Abstract | Razvoj morala kod djeteta važan je, jer utječe na njegovo ponašanje, sustav vrijednosti i način razmišljanja. Najvažniji utjecaj na razvoj morala (uz kognitivni razvoj) ima djetetova okolina. Jedan od čimbenika okoline s kojim se dijete susreće je i dječja književnost. U prošlosti, u dječjoj književnosti, učenju moralnih vrijednosti pristupalo se isključivanjem zabavnog i dječjeg sadržaja (dječji bontoni). Moderni pristup koristi zabavu i iskustva bliska djetetu da mu se približi, a poruke koje želi podučiti mlade čitatelje suptilno ugrađuje u književno djelo. Svojim djelom Harry Potter i Plameni pehar autorica J.K.Rowling postigla je upravo takvu ravnotežu između faktora zabave i moralnih lekcija. Unatoč skromnim počecima, svojim serijalom knjiga o Harryju Potteru postigla je veliki uspjeh i ostvarila veliki utjecaj na čitatelje širom svijeta. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati na koji je način autorica prikazala dobro i zlo, te kako taj prikaz utječe na čitatelja i njegovo iskustvo. Glavni pokretač radnje u Harryju Potteru i Plamenom peharu je borba između dobra i zla, a glavni simboli te borbe su Harry i Voldemort. Prikaz dobra i zla određen je karakterizacijom likova, prostorom i atmosferom, bojom kao i u načinu prikaza magije. Dobro se veže uz Harryja i njegov odnos s prijateljima, školu Hogwarts, sport i natjecanje, te korištenje magije u dobroj namjeri. Zlo je obilježeno Voldemortom i smrtonošama, te prirodom njihovog odnosa, tamnim znamenom, simbolom zmije i crnom bojom. Dobro i zlo u knjizi su prikazane kao dvije suprotnosti koje su ipak povezane jer bez jedne ne može se spoznati druga, baš kao dva lica iste kovanice. U prikazu odnosa dobra i zla, dobro mora žrtvovati dio sebe da bi prevladalo zlo. Knjiga čitatelja može potaknuti da promisli o važnost hrabrosti i nesebičnosti, ustrajnosti u svladavanju prepreka, te značenju zla i ulozi straha. |
Abstract (english) | Moral development in a child is important because it affects his behavior, value system and way of thinking. The most important influence on moral development, along with cognitive development, is the child's environment. Children's literature is one of the environmental factors that a child encounters. In the past, in children's literature, the learning of moral values was approached by excluding fun and children's experience (children's etiquette). The modern approach uses fun and experiences close to the child to get closer to them, and subtly incorporates the messages, it wants to teach young readers, into a literary work. With her work Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire author J.K.Rowling achieved such a balance between the entertainment factor and moral lessons. Despite her humble beginnings, she achieved great success with her series of Harry Potter books and made a great impact on readers around the world. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the author portrayed good and evil, and how that portrayal affects the reader and his experience. The main driver of the plot in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fight between good and evil, the main symbols of that fight are Harry and Voldemort. Depiction of good and evil is determined by the characterization of characters, space and atmosphere, color as well as the way magic is presented. Good is connected with Harry and his relationship with friends, Hogwarts, sports and competition, and the use of magic in good measure. Evil is marked by Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and the nature of their relationship, by the dark mark, the snake symbol, and the color black. Good and evil in the book are presented as two opposites that are nevertheless connected because one cannot know the one without other, just like two faces of the same coin. In the depiction of the relationship between good and evil, good must sacrifice a part of itself in order to overcome evil. The book can encourage readers to think about the importance of courage and selflessness, perseverance in overcoming obstacles, and the meaning of evil and the role of fear. |