Title Bioetički aspekti samohranog roditelja
Title (english) Bioetical Aspects of Single Parenthood
Author Dea Murlin
Mentor Katica Knezović (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Cvikić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Velički (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katica Knezović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-04-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Philosophy of Bioethics
Abstract Svake se godine povećava broj samohranih roditelja, a fenomen samohranog roditeljstva u odgoju se shvaća ozbiljno, jer su samohrani roditelji i njihova djeca društveno ugrožena i osjetljiva skupina. Samohrani roditelj smatra se rizičnim činiteljem u nastajanju problema u ponašanju i psihološkim problemima djece i adolescenata. Najčešće su to veći školski neuspjeh, učestalija uporaba droge i alkohola, više problema u ponašanju i lošiji odnosi s osobama suprotnog spola. Svaki uzrok samohranog
... More roditeljstva ima svoje specifičnosti i različito utječe na stilove života samohranih roditelja i njihove djece. Prilagođavanje novim životnim uvjetima nakon raspada obitelji nije toliko povezano sa samom strukturom obitelji koliko s obiteljskim odnosima. Birokracija i loši programi potpore države koji postoje za „socijalne slučajeve“, a nisu prilagođeni specifičnim potrebama samohranih roditelja, još su jedan problem u životu samohranih roditelja. Uz financijska prava, centri za socijalnu skrb pružaju i druge oblike pomoći, kao što je besplatno savjetovanje i pomaganje u prevladavanju posebnih teškoća za samohrane roditelje i njihovu djecu. Grupe za samopomoć mogu poboljšati kvalitetu življenja samohranih roditelja, njihove djece i okoline te ih poticati na pozitivne promjene i olakšati sučeljavanje s problemima. Od presudne je važnosti uspostaviti i održavati kvalitetnu komunikaciju u obitelji, izbjegavati ili na adekvatan, dosljedan i kompetentan način rješavati sukobe i koristiti se poželjnim i odgojno prihvatljivim postupcima. Svaki deseti roditelj među najvećim teškoćama samohranog roditeljstva spontano navodi nerazumijevanje okoline, odnosno iskazivanje negativnih stavova i stereotipa prema njima kao samohranim roditeljima, što ukazuje na manjak senzibilnosti društva. U bioetičkom diskursu pojam senzibiliteta opisuje naglašenu osjetljivost prema okolini, implicira moralno reflektirano odnošenje prema ljudskoj egzistenciji i drugim živim bićima, sadrži prosvjetiteljsku naklonost prema slabijima i nezaštićenima, ali i otvara nove horizonte na liniji „starih“ pojmova poštovanja, ljubavi i suosjećanja. Bioetički senzibilitet tako se javlja kao bitna sastavnica humanosti uz visoku razinu poštovanja, ponovno pronalazeći svoje mjesto pored „hladne“ racionalnosti. Cilj ovog završnog rada je sagledati bioetičke aspekte samohranog roditeljstva, a pitanje nije samo što bioetika, u teorijskom smislu, može zapitati, artikulirati i odgovoriti, nego i što bioetika može praktički učiniti. Less
Abstract (english) Every single year increases the number of single parents, and the phenomenon of single parenthood in upbringing is perceived seriously, as single parents and their children are vulnerable and vulnerable groups. A single parent is considered to be a risky factor in the emergence of behavioral problems and psychological problems of children and adolescents. Most often, this is a greater school failure, more frequent use of drugs and alcohol, more behavioral problems, and poorer relationships
... More with people of the opposite sex. Each cause of single parenthood has its specifics and affects differently the lifestyles of single parents and their children. Adapting to new living conditions after the breakup of the family is not so much related to the very structure of the family as to family relationships. Bureaucracy and poor state aid programs that exist for “social cases” and are not tailored to the specific needs of single parents are still a problem in the lives of self-confident parents. With financial rights, the Centers for Social Welfare provide other forms of assistance, such as free counselling and helping to overcome special difficulties for single parents and their children. Self-help groups can improve the quality of life of single parents, their children, and the environment, and encourage them to make positive changes and make it easier to deal with problems. It is crucial to establish and maintain quality communication in the family, to avoid or to adequately, consistently and competently resolve the conflicts and to use them with desirable and educationally acceptable procedures. Each tenth parent, among the greatest difficulties of single parenthood, spontaneously states the lack of understanding of the environment, respectively the expression of negative attitudes and stereotypes towards them as single parents, indicating the lack of sensibility of society. In the bioethical discourse, the notion of sensitivity describes a pronounced sensitivity to the environment, implies a morally reflected attitude toward human existence and other living beings, encompasses enlightenment towards the weaker and unprotected, but also opens new horizons on the line of “old” concepts of respect, love and compassion. Bioethical sensitivity thus appears to be an essential component of humanity with a high level of respect, re-finding its place beside “cold” rationality. The aim of this final work is to look at the bioethical aspects of single parenting, and the question is not just what bioethics can, in theoretical sense, ask, articulate and answer, but also what bioethics can do practically. Less
samohrano roditeljstvo
Keywords (english)
single parenting
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:040129
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
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Created on 2020-07-06 09:08:01