Abstract | S obzirom na to da je zanimanje odgojitelja/ice stalna obaveza u smislu rasta, napretka i usavršavanja, ovaj rad će pobliže opisati rad odgojitelja od stjecanja titule prvostupnika/ce ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja pa do odlaska u mirovinu. Rad obuhvaća razvoj odgojitelja tijekom studija i nakon završetka studija, uz obavezno stručno usavršavanje koje odgojitelju pomaže u napretku, stjecanju kompetencija i na kraju u cjelokupnom profesionalnom razvoju. Profesionalni razvoj odgojitelja danas uvelike se razlikuje u odnosu na početke odgojiteljske profesije o kojima će biti riječi u ovom radu. Kako je sve usmjereno na dijete te je ono glavno središte svih aktivnosti, odgoj je također usmjeren na dijete na način da poštuje njegove stavove i vrijednosti, ali i da ga upozna s njegovim pravima i obvezama. Kako bi odgojitelji na takav način mogli raditi s djecom, moraju imati određene vještine, znanja i kompetencije. Stalan kontakt s praksom omogućuje odgojitelju uvid u svijet djece te upoznavanje njihovih potreba i mogućnosti prijeko potrebnih za kreiranje prakse usmjerene na dijete. Takav pristup zahtjeva stalno promišljanje vlastite prakse te posjedovanje teorijskog znanja primjenjivog u samom radu. Da bi odgojitelj razvio kompetencije potrebne za razvoj refleksivne prakse, a time i postao refleksivni praktičar potrebno je stalno stručno usavršavanje, promišljanje i mijenjanje prakse u interakciji s djecom i ostalim sudionicima odgojno obrazovnog procesa. Pri tom je poželjno da je otvoren za kritičko promišljanje te razvoj znanja na različite načine. Osim potrebnih kompetencija ovaj rad objašnjava razliku između cjeloživotnog obrazovanja i cjeloživotnog učenja. Odgojno-obrazovni rad uključuje sve odrasle osobe koje su u kontaktu s djecom stoga su odgojitelju potrebne i određene komunikacijske vještine. Suradnja i partnerstvo s roditeljima su ključni u radu s djecom, bez kvalitetne suradnje s roditeljima i ostalim sudionicima nema ni kvalitetnog djetetova razvoja. Ovaj rad ima za cilj pobliže opisati profesionalni razvoj odgojitelja, kako cjeloživotno učenje utječe na profesionalni razvoj te koja je razlika između cjeloživotnog učenja i obrazovanja. Također opisuje profesionalni razvoj odgojitelja i ulogu odgojitelja u odgojno-obrazovnom radu s djecom. Rad uključuje i profesionalne kompetencije odgojitelja te njihovu ulogu u komunikaciji i suradnji s roditeljima. |
Abstract (english) | Given that the profession of child educator is a constant obligation and commitment, in terms of growth, progress, improvement and development, this paper will describe more closely the work of child educators from earning a bachelor's degree in early and pre-school education, until retirement. The paper covers the development of child educators during their studies and after graduation, with mandatory professional development that helps the child educator to progress, acquire competencies and ultimately to overall professional development. Today's professional development of child educators is very different from the beginnings of the teaching profession, which also will be discussed in this paper. As everything is focused on the child, and the child is the main center of all activities, education is not only directed at the child in a way that respects his or her views and values, but also informs him / her about his / her rights and obligations. So in order for child educators to work with children in this way, they must have certain skills, knowledge and competencies. Continuous contact with practice enables the child educator to gain insight into the world of children, and to learn about their needs and opportunities, that are needed to create a child-centered practice. That kind of approach requires constant rethinking and developing on his own practice, and having the theoretical knowledge applicable in the work itself. For the educator to develop the capability necessary for the development of reflexive practice, and to become a reflexive educator, constant professional development, and changing the practice in interaction with children and other participants of the educational process is also required. It's important that the educator himself is opened for reciving critics, and for development of knowledge in different ways. Apart from the competencies required, this paper explains the difference between lifelong education and lifelong learning. Educational work includes all adults who are in contact with children, which means that in addition to knowledge and competencies, the educator also needs certain communication skills. Cooperation and partnership with parents are crucial in working with children, and without quality cooperation with parents and other participants there is no quality child development. This paper is going to describe closely the professional development of educators, how lifelong learning affects professional development, and their role in educational work with children. Also, it includes the professional competencies of child educators and their role in communication and collaboration with parents. |