Title Razvoj fine motorike i govora kod djece rane i predškolske dobi
Title (english) Development of Fine Motor Skills and Speech of Preschool Children
Author Melania Filipović
Mentor Vladimira Velički (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Blaženka Bačlija Sušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-10-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Poznato je kako razvoj motorike započinje još dok je dijete u majčinoj utrobi, a i sva druga osjetila započinju sa svojim funkcijama. Među njima je i sluh, na čiji razvoj znatno utječu vanjski zvukovi koji dopiru do djeteta, naročito zvuk majčina glasa. Vodeći se važnim sastavnicama koje prate dječji razvoj, ovaj rad objašnjava razvoj jezičnoga govora i s time povezanoga razvoja fine motorike, naročito grafomotorike kod djece rane i predškolske dobi. Važne odrednice karakteristične za praćenje razvoja govora djeteta su navedene prema određenoj dobi u kojoj se dijete nalazi. Na isti način se navode i razvojne karakteristike koje se tiču razvoja fine motorike te s time u skladu način držanja olovke kod djece, položaj papira dok crtaju ili pišu te položaj tijela koji mnogo govore o određenim psihološkim činjenicama funkcioniranja određenog djeteta. Iz toga je moguće spoznati otvorenost djeteta za vršnjačke odnose te otvorenost u interakciji i komunikaciji s odraslima kao i rješavanje sukoba te ophođenje s izazovima s kojima se dijete svakodnevno susreće. Nadalje, rad prati na koji način su razvoj fine motorike i govora povezani, a to je objašnjeno nakon promatranja skupine djece (25 djece), njihovih međusobnih interakcija, te sagledano iz načina pristupu prema igri i istraživanju. Uočeno je i ponašanje te odnos prema tehnološkim uređajima koji prate djecu u sazrijevanju te ponašanja uočena iz odnosa s roditeljima. Rezultati istraživanja (promatranja) pokazuju veliki utjecaj tehnologije na razvoj jezičnoga govora kod djece, a na taj način i na razvoj fine motorike, što se pokazalo usko povezano u brojnim prijašnjim istraživanjima, a tako i u ovome slučaju. Djeca koja imaju siromašan vokabular, slabije se uključuju u likovne aktivnosti i aktivnosti koje od njih zahtjevaju veću upotrebu koncentracije, mirnije sjedenje za stolom i istraživanja u stolno – manipulativnom centru, dok su djeca koja često svoje vrijeme provode crtajući, slikajući ili modelirajući u likovnome centru uspješnija u uspostavljanju odnosa s vršnjacima, sukobe rješavaju mirnim putem upotrebljavajući svoje govorne sposobnosti te pokazuju zanimanje za slikovnice, knjige, enciklopedije pa i za pisanje slova i brojeva (starija djeca) u centru za početno čitanje i pisanje. Prema navedenim saznanjima je moguće zaključiti koliko su razvoj govora i razvoj fine motorike neizostavni jedno za drugo te koliko njihov razvoj utječe na ostale aspekte dječjega razvoja.
Abstract (english) It is known that child motor skills development starts during the pregnancy, and all the other senses begin with its functions. Among them is hearing whose development is significantly influenced by external sounds reaching to the child, especially the voice of his mother. Following the important components of child development, this work explains development of child speech and fine motor skills, especially writting skills of preschool children. Most important determinents characteristic for following child speech development are stated by child's age. In the same way, developmental features related to the development of fine motor skills, keeping the pencil in the child's way, position of the paper while drawing or writing, and position of the body that shows a lot about certain psychological facts of the functioning of a particular child. From this it is possible to conclude the child's openness to peer relationships and openness in interaction and communication with adults as well as conflict resolution and addressing the challenges that child is encountering on a daily basis. In addition, the work follows how fine motor skills and speech are related, and this is explained after observing the group of children (25 children), their interplay of interactions, seen from the approaches to play and exploration. Behavior and attitude towards technological devices that accompany children in the maturation of these behaviors observed in their relationship with their parents were also noted. Research results show a great influence of technology on children speech development, and thus on the development of fine motor skills, which has been closely linked to many previous researches, and even in this case. Children who have a poor vocabulary are less involved in the art activities and activities that require greater use of concentration, quieter seating at the desk and research in the manipulation center, and children who often spend their time drawing, painting or modeling in the art center are more successfull in establishing relationships with peers, resolves their conflicts peacefully through the use of speech skills and show interest in picture books, books, encyclopaedia and writing letters and numbers (older children) at the center for initial reading and writing. According to the above, it is possible to conclude that the development of speech and development of fine motor skills are indispensable for each other and how their development affects other aspects of child development.
fina motorika
Keywords (english)
fine motor skills
writing skills
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:298803
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
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Created on 2019-05-03 12:38:47