Title Primjena art terapije kod savladavanja straha od odlaska u školu
Title (english) Application of art therapy in overcoming the fear of going to school
Author Ines Žegrec
Mentor Morana Varović Čekolj (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELDS OF ART
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology School Psychology and the Psychology of Education
Abstract Art terapija je ona vrsta umjetničke terapije u kojoj pojedinci koriste likovni proces kao sredstvo za izražavanje i komunikaciju s odraslima i djecom. Ona se može primijeniti na svakoga, neovisno o tome ima li pojedinac kakve poteškoće, traume, strahove ili se jednostavno želi izraziti, olakšati dušu. Mnogima služi poput ispušnog ventila koji omogućava da pojedinci izbace osjećaje onim medijem i materijalom koji njima odgovara. Povijest art terapije ima dugo korijenje i na njezin su razvoj utjecali mnogi autori koji su svojim trudom uspjeli postići primjenu art terapije u razne svrhe. Art terapija je odlična u radu s djecom koja imaju problema sa strahovima. Od brojnih strahova važno je spomenuti strah od odlaska u školu. On se pojavljuje s otprilike šest godina i u velikoj mjeri može utjecati na djetetov život. Likovno izražavanje u art terapiji može pomoći da djeca neverbalnom komunikacijom izraze ono što osjećaju. Odgajatelji također trebaju poticati likovno izražavanje u aktivnostima s elementima
art terapije ako nisu kvalificirani da vode pravu art terapiju. U radu je navedena takva aktivnost u vrtiću gdje se tražilo od djece da nacrtaju svoje strahove koji su kasnije prokomentirani. Odgojitelj nije u mogućnosti da dijagnosticira crteže već će samo ponuditi djetetu da se izrazi i slušat će djetetov opis umjetničkog djela. Iako su djeca upoznata sa svojim odgojiteljima i vrtić je njihovo sigurno mjesto, kao i u art terapiji, neke je osjećaje lakše neverbalno izraziti, poput straha od odlaska u školu. Škola je sasvim nova, nepoznata situacija u kojoj se dijete nalazi. Ono ne zna što ga čeka, zamišlja svakakve scenarije i sve te misli ga straše. U toj će situaciji, u art terapiji, terapeut priskočiti i pomoći djetetu. Vodit će ga kroz terapiju, slušati, postavljati pitanja, pomoći u odabiru materijala ako ono zapne, prokomentirat će produkt dječjeg stvaralaštva. Najvažnije od svega je to da ga art terapeut potakne da izrazi svoj strah te da ga promotri. Ono će vidjeti da je taj strah postalo nešto konkretno, uočljivo, kako on nije zarobljen u njegovoj mašti već je vidljiv na papiru, i samim time postaje manje zastrašujuć. To je samo jedan od koraka u suočavanju sa strahom. Kako će terapija teći, art terapeut će pri svakoj novoj zapreci koristiti one tehnike i načine rada koje će smatrati najboljima za dijete i koje će pomoći djetetu u suočavanju i savladavanju straha kako bi dalje na najbolji mogući način funkcioniralo u životu.
Abstract (english) Art therapy is the type of therapy in which individuals use the process of art as a means of expression and communication with adults and children. It can be applied to anyone, regardless of whether the individual has any developmental difficulties, traumas, fears or simply wants to express himself, to ease the soul. For many, it serves as an exhaust valve that
allows individuals to express feelings with the media and material that suits them. The history of art therapy has long roots, and its development has been influenced by many authors who have managed to achieve the application of art therapy for various purposes. Art therapy is great for working with children who have problems with fears. It is important to mention one of the most important fears - the fear of going to school. It appears approximately at the age of six and can greatly affect a child’s life. Artistic expression in art therapy can help children express what they feel through nonverbal communication. Educators should also encourage artistic expression in activities with elements of art therapy if they are not qualified to conduct actual art therapy. This paper mentions such an activity in kindergarten where children were asked to draw their fears which were later commented on. The educator is not qualified to analyze the drawings but only to provide the child with an opportunity to express himself and to listen to the child’s description of his artwork. Although children are familiar with their educators and kindergarten is their safe place, as in art therapy, some feelings are easier to express nonverbally, such as the fear of going to school. School is a whole new, unknown situation in which a child finds himself. He doesn't know what awaits him, he imagines all sorts of scenarios and all those thoughts scare him. In this situation, in art therapy, the therapist will jump in and help the child. They will guide him through therapy, listen, ask questions, help choose the
material if the child can't, comment on the product of children's creativity. Most important of all, the art therapist encourages children to express his fear and to observe it. He will see that his fear has become something concrete, noticeable, that it is not trapped in his imagination but is visible on paper, and thus becomes less frightening. This is just one of the steps in dealing with fear. As the therapy progresses, the art therapist will use, with each new obstacle, those techniques and ways of working that will be the best for the child and that will help the child to cope and overcome fear in order to continue to function in the best possible way in life.
art terapija
likovno izražavanje
strah od odlaska u školu
Keywords (english)
art therapy
art expression
fear of going to school
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:113586
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-11 10:43:40