Title Partnerstvo odgojitelja i roditelja djeteta s posebnim potrebama
Title (english) The Partnership of Educators and Parents of Children with Special Needs
Author Matea Klarić
Mentor Anka Jurčević-Lozančić (mentor)
Mentor Sanja Basta (sumentor)
Committee member Anka Jurčević Lozančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Basta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Edita Rogulj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Roditeljstvo je jako zahtjevna uloga, čak i onda kad protječe u najugodnijim okolnostima. Roditeljstvo djece s posebnim potrebama pred obitelj postavlja mnogo novih pitanja (Daniels i Stafford, 2003). Prema Directgovu (2009) termin posebne odgojno-obrazovne potrebe odnose se na “djecu koja imaju teškoće u učenju ili poremećaje zbog čega teže uče ili se obrazuju nego većina djece iste dobi”. Naziv posebne odgojno-obrazovne potrebe (special education needs) nije nov; dugo godina bio je korišten za opis učenika koji su imali poteškoća u učenju (Thompson 2010). Članovi obitelji mogu biti važni partneri u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Što je najvažnije oni mogu dati informacije o djetetu općenito te značajne podatke o djetetovim posebnim potrebama. Osobe koje rade s djecom odgovorne su da podupiru razvoj i učenje sve djece u svojoj sredini, uključujući i one koji imaju posebne potrebe (Kostelnik, Onaga, Rhode, Whiren 2002). Na djecu usmjerena praksa nastala je na temelju uvjerenja da je obitelj djetetov prvi i primarni odgojitelj. Rad s djecom s posebnim potrebama i njihovim vršnjacima pomaže odgojiteljima da definiraju pojedine manjkavosti stilova učenja, individualne mogućnosti djece i specifične potrebe u učenju pojedine djece. Odgojitelji takvim radom razvijaju sposobnost za prijateljski pristup djeci koja imaju teškoće pri radu. Osnovni cilj suradnje roditelja i odgojitelja je svakako dobrobit djeteta u svim aspektima njegova razvoj. Potrebno je djelovati posredno ili neposredno na unaprjeđivanje kvalitete života djeteta u obitelji, instituciji, te postizanje kontinuiteta u odgoja kako bi potaknuli djetetov cjelokupni razvoj. Međuljudski odnosi kako u odgojnoj skupini tako u odnosu s roditeljima vrlo su važni za zdrav i kvalitetan odnos (Gluščić, Pustaj 2008). Kad roditelji, odgojitelji i učitelji te stručni suradnici surađuju, svaki dio tog tima daje svoj doprinos uspješnosti i učinkovitosti rada s djecom (Daniels i Stafford, 2003).
Abstract (english) Parenting is a very demanding role, even when flows in the most comfortable circumstances. Parenting children with special needs raises many new questions for family (Daniels and Stafford, 2003). According to Directgov (2009) the term special educational needs refers to "children who have learning difficulties or disorders causing difficulty to learn or be educated than most children of the same age." Name of special educational needs is not new; for many years it was used to describe students who had learning difficulties (Thompson, 2010). Family members can be important partners in the educational process. Most importantly they can provide information about the child in general and relevant information about the child's special needs. People who work with children are responsible to support the development and learning of all children in their communities, including those who have special needs (Kostelnik, Onaga, Rhode, whir 2002). Children focused practice builds on the belief that the family is the child's first and primary educator. Working with children with special needs and their peers helps educators to define certain deficiencies learning styles, individual capabilities of children and the specific learning needs of individual children. Educators develop the ability for friendly access to children who have difficulties at work. The main goal of the cooperation of parents and educators is certainly well-being of the child in all aspects of its development. It is necessary to act directly or indirectly for the improvement of the quality of child`s life in the family, the institution and the continuum of education to encourage a child's overall development. Human relations in the educational group are compared the parents as very important for a healthy and quality relationship (Gluščić, Pustaj 2008). When parents, educators, teachers and professional associates work together, each part of the team is making its contribution to the success and effectiveness of work with children (Daniels and Stafford, 2003).
posebne potrebe
Keywords (english)
special needs
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:823591
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-07-06 09:30:53