Abstract | Roditeljstvo ima najznačajniju ulogu u životu svakog djeteta. Kao takvo, podrazumijeva niz vještina, sposobnosti i postupaka koje su potrebne kako bi dijete upoznalo svijet oko sebe. Ono nije samo uloga, već i briga o vlastitom djetetu. Dijete treba poticati, razvijati kod njega osjećaj samopouzdanja, samopoštivanja kao i poštivanje drugih, razvijati pozitivne emocije.
Kroz ovaj rad će biti opisani stilovi odgoja i kako pojedini stil odgoja utječe na dijete. Uz to u radu je opisan odgoj u tradicionalnom smislu kako je to bilo prije i odgoj s kakvim se susrećemo u ovom suvremenom vremenu, odgojem koji „vlada“ danas. S obzirom na različite vrste odgoja i na suvremeni aspekt postoje razni emocionalni, sociološki, biološki, tjelesni utjecaji na razvoj djeteta koji će u radu biti i opisani.
Roditelji imaju značajnu ulogu prilikom polaska djeteta u školu. Na djetetov školski uspjeh utječu razni čimbenici (socioekonomski status, roditelj, pedagog, učitelj, braća i sestre, razred...). Iz tog razloga je važno da roditelji i škola kroz suradnju i partnerstvo zajedničkim snagama djeluju zbog dobrobiti djeteta. |
Abstract (english) | Parenting has the most important role in every child's life. As such, it encompasses a number of skills, abilities and procedures needed to help the child meet the world around him. It is not just a role but a concern for own child. A child needs to be encouraged, to develop a sense of self-confidence, self-respect and respect for others, to develop positive emotions.
Through this work, the style of education will be described and how the particular style of education will affect the child. In addition, this work describes the upbringing in the traditional sense of how it was before and the upbringing we are faced with in this contemporary time, the upbringing that "governs" today. Given the different types of education and the modern aspect, there are various emotional, sociological, biological, physical influences on the development of the child that will be described in this work.
Parents play a significant role when leaving the child to school. A child's school success is influenced by various factors (socioeconomic status, parent, pedagogue, teacher, brothers and sisters, class ...). For this reason, it is important that parents and schools through co-operation and partnership with the common forces work for the benefit of the child. |