Abstract | Zanesenost ili eng. flow je definirana kao stanje optimalnog iskustva u kojemu pojedincu samo iskustvo bavljenja određenom aktivnosti pruža osjećaj užitka i sreće da će nastaviti s tom aktivnošću ne uzimajući u obzir vanjske nagrade, samo bavljenje tom aktivnošću je za pojedinca nagrada (Csikszentmihalyi, 2006). Vrste aktivnosti za vrijeme kojih se može doživjeti zanesenost su raznolike te su provedena brojna istraživanja koja pokazuju da skoro svaki pojedinac bez obzira na dob, spol, status u društvu, ekonomski status ili mjesto u kojem živi može doživjeti osjećaj zanesenosti (Moneta, 2004).
Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati kolika je učestalost doživljaja zanesenosti kod djece četvrtog razreda osnovne škole i koje su to vrste aktivnosti za vrijeme kojih učenici doživljavaju zanesenost te podudaraju li se te aktivnosti sa aktivnostima sa kojima se oni inače bave. Nadalje, ispitivala se učestalost doživljaja zanesenosti u školi i za vrijeme kojih školskih predmeta, uz pretpostavku da će doživljavati zanesenost za vrijeme njihovog najdražeg predmeta.
Istraživanje je provedeno grupno u dva četvrta razreda, na uzorku od 38 učenika. Nakon opisa stanja zanesenosti učenici su odgovarali na pitanja o tome koliko često i u kojim aktivnostima doživljavaju zanesenost, u školi i tijekom slobodnog vremena.
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako je većina učenika doživjela zanesenost, njih 87%. Podjednako ju doživljavaju i učenici i učenice. Uglavnom zanesenost doživljavaju u aktivnostima koje su učenici naveli kao svoj hobi, odnosno aktivnostima kojima se bave u slobodno vrijeme. Najzastupljenija aktivnost za vrijeme koje doživljavaju zanesenost je igranje igrica. Učenici češće navode sportske aktivnosti i igranje video igara, dok učenice češće navode školske aktivnosti, opuštanje i ostalo.
Gotovo 60% učenika ne doživljava zanesenost u školi. Podjednako se (ne) javlja kod učenika i učenica. Predmeti za vrijeme kojih doživljavaju zanesenost su uglavnom predmeti koje su naveli kao svoj najdraži ili najteži predmet. Kao najteži predmet za vrijeme kojega doživljavaju zanesenost većinom navode matematiku.
S obzirom na rjeđe doživljavanje zanesenosti u školi dolazi se i do zaključka kako je potrebna prilagodba načina obrazovanja učenika uz stvaranje više prilika za moguć doživljaj zanesenosti za vrijeme nastave. |
Abstract (english) | Flow is defined as a state of optimal experience in which the individual only experience of doing a particular activity gives a feeling of pleasure and happiness that he will continue with this activity without taking into account external rewards, only practicing this activity is a reward for the individual (Csikszentmihalyi, 2006). The types of activities during which one can experience flow are varied and numerous studies have been conducted that show that almost every individual regardless of age, gender, status in society, economic status or place in which he lives can experience flow (Moneta, 2004).
The aim of this studywas to examine the frequency of experience of flow in children of the fourth grade of primary school and what are the types of activities during which students experience flow and whether these activities coincide with the activities with which they normally engage. Furthermore, the frequency of the experience of flow in school and during which school subjects were examined, assuming that they would experience flow during their favourite subject.
The study was conducted in a group in two fourth grades, on a sample of 38 students. After describing the state of flow, students answered questions about how often and in what activities they experience flow, at school and during their free time.
The results obtained show that most of the students experienced flow, 87% of them. Iti s equally experienced by male and female students. Mostly they experience flow in activities that students have listed as their hobby, that is, activities that they engage in in their free time. The most prevalent activity for the time they experience flow is playing games. Male students more often mention sport activitiec and playing video games, while female students more often mention school activities, relaxation and other.Almost 60% of students do not experience flow in school. IAt school, a minority of students experience flow, schoolgirls are more likely to experience flow than students. The subjects during which they experience flow are mostly objects that they have listed as their favorite or most difficult subject. They mostly cite mathematics as the most difficult subject during which they experience flow.
Given the less frequent experience of flow in school, it is also concluded that an adaptation of the way students are educated is needed while creating more opportunities for a possible experience of flow during class. |