Title Proces tranzicije iz vrtića u školu
Author Ivana Vukoja
Mentor Anka Jurčević Lozančić (mentor)
Committee member Anka Jurčević Lozančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Edita Rogulj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Basta (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Pedagogy and Didactics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Prijelaz iz vrtića u školu jedna je od najvećih promjena u životu djeteta. Ono ulazi u novi, njemu neistraženi svijet, čime dolazi do raznih socioemocionalnih i drugih promjena, a na njegovoj užoj okolini je da ga na tu tranziciju pripremi i olakša mu proći kroz nju. Djeca imaju različite percepcije škole, što ovisi o okolini, odnosno pristupu prema djetetu i njegovim stečenim informacijama o nadolazećim promjenama koje sa sobom nosi polazak školu. U zadnjoj godini boravka djeteta u ustanovi za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, dijete prolazi procjenu stručnog povjerenstva koje ocjenjuje njegovu psihofizičku spremnost za polazak u školu. Boravkom u vrtiću dijete se priprema na školu te ga odgojitelj svojim aktivnostima, poticajima i igrama potiče na rast i holistički razvoj. Samim time, odgojitelj priprema dijete za buduće izazove i promjene, potičući ga na prihvaćanje sebe i ostalih članova odgojno-obrazovne skupine. Kurikulum ustanove omogućuje djetetu izražavanje vlastitog mišljenja, socijaliziranje te prihvaćanje životnih uspjeha i neuspjeha. Jedan od čimbenika uspješnog prijelaznog razdoblja iz vrtića u školu svakako je i suradnja obitelji, vrtića i škole. Odnos između odgojitelja i roditelja trebao bi biti suradnički, dobronamjeran, sa ciljem što lakšeg prijelaza djeteta iz vrtića u školu, ali i poboljšanja dosadašnje prakse radi budućih generacija. Izgradnja odnosa ovoga tipa zahtjeva ulaganje truda svih sudionika, stoga ne čudi da u hrvatskoj praksi ovaj oblik suradnje nije zastupljen u onoj mjeri u kojoj bi trebao biti. Posljedica toga vidljiva je u pojavi loše komunikacije između djelatnika vrtića i škole što dovodi do određenih nejasnoća, nepripremljenosti i na kraju krajeva i stresnog razdoblja upisa u školu. Ipak, prateći djetetov razvoj, individualiziranim pristupom i poticanjem stjecanja određenih kompetencija u vrtiću te suradnjom članova djetetove zajednice, moguće je uspješno započeti djetetovo školovanje i tako osigurati uspješno daljnje obrazovanje.
Abstract (english) The transition from kindergarten to school is one of the biggest changes that children experience in their life. This means entering a new and unexplored world, which leads to a number of social and emotional changes in a child’s life. Therefore, it is the parents’ responsibility to prepare their children for this central transition as well as to ensure that they go through it without difficulties. Consequently, all children have different perceptions on the subject of school, which depends on their surrounding and the approach that others have towards the child. Additionally, their perception is also a result of the information that they have acquired regarding possible changes that they might experience while starting school. Furthermore, in the last year of preschool education, all children undertake an assessment done by the expert committee, who evaluate the child’s psychophysical ability and readiness to start school. The preschool teacher prepares and conducts different activities and games, which encourage growth and holistic development of children. Thus, the teacher prepares the children for future challenges that they might encounter in this transitional period, while encouraging them to accept themselves and other members of the educational group. Most importantly, the curriculum of the institute is crucial due to the fact that it allows children to state their own opinion, socialize and learn how to accept and deal with success and failure. In addition, one of the main factors of a successful transition from kindergarten to school is the cooperation between the family, kindergarten and school. The relationship between the parents and the teacher should be based on cooperation and good intention with the aim of facilitating the transition of the child from kindergarten to school as well as improving the practices for future generations. However, building this type of relationship requires determination from all sides, which is not visible to the extent that it should be in Croatia. The main reason behind this is visible from poor communication between the kindergarten staff and the school, which results in uncertainty, unpreparedness and a stressful enrollment of a child in school. Most importantly, acquiring certain competencies should be encouraged as well as a positive cooperation between the members of the child’s community. Therefore, it is crucial to observe the child’s development with an individual approach in order to ensure that a child continues further education successfully.
prijelaz u školu
Keywords (english)
preschool teacher
transition to school
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:275594
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2019-10-02 09:13:03