Abstract | Dijete uz pomoć lutke spoznaje svijet oko sebe i ona ga potiče na kreiranje vlastitih misli. U životu djeteta ona ima veliku ulogu jer se dijete uz lutku opušta, uz pomoć nje dijete ulazi u svoj svijet mašte i može prikazati svoje unutarnje stanje. Lutka u dječjim rukama omogućuje djeci da budu ono što žele biti. Dijete ulazi u svijet mašte u kojem se opušta i može slobodno izraziti svoje osjećaje. Ima veliku važnost u razvoju govora, bogaćenju rječnika, usvajanju rutina, razvoju osjećaja sigurnosti. Uloga odgojitelja jest potaknuti dijete i pružiti mu priliku u kojoj može koristiti lutku te s njom kreirati svoje zamisli i biti ono što želi. Temu ovoga rada o ulozi lutke u ranom predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju izabrala sam kako bih prikazala važnost uloge lutke u djetetovu životu, koliki utjecaj ima u svim segmentima djetetova razvoja te kako dijete kroz igru lutkom razvija svoje vještine, potiče se na stvaralaštvo, kako se ističe dječja kreativnost, stvara pozitivno ozračje u kojem se dijete osjeća ugodno i slobodno, a putem projekta to ću i prikazati. U projektu su sudjelovala djeca starije vrtićke skupine. Cilj mi je bio upoznati djecu s različitim vrstama lutki te im omogućiti priliku za stjecanje novih iskustava u kojima će se moći slobodno izražavati. Cilj je stvoriti okruženje u kojem se dijete osjeća opušteno, može se slobodno izražavati te potaknuti djecu na izradu lutaka koje mogu svakodnevno koristiti. Projektom su se ostvarili zadani ciljevi i zadaci, kod djece je primijećen napredak u govoru, međusobnoj komunikaciji i interakciji te rješavanju problemskih situacija. Djeca počinju sve više pokazivati interes za lutkarske predstave, samoinicijativno započinju male lutkarske improvizacije i likovne aktivnosti u kojima sami izrađuju i kreiraju svoje lutkice. Djeca su u igri lutkama bila mnogo opuštenija, slobodnije su iznosila svoja razmišljanja i stavove, osobito djeca koja su inače bila sramežljiva i povučenija u odnosu na drugu djecu. Dolazila su do novih ideja, stvarala nove igre i predlagala nove aktivnosti. |
Abstract (english) | With the help of a doll, the child gets to know the world around him and it encourages him to create his own thoughts. It plays a big role in a child's life because the child relaxes with the doll, with its help the child enters the world of imagination and can show his inner state. A doll in a child's hands allows children to be who they want to be. The child enters a world of imagination where he relaxes and can freely express his feelings. It is of great importance in the development of speech, the enrichment of vocabulary, the adoption of routines, and the development of a sense of security. The role of the educator is to encourage and provide the child with the opportunity to use the doll, and with it create their own ideas and be what they want. I chose the topic of this work, the role of the doll in early preschool education, in order to show the importance of the role of the doll in the child's life, how much influence it has in all segments of the child's development, and how the child develops his skills through playing with the doll, is encouraged to be creative, and brings out the children's creativity , creates a positive atmosphere in which the child feels comfortable and free, and I will show that through the project. Children of the older kindergarten group participated in the project. My goal was to introduce children to different types of dolls and provide them with the opportunity to gain new experiences in which they will be able to express themselves freely. Create an environment where the child feels relaxed, can express himself freely, and encourage children to make dolls, which they can use every day. The project achieved the set goals and tasks, progress was noticed in the children's speech, mutual communication and interaction, solving problem situations. Children are starting to show more and more interest in puppet shows, on their own initiative they start small puppet improvisations and art activities in which they make and create their own puppets. Children were much more relaxed when playing with dolls, they expressed their thoughts and attitudes more freely, especially children who were normally shy and withdrawn compared to other children. They came up with new ideas and created new games and proposed new activities. |