Abstract | Hrvatska dječja književnost o ratu dijeli se na dva tematska kruga, to su Drugi svjetski rat i Domovinski rat. Rat se u dječjim romanima javlja dosta kasno zbog same problematike, odnosno rat je dugo u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti bio shvaćen kao tabu tema i zbog toga nije imao mjesta u dječjoj književnosti. Dugo se smatralo kako temama poput rata, seksualnosti, nasilja nije mjesto u dječjoj književnosti jer su djeca nezrela za takve teme. Uključivanjem takvih tema u hrvatsku dječju književnost briše se tadašnja cenzura i jasno se počinje progovarati o društvenim problemima koji okružuju djecu. Domovinski rat dio je novije hrvatske povijesti i svakako je uzrok stvaranju brojnih djela s tematikom rata kako bi se tadašnja stvarna zbivanja prenijela na papir i ostala trajno zapamćena. Veliki književni opus ratnih djela namijenjen je djeci. Glavni junaci tih djela su dječji likovi. Djeca su u tim romanima najčešće žrtve rata, jer ih rat tjera da ranije odrastu i oduzima im pravo na bezbrižno i sretno djetinjstvo. Oni nerijetko iznose svoje viđenje, tj. pisci opisuju rat kroz dječje oči, pa tako imamo djela koja su primarno okrenuta sazrijevanju djeteta kroz rat (Ubili su mi kuću, Strah me, mama, Mali ratni dnevnik, Želiš li vidjeti bijele labudove?, Marijina tajna). S druge strane, postoje djela koja rat predstavljaju kao svojevrsnu pustolovnost gdje djeca imaju odlike hrabrosti i odgovornosti (Bijeg u košari, Čuvari amfora, Kanjon opasnih igara, Ivin Vučko), kao i djela koja rat prikazuju kroz fantastične elemente (Božićna bajka, Smogovci u ratu, Gdje izvire potok, Čuvarice novih krovova, Dimnjačar i bijela golubica, Od rata do zvijezda, Koko u Kninu, Crobinhoodovi, Krik). |
Abstract (english) | Croatian children's literature on war is divided into two thematic circles, the Second World War and the Croatian War of Independence. War appears in children's novels quite late because of the problem itself, that is, war has long been understood as a taboo topic in Croatian children's literature and therefore had no place in children's literature. It has long been thought that topics such as war, sexuality, violence have no place in children's literature because children are immature for such topics. The inclusion of such topics in Croatian children's literature erases the censorship of the time and clearly begins to talk about the social problems that surround children. The Croatian War of Independence is a part of recent Croatian history and is certainly the cause of the creation of numerous works with the theme of war in order to transfer the real events of that time to paper to remain permanently remembered. A large literary opus of war books is intended for children. The main characters of these books are children's characters. In these novels, children are most often victims of war, because war forces them to grow up earlier and deprives them of the right to a carefree and happy childhood. They often express their views, that writers describe through children's eyes, so we have works that are primarily aimed at maturing a child through war (They killed my house, I'm scared, Mom, Little War Diary, Do you want to see white swans ?, Mary's secret). On the other hand, there are works that present the war as a kind of adventure where children have the qualities of courage and responsibility (Escape in a basket, Guardians of amphorae, Canyon of Dangerous Games, Ivin Vucko), as well as works that depict war through fantastic elements (Christmas fairy tale, Smogovci in war, Where the stream springs, Guardians of new roofs, Chimney sweep and white dove, From war to the stars, Koko in Knin, Crobinhoods, Scream). |