Title Poticajnost glazbe za dječji jezični razvoj
Title (english) Music incentive for children's linguistic development
Author Sara Krznar
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Mentor Josipa Kraljić (sumentor)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josipa Kraljić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music
Abstract Glazba i jezik dva su složena sustava. Brojnim istraživanjima znanstvenici su uspjeli dokazati da postoji poveznica između spomenuta dva sustava te da glazba utječe na govorno-jezični razvoj kod djece.
Svaki čovjek samim rođenjem ima određene predispozicije za razvoj govora. Govorom prenosimo sve što želimo, a ponekad i ono što ne želimo, ljudima u našoj okolini. Okolina je od neupitne važnosti kada govorimo o razvoju govora, jer o njezinoj poticajnosti ovisi koliko i kako će se govor razvijati. Ako okolina neće biti poticajna, tada je moguće da se govor ne razvije u skladu s dječjim cjelovitim razvojem i godinama. U današnje vrijeme postoji znatno više teškoća u dječjem govorno-jezičnom razvoju. Zbog toga je važno što ranije započeti prevenciju i posebnu pozornost obratiti na djecu s čimbenikom rizika.
Osim djetetove obiteljske okoline, veliku važnost ima i djetetova okolina u dječjem vrtiću. Odgojitelji djece rane i predškolske dobi osobe su koje stječu određene kompetencije kojima tada utječu na cjeloviti rast i razvoj djece. Pripadajućim kompetencijama odgojitelji mogu organizirati glazbene aktivnosti kojima tada utječu i na dječji govorno-jezični razvoj. Djeca imaju urođeni instinkt za glazbu i pjevanje, ona nikad ne odbijaju odgojiteljev poziv na pjesmu i ples. Djeca mogu u glazbi i jeziku uživati uz malešnice, govorene i pjevane brojalice, razne igre s pjevanjem te uz pjesme koje su tekstom i melodijom primjerene njima. Odgojitelj uz određene kompetencije mora znati procijeniti što će pozitivno utjecati na dječji govorno-jezični razvoj i prema tome mora odabrati sadržaj koji će ponuditi djeci.
Svaki čovjek koji stupa u komunikaciju s djecom postaje njegov govorni model. Stoga najprije moramo preispitati jesmo li dorasli toj ulozi. Svakodnevno smo izloženi glazbi i jeziku. U obiteljskom domu, na ulici, u dućanu, oni nas prate. Svakodnevno djeca mogu čuti dobre i loše primjere, a na njihovoj (poticajnoj) okolini je da odluči što od toga djeci želi davati.
Abstract (english) Music and language are two complex sistems. Through numerous studies, scientists have proved that there is a link between these two sistems and that music affects childrens speech and language development.
By birth, every person has certain abilities to develop speech. When we speek, we say what we want, and sometimes, what we don't want to the people who surround us. Our environment is very important for our language development, because the more it is stimulating the better it is for our speech and language development. If the environment isn't stimulating enough, it is possible that the language will not be developed as it should be. Today we have more difficulties in children's speech and language development than it was before. Therefore it is very important to start the prevention on time, especially for the children who are in the risk of language difficulties.
Accept the family, preschool also has a very strong and big impact on children's development. Trough the lifelong education, preschool teachers develop certain competencies which affect childrens overall growth and development. With these competencies preschool teachers can organise music activities for children which affect their speech and language development. Children have an innate instinct for music and singing and they won't say no to an offer to sing and dance from their preschool teacher. Children can enjoy in music and language trough nursery rhymes, spoken or singed counters, various games with singing and trough songs which are appropriate for them. Preschool teacher with certain competencies knows what will have a positive impact on children's speech and language development and therefore he needs to know what to offer to them.
Every person who talks with the children becomes their speech model. Therefore we first need to ask ourselves are we ready to take that role. Everyday we are surrounded with music and language. In our home, on the street, in the store, it is around us. Children can hear good and bad examples of music and language on a daily basis. It is up to their environment to make a decision what will it offer to them.
govorno-jezični razvoj
Keywords (english)
speech and language development
preschool teacher
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:500622
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-27 11:50:44