Title Najčešće virusne bolesti djece rane i predškolske dobi
Author Sabina Kolenda
Mentor Marija Hegeduš-Jungvirth (mentor)
Committee member Marija Hegeduš-Jungvirth (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Lapat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darinka Kiš-Novak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Virusi uzrokuju mnoge zarazne bolesti u čovjeka. Boravkom u dječjim kolektivima djeca su u kontaktu sa vršnjacima zbog čega postoji i veća izloženost izvorima zaraze uzročnicima na koje su djeca manje otporna i njihov je imuni sustav još u razvoju. Prodiranje patogenih mikroorganizama u stanice ili tkiva organizma u kojima se umnažaju i uzrokuju veću ili manju štetu, nazivamo infekcijom. Nakon infekcije slijedi razdoblje inkubacije, tj. vrijeme koje je virusu potrebno da se umnoži u stanicama. Posljedice, odnosno simptomi bolesti najčešće su vidljivi nakon razdoblja inkubacije. Za neke bolesti inkubacija može biti vrlo kratka, dok za neke može trajati godinama. Virusne infekcije češće se javljaju u zimskim mjesecima kada je otpornost respiratornih sluznica slabija, djeca više vremena provode na toplom i nedovoljno se provjetravaju prostorije. Neke od najčešćih virusnih bolesti djece koja polaze vrtić su: rotavirus, vodene kozice, gripa, obična prehlada, akutni bronhitis, virusni konjuktivitis, bolest usta, šaka i stopala. Čestice virusa mogu se prenositi putem zraka (kapljično), izravnim dodirom koji uključuje kontakt dviju osoba dodirom kože ili sluznice te neizravnim kontaktom sa kontaminiranim predmetima. Iako se vrlo često primjenjuju u liječenju, antibiotici nemaju nikakav učinak u virusnim infekcijama. Kod virusnih bolesti je dovoljno simptomatsko liječenje. Glavni cilj ovog rada jest prepoznavanje simptoma pojedinih virusnih bolesti i prevencija u odgojno obrazovnim ustanovama. Preventivne mjere koje je važno provoditi u vrtiću jesu: održavanje osobne higijene, redovito čišćenje prostora i opreme te dezinfekcija korištenih predmeta i površina, zdravstveni odgoj zaposlenih u vrtiću, kao i roditelja, cijepljenje djece protiv zaraznih bolesti, izolacija bolesnika, prozračivanje prostorija u kojima djeca borave, češće provođenje na svježem zraku i šetnje, itd. Prema brojnim istraživanjima utvrđeno je da dojena djeca manje obolijevaju od upala dišnih, probavnih, mokraćnih putova te upala srednjeg uha.
Abstract (english) Viruses are the cause of many infectious diseases. Spending their time in groups with their peers, children are more exposed to infections while their immune system is still in development and children are less resistant. The definition of an infection is the invasion of an organism’s cells or tissues by pathogens which then multiply and cause minor or serious damage. What follows after the onset of infection is a period of incubation, i.e. the time a virus needs to multiply in cells. The consequences, i.e. symptoms of a disease are most commonly visible after the period of incubation. For some diseases the incubation is short, while for the others it can last for years. Virus infections are most common in winter months when the resistance of the respiratory epithelium is weaker, children spend more time in heated places while the rooms are insufficiently ventilated. Some of the most common virus diseases among kindergarten children are: Rotavirus, chicken pox, flu, cold, acute bronchitis, virus conjunctivitis, HFMD (hand, foot, mouth disease). Virus particles can be transmitted through the air, direct physical contact (skin contact or epithelial cells) or indirect contact of a person with contaminated objects. Although antibiotics are very commonly used in treating those diseases, they do not have any effect on virus infections. With those kind of diseases, symptomatic treatment suffices. The main objective of this paper is to identify the symptoms of some virus diseases and their prevention in educational institutions. It is important to take the following preventive measures: maintain personal hygiene, regularly clean the space and equipment, disinfect the used items and surfaces, provide health education for kindergarten employees and children's parents, vaccinate children, isolate those already infected, air the rooms, spend more time outdoors, go for a walk etc. According to many studies it is established that breastfed children are less likely to suffer from respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases and infections of urinary tract and middle ear.
virusne bolesti
simptomatsko liječenje
preventivne mjere
Keywords (english)
virus diseases
symptomatic treatment
preventive measures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:910177
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-09-27 07:35:20