Title Povezanost samopoštovanja učenika sa suočavanjem s lošom ocjenom i školskim uspjehom
Author Tena Adžić
Mentor Tea Pavin Ivanec (mentor)
Committee member Tea Pavin Ivanec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Miljević-Riđički (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Jurčec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology School Psychology and the Psychology of Education
Abstract Uključivanjem u odgojno-obrazovni sustav škola postaje važno područje u kojem se djeca potvrđuju na različite načine, a samopoštovanje i školski neuspjeh mogu imati iznimno jak utjecaj na učenikovu osobnost, zdravlje, zadovoljstvo i život. Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kojim se strategijama suočavanja sa stresom zbog loše ocjene koriste učenici te vidjeti postoji li povezanost između tih strategija, samopoštovanja i školskog uspjeha. Istraživanje je provedeno u sedmom i osmom razredu osnovne škole, a ispitana su 52 učenika. Za istraživanje strategija suočavanja sa stresom zbog loše ocjene korišten je prilagođeni upitnik „Strategije suočavanja sa stresom zbog loše ocjene u školi“ (Brdar i Rijavec, 1997), a za mjerenje samopoštovanja Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja (RSE, Rosenberg, 1965). Analizom su izdvojene četiri strategije suočavanja sa stresom zbog loše ocjene: zaboravljanje, samookrivljavanje, rješavanje problema i ljutnja. Rezultati su pokazali da su učenici najviše skloni strategiji rješavanja problema, zatim (u manjoj mjeri) koriste strategiju zaboravljanja i samookrivljavanja, a najmanje reagiraju ljutnjom. Rezultati su pokazali negativnu korelaciju između učeničkog samopoštovanja i samookrivljavanja kao načina suočavanja sa stresom zbog loše ocjene. Dakle, učenici koji su skloniji samookrivljavanju imaju i niže procjene samopoštovanja. Analiza podataka pokazala je da ostali načini suočavanja sa stresom zbog loše ocjene nisu značajno povezani s procjenom samopoštovanja. Pokazalo se i da su učenici koji imaju niže samopoštovanje skloniji lošu ocjenu pripisati vlastitom nedostatku sposobnosti učenja. Razina samopoštovanja nije se pokazala povezanom niti s jednom ocjenom, a dodatno je provjereno postoje li razlike između učenika s obzirom na to kako procjenjuju da im učenje ide u odnosu na ostale učenike. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da učenici koji procjenjuju da im učenje ide lošije nego ostalima se u manjoj mjeri, u odnosu na ostale, s lošom ocjenom suočavaju usmjeravanjem na rješavanje problema, u većoj mjeri pripisuju lošu ocjenu vlastitom nedostatku sposobnosti učenja te imaju niže samopoštovanje.
Abstract (english) When children enter the educational system, school becomes an important context in which they are affirmed in different ways, and self-esteem as well as school failure can have a significant impact on the pupil's personality, health, satisfaction, and life. The aim of this research was to identify which strategies of coping with stress caused by poor grade are used by pupils and to examine the correlation between these strategies, self-esteem and school success. The research was conducted in seventh and eighth grade of primary school and 52 pupils participated. Adjusted questionnaire "Coping with stress caused by poor grade" (Brdar and Rijavec, 1997) was used for determining strategies of coping with poor grade, and Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale (RSE, Rosenberg, 1965) was used to measure pupils' self-esteem The analysis revealed four strategies for coping with stress caused by poor grade: forgetting, self-blame, problem solving and anger. Pupils are mostly prone to problem solving strategy, somewhat less to the use of strategies of forgetting and self-blame, and at least to anger as a coping strategy. The results revealed a negative correlation between pupils’ selfesteem and self-blame as a strategy of coping with stress caused by poor grade. It has also been shown that pupils, who are more inclined to self-blame, have a lower selfesteem. Data analysis indicated that other strategies of coping with stress caused by poor grade are not significantly related to pupils' self-esteem. It has also been shown that pupils who have lower self-esteem tend to ascribe poor grade to their own lack of ability to learn, and the level of self-esteem was not related to pupils’ grades. Finally, it is analysed whether there are differences between pupils’ estimation of their learning ability in relation to others. Results indicated that pupils who estimate that they are less able to learn than others are also less prone to the use of problem-solving strategy and they tend to attribute poor grades to the lack of their capability to learn and also have a lower self-esteem.
neuspjeh u školi
strategije suočavanja s lošom ocjenom
školski pojam o sebi
Keywords (english)
school failure
strategies of coping with poor grade
school self-concept
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:891899
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
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Created on 2019-04-23 15:12:50