Abstract | U današnje vrijeme s pojmom autizma se susrećemo u svakodnevnom životu. Ono što je nekad bilo nepoznato, nedovoljno istraženo te zanemarivano, danas je u velikoj mjeri u središtu pažnje stručnjaka te ostalih. Uzrok tome možemo pripisati sve bolji razvoj tehnologije koji omogućuje kvalitetnije obrazovanje stručnjaka za djecu i odrasle s poremećajima u ponašanju, veća dostupnost potrebne stručne literature, dostupnost usluga za djecu iz spektra autizma rane i predškolske dobi već u predškolskim ustanovama te kroz daljnji razvoj, centri za podršku osobama s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Ovaj završni rad bazira se na dostupnosti usluga za djecu iz spektra autizma rane i predškolske dobi iz perspektive studenata ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja gdje je naglasak na uslugama iz obrazovnog sustava. Studenti ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja su od prvog dana studiranja upoznati s pojmom autizma koji se kroz stručne predmete redovito istražuje, stoga mogu stvoriti percepciju o stanju usluga za djecu iz spektra autizma u okruženju u kojem se nalaze. Usluge za djecu s poremećajem iz spektra autizma rane i predškolske dobi dostupne su kroz zdravstveni, odgojno-obrazovni te socijalni sustav. Kako bi djetetu s poteškoćama u razvoju odgojno-obrazovne usluge bile korisne, od primarne važnosti je da odgojno-obrazovne ustanove slijede inkluzivnu politiku tj. da se provodi inkluzivno obrazovanje što znači da će se dijete obrazovati u skladu sa svojim potrebama, sposobnostima i interesima. Još uvijek velik dio odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova nema dovoljno usluga za djecu s poremećajima u ponašanju ili u potpunosti ne provodi inkluzivno obrazovanje gdje se djetetu uskraćuje mogućnost za kognitivnim, fizičkim te socijalnim napretkom koje ima pravo stjecati u odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi uz osobe stručno obrazovane za rad s djecom. U svrhu pisanja završnog rada na temu „Usluge za djecu iz spektra autizma rane i predškolske dobi iz perspektive studenata ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja“ provedena je anonimna anketa, gdje su, osim studenata RPOO te odgojitelja, ispitane i osobe drugih zvanja kako bi se što bolje usporedilo stanje informiranosti i način razmišljanja o dostupnosti usluga za djecu iz spektra autizma uspoređujući mišljenja studenata ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja, odgojitelja te osoba ostalih zvanja. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, we encounter the term autism in our everyday life. What was once unknown, insufficiently researched and neglected, today is largely in the center of attention of experts and others. The reason for this can be attributed to the ever-improving development of technology that enables better education of specialists for children and adults with behavioral disorders, the greater availability of the necessary professional literature, the availability of services for children with autism spectrum disorder of early and preschool age already in preschool institutions, and through further development, centers for support for people with an autism spectrum disorder. This final thesis is based on the availability of services for children with autism spectrum disorder in early and preschool age from the perspective of early and preschool education students, where the emphasis is on services from the educational system. Early and preschool education students are familiar with the concept of autism from the first day of their studies, which is regularly researched through professional courses, so they can create a perception of the state of services for children on the autism spectrum in the environment in which they find themselves. Services for children with early and preschool autism spectrum disorders are available through the health, educational and social systems. In order for a child with developmental difficulties to benefit from educational services, it is of primary importance that educational institutions follow an inclusive policy, i.e. that inclusive education is implemented, which means that the child will be educated in accordance with his needs, abilities and interests. A large number of educational institutions still do not have enough services for children with behavioral disorders or do not fully implement inclusive education, where the child is denied the opportunity for cognitive, physical and social progress that he has the right to acquire in an educational institution with persons professionally trained for work with children. For the purpose of writing the final paper on the topic "Services for children with autism spectrum disorder of early and preschool age from the perspective of early and preschool education students", an anonymous survey was conducted, where, in addition to early and preschool education students and educators, people from other professions were also questioned in order to better compared the state of information and the way of thinking about the availability of services for children with autism spectrum disorder by comparing the opinions of early childhood and preschool education students, educators and people from other professions. |