Abstract | U Hrvatskoj je 1874. godine donesen Prvi školski zakon prema kojemu su učitelji dobili status državnih službenika. Tim im je zakonom osigurana plaća, imali su pravo koristiti stan u školskoj zgradi te su nakon trideset godina rada u učiteljskoj službi mogli u mirovinu. Drugi školski zakon,iz 1888. godine, smanjio je stečena prava učitelja. Novim zakonom plaće su im smanjene, radni je vijek produžen s trideset na četrdeset godina, a učiteljice, za razliku od učitelja, nisu smjele stupati u brak. Krajem 19. stoljeća učitelji osnivaju Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor koji se bavio pedagoškim radom. Na početku 20. stoljeća učitelji se bore za bolji položaj u društvu te za kvalitetnije obrazovanje. Crkva i politika i dalje su se miješale u školstvo te nametale svoje ideologije. Unatoč velikim očekivanjima i nadanjima do poboljšanja materijalnih uvjeta učitelja u novoj državi Kraljevini Jugoslaviji nije došlo. Početkom Drugoga svjetskog rata pred učitelje su stavljeni novi izazovi. Ratni neprijatelji često su upadali u škole te ih palili i uništavali, stoga su učitelji morali izvoditi nastavu u prirodi, šumi ili voćnjaku jer su školske učionice bile uništene. Brojni učitelji sudjelovali su u ratnim borbama i dijelili ratne strahote s narodom, a mnogi su i poginuli. Krajem Drugoga svjetskog rata formira se Federativna Narodna Republika Jugoslavija u kojoj je došlo do razvoja školstva, a uvedeno je i obvezno osmogodišnje obrazovanje. U tom je razdoblju, točnije 1945. godine, osnovan Sindikat prosvjetnih radnika. Učitelji su se osposobljavali u učiteljskim školama, na učiteljskim tečajevima te u višim pedagoškim školama, a danas se školuju na učiteljskim fakultetima diljem Republike Hrvatske te im studij traje pet godina. Iako je prošlo gotovo 150 godina od donošenja Prvoga školskog zakona, učitelji se i danas suočavaju s mnogim problemima. Niska plaća, preopterećenost administracijom, visoka očekivanja i pritisak od strane roditelja, premala sloboda u nastavi te velik broj učenika u razredu tek su neki od izazova učiteljske profesije. Standard učitelja znatno je niži u usporedbi sa standardom drugih zanimanja.Iako učitelji imaju važnu ulogu u društvu, njihov je društveni ugled vrlo nizak te se, uzimajući u obzir odgovornost koju snose, može zaključiti da su podcijenjeni. |
Abstract (english) | The First School Law in Croatia was passed in 1874. According to it, the teachers were given the status of state officials, their salary was guaranteed, they had the right to use the apartment in the school building and after 30 years of service as teachers, they had the right to retire. The Second School Law from 1888. reduced some of the teacher's rights. The new law reduced their salary, their working period was extended from 30 to 40 years, and unlike the male teachers, female teachers weren' t allowed to get married. At the end of the 19th century, the teachers founded the Croatian Pedagogical Literary Choir which was engaged in pedagogical work. At the beginning of the 20th century, the teachers were fighting for a better financial status in society and for better education. The church and politics were still interfeering in education and imposing their ideologies. Despite great expectations and hopes, the financial status of the teachers did not improve in the new state of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. At the begining of the Second World War, the teachers were faced with new challenges. The enemies often broke into schools, burnt and destroyed them, so the teachers had to have classes in the nature, forests or orchards, because their classrooms were destroyed. Many teachers took part in war combats, shared the horros of war with the people and a loto f them died. At the end of the Second World War, The Federative People' s Republic of Yugoslavia was formed and the educational system was developed. A compulsory eight – year education was introduced. In that period, in 1945, the Union of Educational Workers was founded. Teachers were trained in teacher schools, courses and higher pedagogic schools. Today they are trained at colleges throughout the Republic of Croatia for the duration of 5 years. Although almost 150 years have passed from the First Educational Law, teachers are still facing many problems. Low salaries, administration overload, high expectations and parent pressure, too little freedom in teaching, a large number of students in classrooms, are just some of the challenges the teachers are faced with. The standard of this profession is far away from the standard of other professions. Although the teachers have a great role in society, their reputation in society is very low and underestimated in comparison with the responsability they carry. |