Title Lutka zijevalica u radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi
Title (english) Mouth Puppet in the Work with Children of Early and Pre-school Age
Author Bruna Crnogorac
Mentor Marijana Županić Benić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Krznar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts) Puppetry
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Svrha ovog rada jest dati uvid u važnosti koje donose igre s lutkom bilo koje vrste, pa tako i lutke zijevalice za poticanje gotovo cjelokupnog razvoja djeteta. Također, ovim radom nastoje se istaknuti i važnosti i vrijednosti korištenja elemenata lutkarstva u radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi. Lutka, kao glavni instrument lutkarstva, poznata je kao važan element za poticanje dječjeg razvoja. Lutka zijevalica otvara mnoge mogućnosti za ostvarivanje odgojno-obrazovnih ciljeva u radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi i pomaže roditeljima i odgojiteljima da bolje razumiju ponašanja svoje djece kako bi s njima uspješnije i kvalitetnije surađivali. Lutka potiče maštu djeteta i pokreće njegov spoznajni i socioemocionalni svijet te mu pomaže da izrazi svoje osjećaje i misli kroz igru. Scenska lutka privlači djecu jer ih dovodi u stanje uzbuđenosti i zaigranosti jer se mogu uživjeti u imaginarni svijet koji sami stvaraju u igri. Igra s lutkom zijevalicom je simbolična igra. Simbolična igra jedna je od najvažnijih i najosnovnijih dječjih aktivnosti te predstavlja preduvjet za razvoj dječjih emocija i sposobnosti. Lutka zadovoljava dječju osnovnu potrebu za igrom, za slobodnom i za pripadanjem i samim time stvara se i pozitivna slika o sebi. Odgojitelji u dječjim vrtićima imaju važnu ulogu u razvijanju i poticanju cjelokupnog rasta i razvoja djece. Oni odgojitelji koji u odgojno-obrazovnom radu s djecom koriste scenske lutke stvaraju pogodne uvjete za dječju kvalitetnu igru. Time izgrađuju pozitivnu i uvažavajuću atmosferu u dječjoj skupini gdje se djeca osjećaju ugodno i žele stupiti u kontakt sa scenskim lutkama čime se potiče razvoj komunikacije, izražavanja svojih misli i osjećaja, smisao za suradnju i zajedništvo te svi ostali aspekti dječjeg cjelokupnog razvoja.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this paper is to give insight into the importance of puppets of any kind, as well as mouth puppets for the purpose of stimulating the almost complete development of the child. Also, this work seeks to emphasize the importance and value of the use of puppetry elements in working with children of early and pre-school age. The puppet, as the main puppetry instrument, is known as an important element for encouraging children's development. Mouth puppet opens up many opportunities for achieving educational goals in working with early and pre-school children and helps parents and educators understand their children's behavior better and more effectively. The puppet promotes the imagination of the child through his cognitive and socio-emotional world and helps him express his feelings and thoughts through the game. A stage puppet attracts children because it brings them into a state of excitement and playfulness because they can enjoy the imaginary world that they create in the game. Playing with a puppet is a symbolic game. Symbolic play is one of the most important and most basic children's activities and is a prerequisite for the development of children's emotions and abilities. The puppet satisfies the child's basic need for play, for freedom and for belonging, and thus creates a positive image of himself. Teachers in kindergartens have an important role to play in developing and promoting the overall growth and development of children. Educators who use mouth puppet in educational work with children create the right conditions for a child's qualitative play. They build a positive and appreciative atmosphere in the children's group where children feel comfortable and want to get in touch with stage puppets, which promotes the development of communication, expressing their thoughts and feelings, the sense of cooperation and fellowship, and all other aspects of the child's overall development.
dječji razvoj
lutka zijevalica
Keywords (english)
child's development
mouth puppet
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:783846
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-07-22 07:21:08