Abstract | Artfulness predstavlja kreativni inspirativni proces unutar kojega su uključena sva naša osjetila, a istražuju nove materijale, prožimaju se s aktivnosti, redefiniraju njihovu svrhu te stvaraju jedinstven i originalan produkt. Djeca tijekom ovog suvremenog procesa u likovnosti mogu se spontano i slobodno izražavati različitim likovnim materijalima te ih spajati s drugim umjetnostima kao npr.glazbom, plesom, dramatizacijom, književnosti i modernim medijima. Jedna od važnijih karakteristika artfulness procesa je uronjenost u čin kreiranja kao i povezivanje sa samim sobom, svojim osjećajima, idejama i vizijama koje će nas inspirirati i motivirati u radu i istraživanju. Svrha ovog diplomskog rada je istražiti područje artfulnessa – novog pristupa u likovnosti te njegova implementacija u program vrtića. Na početku rada predstavljeni su pojmovi vezani uz artfulness, originalni likovni umjetnici te koncept suvremenog umjetničkog kurikuluma. U nastavku rada pobliže su prikazane inovativne tehnike i procesi u radu s djecom predškolske dobi, njihove izjave i radovi. Svako umjetničko djelo priča svoju priču, tj. tijekom rada i istraživanja artfulness pristupa, boja, simbolika boja i ritam u likovnosti i glazbi predstavljaju glavna sredstva rada. Implementacija ovakvog suvremenog programa od iznimne je važnosti, jer osim što potiče sva područja razvoja djeteta omogućava da djeca prožive svoje emocije, potpuno se prepuste procesu, osmišljavaju kreativna rješenja te kreiraju autentičan umjetnički stil. Ovaj rad napisan je s ciljem što boljeg razumijevanja artfulness pristupa te radi važnosti osvještavanja samog sebe, svojih mogućnosti koje će potaknuti stvaranje kreativnog originalnog likovnog djela. |
Abstract (english) | Artfulness represents a creative inspiring process in which all our senses are included, and they explore new materials, permeate themselves with activities, redefine their purpose and create a unique and original product. During this modern process in art, children can spontaneously and freely express themselves with different art materials and combine them with other arts such as music, dance, dramatization, literature and modern media. One of the most important characteristics of the artistry process is immersion in the act of creation as well as connecting with oneself, one's feelings, ideas and visions, which will inspire and motivate us in work and research. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the field of artistry - a new approach in art and its implementation in the kindergarten program. At the beginning of the paper, concepts related to artistry, original visual artists and the concept of contemporary art curriculum are presented. In the continuation of the paper, innovative techniques and processes in working with preschool children, their statements and works are presented in more detail. Each work of art tells its own story, i.e. during the work and research of the artistry approach, color, color symbolism and rhythm in art and music represent our main resources. The implementation of such a modern program is extremely important because, in addition to stimulating all areas of child development, it enables children to experience their emotions, fully surrender to the process, come up with creative solutions and create an authentic style. This work was written with the aim of better understanding the artistry approach and the importance of becoming aware of yourself, your possibilities, which will encourage the creation of a creative original work of art. |