Abstract | Komunikacija odraslih osoba, a osobito djece odvija se na različite načine s
obzirom na želju da odrasli, ali i djeca izraze svoje želje, zadovoljstvo i potrebu
za igrom (intrapersonalna komunikacija), prijateljstvom, druženjem i
razvijanjem odnosa (interpersonalna komunikacija). Prilikom razvijanja odnosa
koriste se mnogobrojni verbalni i neverbalni znakovi koje odrasli i djeca šalju u
međusobnoj komunikaciji. Verbalna komunikacija obuhvaća formalni razgovor,
formalne diskusije u grupi i neformalni razgovor. Verbalni znakovi su uglavnom
očiti i jasni sugovornicima, a za neverbalne znakove odrasli i djeca moraju
posjedovati sposobnost prepoznavanja i razumijevanja odnosno „čitanja“.
Neverbalni oblik komuniciranja je nenamjeran, a kod djece koja pohađaju
predškolske ustanove korištenje neverbalnih znakova je gotovo pa nesvjesno.
Igra je jedna od najbitnijih aktivnosti u dječjem vrtiću koja omogućuje
odgajatelju da proučava dječju verbalnu i neverbalnu komunikaciju. Igrom se
djeca transformiraju i razvijaju, a neverbalnom komunikacijom se razvija dječja
kreativnost, neovisnost i komunikacijske vještine govora.
Postojeća istraživanja predstavljena u ovom radu i ukazuju na karakteristiku
dječje komunikacije u predškolskim ustanovama. Odgajatelji tijekom uočavanja
oblika komunikacije promatraju dijete, njegove socijalne vještine, jasno
verbalno izražavanje dječjih potreba, samoinicijativno sudjelovanje u tekućim
aktivnostima te interes za drugu djecu i da s pozitivnim stavom pristupa drugoj
djeci. Osim navedenog, u radu su predstavljeni i najčešći oblici neverbalnog
komuniciranja u dječjim vrtićima kao što su geste, izrazi lica, gestikulacija,
pogled i kontakt očima, govor tijela, tjelesni kontakt i upotreba prostora. |
Abstract (english) | Communication between adults, and especially children, takes place in
different ways, given the desire of adults, but also children, to express their
desires, satisfaction and need for play, friendship, socializing and developing
relationships. Numerous verbal and nonverbal cues sent by adults and children
in communication with each other are used in developing relationships. Verbal
communication includes formal conversation, formal group discussions and
informal conversation. Verbal signs are mostly obvious and clear to the
speakers, but for non-verbal signs adults and children must have the ability to
recognize and understand or "read" those signs. The non-verbal form of
communication is unintentional, and in children who are attending preschool,
the use of non-verbal cues is almost unconscious.
Play is one of the most important activities in preschool that allows the
educator to study children’s verbal and nonverbal communication. Through
play, children are transformed and developed, and non-verbal communication
develops children's creativity, independence and verbal communication skills.
The existing research presented in this paper indicates the characteristics of
children's communication in preschool institutions. During the observation of
the form of communication, educators observe the child, his/her social skills,
clear verbal expression of children's needs, self-initiative participation in current
activities and interest in other children and if they approach other children with
a positive attitude. In addition to the above, the paper presents the most common
forms of nonverbal communication in kindergartens such as gestures, facial
expressions, gesticulation, gaze and eye contact, body language, body contact
and the use of space in preschool institutions. During the observation of the form
of communication, educators observe the child, his/her social skills, clear verbal
expression of children's needs, self-initiative participation in current activities
and interest in other children and if they approach other children with a positive
attitude. In addition to the above, the paper presents the most common forms of
nonverbal communication in kindergartens such as gestures, facial expressions,
gesticulation, gaze and eye contact, body language, body contact and the use of
space. |