Title Način na koji djeca rane i predškolske dobi percipiraju TV reklamne poruke
Title (english) The way early and preschool children perceive TV commercials
Author Mihaela Mravunac
Mentor Astrid Nox (mentor)
Committee member Marko Gregurić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Astrid Nox (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Moglo bi se reći kako su reklame neizostavni dio naše svakodnevice. Toliko smo okruženi njima na svakome koraku i u svakoj vrsti medija: televizija, radio, internet da bi bilo nemoguće odcijepiti se i izolirati od njih. Preko reklama i oglasa proizvođači dopiru do potrošača i domišljatim idejama nastoje pridobiti pažnju potrošača kako bi mu reklama bila dovoljno primamljiva da je aktivno gleda, upamti i poželi kupiti proizvod, bez obzira na to je li mu on uistinu potreban. Ako se marketinški odjeli proizvođačkih kompanija toliko trude kako bi pridobili odraslu publiku i naveli ih na kupnju, koliko li se tek trude da zadobiju povjerenje i odanost najmlađih članova zajednice: djece. Budući im nedostaje životnog iskustva i kritičnosti pri vrednovanju sadržaja koje televizija nudi, djeca čina idealnu skupinu potrošača. Metodom anketnog upitnika ispitalo se navike roditelja kad je u pitanju gledanje televizijskog programa te koliko ga sami u danu gledaju, razgovaraju li s djetetom za vrijeme gledanja (ukoliko zajedno gledaju), prepoznaju li reklamu svog omiljenog crtanog filma kad se prikazuje te u kojoj mjeri gledanje(ili ne gledanje) reklama određenog proizvoda na TV-u utječe na njihove potrošačke navike. Upitnik je proveden na 185 sudionika roditelja djece rane i predškolske dobi na području Republike Hrvatske, u zagrebačkom dječjem vrtiću „Izvor“.Postavljene su tri hipoteze: većinaroditelja pridaje pažnju sadržajima koje njihovo dijete gleda na TV; tek manji broj roditelja djece rane i predškolske dobi ograničava djetetu količinu vremena provedenog pred TV-om te posljednja hipoteza koja glasi kako većina roditelja koristi TV kao alat nagrade ili kazne. Prva je hipoteza postavljena zato što se prvotno želi ispitati posvećuju li roditelji pažnju kojim sadržajima roditelji izlažu djecu a time posredično i reklamama koje prekidaju redovan program. Sljedeća hipoteza odlazi korak dalje, a to je da kako sa shvaćanjem važnosti vrste sadržaja koji se puštaju djeci dolazi i vremenska dimenzija, točnije vremenski period u kojem dijete može gledati televizijski program odnosno koliko dugo. Posljednja hipoteza, koja tvrdi kako se TV koristi kao alat nagrade i kazne postavljena je kako bi se utvrdilo u kojoj se mjeri ovaj medij koristi kao odgojno sredstvo u obiteljima. Istraživanjem je potvrđena hipoteza kako većina roditelja određuje sadržaje koje njihovo dijete gleda na TV.Sve su ove hipoteze indirektno povezane s reklamama, budući da su reklame neizostavan dio televizijskog programa.
Abstract (english) You could say how commercials are indispensable part of our day-to-day living. We are surrounded by them on each and every step, with every sort of media: television, radio, internet, and so it would be impossible to tear away and isolate from it. Through commercials and ads manufacturers reach to consumers and with ingenuitive ideas and try to get consumers attention so that it would be tempting enough to actively watch, remember and in the end wants to buy the product even without thinking if its truly needed. If marketing departments of manufacturing companies are so trying so hard to win over adult audience and make them to purchase, how much more they exerte themselves to earn the trust and loyalty with the youngest members of aur community: children. Due to their lack of life experince and criticality on evaluation of contents television provides, children make the perfect group of consumers. By the method of survey questionnaire the habits of the parents will be investigated when it comes to watching TV and how much do they watch in themselves during one day, do they talk with the child during (if they watch it together), do the children recognise the commercial of their favourite cartoon when they are shown and to what extent do the commercials affect their consumer habits. The questionnaire was conducted on 185 participants parents of children of early and preschool age on the territory of the Republic of Croatia, in kindergarden „Izvor“ in Zagreb Three hypothesis were set: most parents pay attention to the contents their children is watching on TV; just a few parents of chidren of early and preschool age limits the amount of time child can spend in front of TV; and the last which says how most parents uses TV as a tool of award or punishment. The first hypothesis is made because in the first place, the research wants to question if parents pay attention to contents their children and consequentially to commercials that interrupt regular program. Second hypothesis wants to question how with the importance of contents it comes the time dimension as well, in which child can watch TV and for how long. The last hypothesis whether TV is used as a tool of award or punishment ih here to examine if TV is used as nurturing medium in families.Research has confirmed the hypothesis that most parents pay attention to the content that their child watches on TV. All of these hypothesis were indirectly connected with commercials, since they are indispensable part of TV program.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:958141
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-09 10:07:00