literature in order to describe the development of family and upbringing as well as their interconnection. |