Title Povezanost rukometa kao kineziološke aktivnosti i subjektivne dobrobiti adolescenata
Title (english) Relationship between handball as a kinesiological activity and the subjective well-being of adolescent
Author Marina Lujić
Mentor Ivan Prskalo (mentor)
Mentor Predrag Zarevski (mentor)
Committee member Marko Badrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Lorger (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Denis Bratko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-05-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Abstract Subjektivna je dobrobit dobar indikator psihološkoga zdravlja i općega stanja pojedinca. Visoke razine subjektivne dobrobiti evidentirane su u adolescenata koji su redovito tjelesno aktivni, manje su skloni negativnim emocijama, lakše se nose sa životnim izazovima, niži im je indeks tjelesne mase i iskazuju više razine zadovoljstva životom.
Sudionici u ovom istraživanju bili su adolescenti s područja Republike Hrvatske, N = 756, od toga 407 (53,8 %) rukometaša i 349 (46,2 %) adolescenata iz kontrolne skupine, koji nisu kineziološki aktivni. Istraživanje je provedeno u osnovnim školama i rukometnim klubovima s adolescentima godišta 2006. i 2007. Instrumenti uporabljeni u ovom istraživanju jesu: Skala zadovoljstva životom, hrvatske verzije PANAS i HEXACO-PI-R, upitnik stavova važnosti kinezioloških aktivnosti za sadašnji i budući život. Rukometaši adolescenti zadovoljniji su životom, iskazuju više razine pozitivnih afekata i niže razine negativnih afekata u usporedbi s adolescentima koji nisu uključeni u neki oblik kinezioloških aktivnosti. Crte ličnosti adolescenata rukometaša i onih koji se ne bave kineziološkom aktivnostima znatno se razlikuju u domeni ekstraverzije i emocionalnosti. Rukometaši iskazuju mnogo više razine ekstraverzije te mnogo niže razine emocionalnosti u odnosu prema kontrolnoj skupini. U ostalim četirima dimenzijama HEXACO-PI-R modela nije zabilježena značajna razlika među skupinama. Rukometaši se mnogo više slažu u tome da je trening ulog u budućnost, kako je potrebno trenirati da bi bio zdrav i da su ljudi koji treniraju manje bolesni od onih koji ne treniraju. Podatci dobiveni ovim istraživanjem pokazuju kako se kineziološka aktivnost rukomet dovodi u vezu s visokim razinama subjektivne dobrobiti u adolescenata koji redovito treniraju. Regresijskom je analizom utvrđeno da pojedine dimenzije ličnosti rukometaša imaju značajan doprinos kriterijima koji čine subjektivnu dobrobit. Prediktorske varijable ekstraverzija, ugodnost i savjesnost imaju značajan doprinos kriterijima Zadovoljstvo životom i Pozitivan afekt, dok je doprinos kriteriju Negativan afekt značajan za sve prediktorske varijable, osim dimenzije savjesnosti.
Abstract (english) Subjective well-being is a good indicator of an individual's psychological health and general condition, but also a good predictor of later positive life outcomes. Adolescents who exhibit psychological difficulties are more likely to retain the same difficulties in adulthood. Being overweight and other risk factors that develop in adolescence, tend to continue later in life. Some studies state that due to insufficient physical activity, today's life expectancy is shortened for children and young people. Insufficient physical activity has become a global problem with all the consequences that insufficient physical activity brings with it. Increasing the physical activity of the world's population has become a global goal of the World Health Organization. Involvement in regular kinesiological activities contributes to a better general condition of the organism, better physical, mental and social functioning of the individual as well as higher levels of general satisfaction. High levels of subjective well-being were found in adolescents who are regularly physically active, who are less prone to negative emotions, they cope easier with life's challenges, their body mass index is lower and they show higher levels of life satisfaction. Prticipants in this study are adolescents from the territory of the Republic of Croatia, N = 756 of which 407 (53.8%) are handball players and 349 (46.2%) are adolescents from the control group. The research was conducted in primary schools and handball clubs with adolescents born in 2006 and 2007. The instruments used in this research are: Life satisfaction scale, Croatian versions of PANAS and HEXACO-PI-R, and a questionnaire on understanding the importance of kinesiological activities for present and future life.
The results obtained by this study confirmed the results of similar studies. Adolescent handball players are more satisfied with life, show higher levels of positive emotions and lower levels of negative emotions in relation to adolescents who are not involved in some form of kinesiological activities. The uniqueness of this research is evident in the specifics of the respondents, handball players who play handball as amateurs, because according to available data, this group of respondents was not analyzed through elements of subjective well-being or HEXACO personality inventory.
The personality traits of adolescent handball players and those who do not engage in kinesiological activities differ significantly in the domain of extraversion and emotionality. Handball players show significantly higher levels of extraversion and significantly lower levels of emotionality compared to the control group. In the other four dimensions, no significant difference was found between the groups. Handball players agree significantly more that training is an investment in the future, that it is necessary to work out to be healthy and that people who work out are less sick than those who do not engage in some form of physical activity. They are much less likely to agree that computer skills are more important than training and they would rather stay outside than play games. Predictor variables of personality dimensions explain a total of 29% of the variance of the Life Satisfaction criterion. The Agreeableness dimension also has a significant contribution at 1% and Conscientiousness at 5%. Predictor variables of personality dimensions explain a total of 25% of the variance of the Positive Affect criterion. The personality dimension of Extraversion and Agreeableness have a significant contribution to 1%, and at 5% the dimension of Conscientiousness. Slightly different results are described by the criterion of Negative affect. Predictor variables of personality dimensions explain a total of 23% of the variance of the Negative Affect criterion. All predictor variables except the Conscientiousness dimension have a contribution to the Negative Affect criterion. The variables Extraversion, Emotionality, and Honesty / Humility have a significant contribution at 1% (β = -0.19). The dimension of Agreeableness and the dimension of Openness (to experience) have a significant contribution at 5%. The data obtained by this study confirmed that the kinesiological activity of handball is associated with high levels of subjective well-being in adolescents who train regularly. It was also found that those adolescents who practiced handball regularly exhibited lower levels of Negative Affect compared to those who were not involved in some form of physical activity. Regression analysis found that certain dimensions of a handball player's personality make a significant contribution to the criteria that make up subjective well-being. The predictor variables Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness have a significant contribution to the criteria of Life Satisfaction and Positive Affect, while the contribution to the criterion of Negative Affect is significant for all predictor variables except the Conscientiousness dimension.
negativni afekt
pozitivni afekt
zadovoljstvo životom
Keywords (english)
handball players
life satisfaction
negative affect
positive affect
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:843429
Study programme Title: Life Long Learning and Educational Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarno područje znanosti, znanstveno polje obrazovnih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarno područje znanosti, znanstveno polje obrazovnih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-23 13:32:48