Title Fenomen apsolutnog sluha kod djece
Title (english) The phenomenon of absolute pitch in children
Author Lucija Prajdić
Mentor Jelena Blašković Galeković (mentor)
Committee member Svetlana Novaković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Prša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Blašković Galeković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-08-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music
Abstract Apsolutni sluh, sposobnost identifikacije ili reprodukcije određenog tona bez referentnog tona, predstavlja jedan od najfascinantnijih aspekata ljudske percepcije i muzikalnosti. Iako je rijedak među općom populacijom, apsolutni sluh je češći kod djece koja rano započnu formalno muzičko obrazovanje, osobito prije sedme godine života. Ovaj fenomen potiče mnoga istraživanja, jer otkriva značajne informacije o funkcionalnosti mozga, kognitivnim procesima i utjecaju okoline na razvoj muzikalnosti. Istraživanja apsolutnog sluha upućuju na nasljedne faktore, iako genetička predispozicija sama po sebi nije dovoljna. Okolina i rano glazbeno učenje također su od iznimne važnosti. Djeca koja su izložena strukturiranom glazbenom obrazovanju u ranim godinama imaju veću vjerojatnost za razvoj ove sposobnosti. Plastičnost mozga u ranom djetinjstvu bitna je za razvoj apsolutnog sluha. Neuroznanstvena istraživanja otkrila su da osobe s apsolutnim sluhom imaju specifične strukturne razlike u mozgu, uključujući povećanu aktivnost u lijevom planumu temporale, regiji povezanoj s procesiranjem zvuka i glazbom. Ovo sugerira da bi apsolutni sluh mogao biti rezultat specifičnih neuralnih organizacija koje omogućuju precizno kodiranje i prepoznavanje tonova. Osim genetskih i neurobioloških aspekata, kulturni i socijalni faktori također utječu na razvoj apsolutnog sluha. Na primjer, u kulturama gdje su tonalni jezici poput kineskog, veća je prevalencija apsolutnog sluha među tim stanovništvom. To podržava teoriju da stalna izloženost tonalnim razlikama u jeziku može pomoći u razvijanju ove sposobnosti. Fenomen apsolutnog sluha kod djece nudi jedinstven uvid u interakciju genetskih, neurobioloških i okolišnih faktora. Istraživanje ovog fenomena ne samo da pomaže u razumijevanju muzikalnosti i perceptivnih sposobnosti, već također može imati šire implikacije na obrazovne strategije. U konačnici, apsolutni sluh ostaje područje koje potiče mnoge znanstvene debate i nastavlja intrigirati istraživače širom svijeta.
Abstract (english) Absolute pitch, the ability to identify or reproduce a certain tone without a reference tone, represents one of the most fascinating aspects of human perception and musicality. Although rare in the general population, absolute hearing is more common in children who begin formal music education early, especially before the age of seven. This phenomenon stimulates a lot of research, because it reveals significant information about the functionality of the brain, cognitive processes and the influence of the environment on the development of musicality. Research on absolute pitch points to hereditary factors, although genetic predisposition alone is not sufficient. Environment and early musical learning are also extremely important. Children who are exposed to structured music education in the early years are more likely to develop this ability. Brain plasticity in early childhood is essential for the development of absolute hearing. Neuroscientific research has revealed that people with absolute hearing have specific structural differences in the brain, including increased activity in the left planum temporale, a region associated with sound processing and music. This suggests that absolute pitch may be the result of specific neural organizations that enable precise encoding and recognition of tones. In addition to genetic and neurobiological aspects, cultural and social factors also influence the development of absolute pitch. For example, in cultures where the languages are tonal like Chinese, there is a higher prevalence of absolute pitch among that population. This supports the theory that constant exposure to tonal differences in language can help develop this ability. The phenomenon of absolute pitch in children offers a unique insight into the interaction of genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors. Research into this phenomenon not only helps in understanding musicality and perceptual abilities, but may also have broader implications for educational strategies. Ultimately, absolute pitch remains an area that fuels much scientific debate and continues to intrigue researchers around the world.
apsolutni sluh
predškolski odgoj
Keywords (english)
absolute pitch
preschool education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:775515
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-11-04 10:47:01