Title Terapeutske priče za djecu autorice Susan Perrow
Title (english) Therapeutic Stories for Children by Susan Perrow
Author Sara Vučić
Mentor Marina Gabelica (mentor)
Committee member Dubravka Težak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Astrid Nox (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati važnost terapeutskih priča u djetetovom životu te istražiti koje sve blagodati one pružaju i nude. Priče imaju nevjerojatnu moć u iscjeljenju i ozdravljenju djetetovog izazovnog i problematičnog ponašanja te vraćanju izgubljenog sklada i ravnoteže u djetetov život.
U uvodnom dijelu rada naglasak je stavljen na definiranje priče i njezinu podjelu te na promišljanje o tome koje mjesto priča zauzima u cjelokupnoj dječjoj književnosti. U nastavku će biti opisan proces pripovijedanja i interpretacije priče. U poglavlju Kako odabrati pravu priču navest će se važnost kvalitetnog i prikladnog odabira priče koja će pratiti djetetov interes, potrebe i dob djeteta. Nadalje, govorit će se o kompetencijama pripovjedača te kako kvalitetno i uspješno savladati umijeće pripovijedanja. Zatim će se istraživati položaj priče u dječjem vrtiću te značaj atmosfere i ozračja kao bitnog sudionika u pričanju priča. Prostor i kutak za pričanje priča, vizualno uređenje, upotreba instrumenata, mirisa i okusa te, na kraju, korištenje rekvizita i stvaranje pripovjedačkih rituala, neizostavni su pomagači u pripovijedanju priča.
Središnji dio rada započinje definiranjem biblioterapije kao terapijskog procesa liječenja knjigom koji pomaže pojedincu razumjeti i osvijestiti vlastite emocije i problem. Biblioterapija poboljšava zdravlje i kvalitetu života. Zatim slijedi definiranje i struktura terapeutskih priča za djecu. Upotrebom misterioznih metafora i stvaranjem napetih putovanja koje dovode sretnom raspletu i pozitivnim rješenjima, autori terapeutskih priča odvode djecu u imaginativnu stvarnost i predlažu djeci pozitivne, afirmativne načine rješavanja određenog problema. Jedna od takvih autora je i autorica Susan Perrow. U narednim poglavljima iznosi se njezina biografija i bogat doprinos svijetu pripovijedanja i stvaranja terapeutskih priča za djecu i mlade. Njezine dvije zbirke, Bajke i priče za laku noć i Iscjeljujuće priče II, nude bogat izbor terapeutskih priča za specifične dječje izazove u ponašanju.
U završnom će se dijelu rada provesti pregled i kratka analiza četiri terapeutske priče autorice Susan Perrow namijenjene određenim izazovnim i problematičnim ponašanjima djece te će, na kraju, biti predložen primjer metodičke interpretacije jedne terapeutske priče.
Abstract (english) The aim of this final paper is to show the importance of therapeutic stories play in a child's life and to explore all the benefits that they bring. Stories have incredible power in healing a child’s challenging and problematic behaviors and restoring lost harmony and balance in a child’s life.
In the introduction, the emphasis is placed on defining the story and its structure, as well as the place the story occupies in the entire children's literature. The whole process of storytelling and interpretation will be described below. The chapter How to choose the right story will state the importance of selecting a high-quality and appropriate story that will follow the child's interest, needs and age. Furthermore, this paper will comment on the narrator's competencies and how one can successfully master the art of storytelling. The following explains the position stories have in kindergarten and the importance of the atmosphere as a crucial participant in storytelling. The space and corner for telling stories, visual arrangement, use of instruments, smells and tastes, and, finally, the use of props and the creation of storytelling rituals, are indispensable helpers in storytelling.
The body of the paper begins by defining bibliotherapy as a therapeutic book healing process that helps an individual understand and become aware of their own emotions and problem. Bibliotherapy improves health and quality of life. This is followed by the definition and structure of therapeutic stories for children. By using mysterious metaphors and creating tense journeys that lead to happy endings and positive solutions, the authors of therapeutic stories take children into imaginative reality and propose positive and affirmative ways of solving a particular problem. One such author is author Susan Perrow. The following chapters will describe her biography and her rich contribution to the world of storytelling and the creation of therapeutic stories for children and young people. Her two collections, Bedtime Fairytales and Stories and Goodnight Stories and Therapeutic Storytelling: 101 Healing Stories for Children, offer a rich selection of therapeutic stories for specific children’s behavioural challenges.
The final part will review and briefly analyze four therapeutic stories by Susan Perrow intended for certain challenging and problematic behaviors of children. Lastly, an example of methodical interpretation of a therapeutic story will be proposed.
terapeutska priča
Susan Perrow
Keywords (english)
therapeutic story
Susan Perrow
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:973250
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-25 09:53:57