Title Poticanje dječjeg likovnog stvaralaštva po uzoru na kubizam
Title (english) Encouraging children's artistic creativity based on the example of cubism
Author Danijela Cesarec
Mentor Morana Varović Čekolj (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Balić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu govori se o važnosti poticanja dječjeg likovnog stvaralaštva od najranije dobi. Rad je podijeljen na teorijski i praktični dio te su za potrebe praktičnog dijela provedene dvije aktivnosti u Dječjem vrtiću „Tratinčica“ u Zagrebu. Pomoću stručne literature u teorijskom dijelu rada obrađuje se likovni jezik i njegovi osnovni elementi, likovne tehnike, motivi i teme. Detaljno se opisuje kako treba pristupiti, promatrati i analizirati umjetnička djela te približiti djeci svu složenost likovnog fenomena, sve likovne elemente i pojavnosti likovne umjetnosti, na njima razumljiv način. Obrađen je razvoj umjetnosti kroz povijest, a detaljnije je opisan umjetnički pravac kubizam te život njegovih osnivača – Pabla Picassa i Georgesa Braquea. Nadalje, ističe se važnost uključivanje djece u likovne aktivnosti od rane dobi jer ono pomaže pri ostvarivanju njihovog kreativnog potencijala. Kroz istraživačke aktivnosti djeca upotrebom različitih materijala i tehnika nesvjesno razvijaju vizualno-prostornu inteligenciju, estetsko percipiranje, maštu i specifične likovno-izražajne sposobnosti. Glavnu ulogu u poticanju dječjeg likovnog stvaralaštva ima odgojitelj jer on osmišljava stvaralačke poticaje koje će ponuditi djeci. Prije planiranja likovnih aktivnosti odgojitelj mora poznavati dječji opći i likovni razvoj, a posebice njihove dobne i individualne razvojne karakteristike. Za kvalitetan
odgojno-obrazovni rad, odgojitelj treba moći prepoznati likovni tip djeteta i fazu u kojoj ono trenutno jest te znati kako pripadnost pojedinom likovnom tipu i fazi utječe na njegovo likovno izražavanje i prema tome prilagoditi svoj rad. Odgojitelj treba pružiti bogatstvo motivacijskih poticaja, poticati na slobodno i spontano likovno izražavanje, pritom uvažavajući interese i
mogućnosti djece. Potiče se korištenje umjetničkih djela u odgojno-obrazovnom radu jer ona potiču dječji estetski razvoj i pozitivan stav prema umjetnosti kao i njihov vlastiti likovni izričaj. Dok, praktični dio rada detaljno opisuje provedene likovne aktivnostima te analizira likovne radove djece. Cilj obje aktivnosti bio je upoznati djecu s umjetničkim djelima iz razdoblja
Kubizma te istražiti kako će likovni radovi Pabla Picassa i Georgesa Braquea utjecati na njihov likovni izričaj.
Abstract (english) This thesis discusses the importance of encouraging children's artistic creativity from an early age. The paper is divided into a theoretical and a practical part, and for the purposes of the practical part, two activities were carried out in the kindergarten "Tratinčica" in Zagreb. With the help of professional literature, the theoretical part of the work deals with artistic
language and its basic elements, artistic techniques, motifs and themes. It is described in detail how to approach, observe and analyze works of art and to bring to children all the complexity of the visual phenomenon, all the visual elements and appearances of fine art, in a way they can understand. The development of art throughout history is covered, and the artistic direction of Cubism and the life of its founders - Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque are described in more
detail. Furthermore, the importance of involving children in art activities from an early age is emphasized because it helps to realize their creative potential. Through research activities, using different materials and techniques, children unconsciously develop visual-spatial intelligence, aesthetic perception, imagination and specific artistic and expressive abilities. The main role in encouraging children's artistic creativity is played by the preschool teacher, because he designs
the creative incentives that he will offer to the children. Before planning art activities, the preschool teacher must know children's general and artistic development, and especially their age and individual developmental characteristics. For quality educational work, the preschool teacher should be able to recognize the artistic type of the child and the phase in which he is currently, and know how belonging to a particular artistic type and phase affects his artistic expression and adapt his work accordingly. The educator should provide a wealth of motivational stimuli, encourage free and spontaneous artistic expression, while respecting the interests and possibilities of the children. The use of works of art in educational work is encouraged because they encourage children's aesthetic development and positive attitude towards art as well as their own artistic expression. While, the practical part of the paper describes in detail the art activities carried out and analyzes the children's art works. The goal of both activities was to introduce children to artworks from the Cubist period and to explore how the artworks of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque will influence their artistic expression.
likovno stvaralaštvo
umjetničko djelo
likovni jezik
Keywords (english)
artistic creativity
work of art
artistic language
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:987954
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-17 13:18:26