Abstract | Djeca s poremećajem iz spektra autizma posebno su osjetljiva skupina, a čije su potrebe u društvu uglavnom neprepoznate. Naša je odgovornost raditi na što većoj inkluziji ove djece u redovne vrtićke programe, te da podižemo svijest o mogućnostima djece iz spektra autizma. U većini djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma postoje teškoće u komunikaciji, izostaje kontakt očima, te su prisutni repetitivni i stereotipni obrasci ponašanja. Kod ovog poremećaja najvažnija je rana i pravodobna intervencija, te točna dijagnostika. Dokazano je da pravilnim individualnim pristupom i ranom intervencijom u dječjem vrtiću ali i u okruženju vlastitog doma, predškolska djeca s poremećajima iz spektra autizma mogu uspješno učiti i napredovati. Odgojitelji svojim obrazovanjem stječu temeljne kompetencije za rad s djecom s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, ali kompetencije postižu kroz praksu i cjeloživotnu edukaciju, odnosno u neposrednom kontaktu s djecom. Motiviranost odgojitelja, njihov pozitivan stav prema inkluziji, dodatna edukacija i podrška cjelokupne zajednice, uvelike utječu na spremnost odgojitelja da se u svakodnevnom radu nose sa svim izazovima koje donosi rad u vrtićkim skupinama koje pohađaju djeca s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Kroz sudjelovanje u redovnom vrtićkom programu djeca iz spektra autizma imaju priliku razvijati komunikacijske vještine, socijalne, te emocionalno samopouzdanje, čime se pripremaju za što samostalniji život u zajednici. Vrlo je važno najprije analizirati karakteristike okruženja u kojem se dijete autističnog poremećaja nalazi, potom ih prilagoditi potrebama djeteta. Karakteristike djetetovog okruženja čini prostor u kojem boravi, uključujući didaktička sredstva i pomagala, interakciju s drugom djecom, odgojiteljev pristup, te svijest roditelja i spremnost na suradnju s odgojno- obrazovnom ustanovom. Sustavna podrška zajednice koja uključuje zdravstvene ustanove, stručnjake u području edukacijske rehabilitacije, odgojitelje te financijska podrška lokalne samouprave, izuzetno je važna za roditelje i djecu autističnog poremećaja . |
Abstract (english) | Children on the autism spectrum are a particularly sensitive group, and whose needs are mostly misunderstood in society, It is our responsibility to work for the greatest possible inclusion of these children in regular kindergarten programs, and to raise awareness of the possibilities of children on the autism spectrum. In most children with autism spectrum disorders, there are difficulties in communication, eye contact is absent, and repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior are present. With this disorder, the most important thing is early and timely intervention and accurate diagnosis. It has been proven that with a proper individual approach and early intervention in kindergarten but also in the environment of their own home, preschool children with autism spectrum disorders can learn and progress successfully. Through their education, educators acquire basic competencies for working with children with autism spectrum disorders, but they achieve these competencies through practice and lifelong education, that is, in direct contact with children. The motivation of educators, their positive attitude towards inclusion, additional education and the support of the entire community greatly influence the readiness of educators to deal with all the challenges that work in kindergarten groups attended by children with autism spectrum disorders in their daily work. Through participation in the regular kindergarten program, children on the autism spectrum have the opportunity to develop communication skills, social and emotional self-confidence, which prepares them for a more independent life in the community. It is very important to first analyze the characteristics of the environment in which a child with an autistic disorder is located, then adapt them to the child's needs. The characteristics of the child's environment are the space in which he stays, including didactic tools, interaction with other children, the educator's approach, and parents' awareness and willingness to cooperate with the educational institution. The systematic support of the community, which includes health institutions, experts in the field of educational rehabilitation, educators and financial support of the local self-government, is extremely important for parents and children with autistic disorder |