Abstract | Obrazovanje uključujući i studij je jedno od važnijih životnih područja za studente u kojem se susreću s brojnim izazovima, uspjesima i neuspjesima zbog čega studenti mogu osjećati zadovoljstvo odnosno nezadovoljstvo. Studij samim time utječe i na dobrobit studenata koja se pojavljuje kao jedno od središnjih termina u pozitivnoj psihologiji. Općenito se dobrobit poistovjećuje sa srećom, a definira se kao optimalno psihološko funkcioniranje osobe. Studenti na studiju mogu doživjeti i akademski procvat ili akademsko sagorijevanje što se može odraziti i na njihovo zadovoljstvo studijem i dobrobit, ali i na njihovo životno zadovoljstvo i psihološki procvat općenito. S obzirom na zahtjeve studija, uspjehe i neuspjehe, dobrobit studenata i njihovo zadovoljstvo studijem tijekom godina studija se mijenja.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je ispitati razlike u zadovoljstvu studijem i općoj dobrobiti kod studenata različitih godina studija te u kojoj mjeri prosjek ocjena, zadovoljstvo studijem, akademski psihološki procvat i akademsko sagorijevanje doprinose životnom zadovoljstvu i psihološkom procvatu studenata. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 532 studenta Učiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu od kojih je 110 studenata sa 1. godine studija, 108 studenata sa 2. godine studija, 104 studenta sa 3. godine studija, 119 studenata sa 4. godine studija i 91 student sa 5. godine studija. Rezultati su pokazali da akademska dobrobit s godinama studija pada, a opća dobrobit studenata tijekom studija ostaje ista. Potvrđeno je i da studenti viših godina studija imaju i veće razine akademskog sagorijevanja, ali i niže razine akademskog procvata. Što se tiče prediktora životnog zadovoljstva i psihološkog procvata jedini značajni pozitivni prediktor i zadovoljstva životom i psihološkog procvata je akademski psihološki procvat. Studenti koji imaju veću razinu akademskog psihološkog procvata imaju veće životno zadovoljstvo i veći opći psihološki procvat. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da je akademsko sagorijevanje negativan prediktor i životnog zadovoljstva i psihološkog procvata. |
Abstract (english) | Education and the academic studies are one of the important parts in students’ life in which students face numerous challenges, accomplishments and failures, which can make students feel satisfied or dissatisfied. The academic studies affect the students’ wellbeing, the central term in positive psychology. Wellbeing is generally equalized with happiness, and it is defined as an optimal psychological functioning of a person. During the academic studies, students can experience academic flourishing or academic burnout, which can have an impact on their satisfaction with the studies and wellbeing, but it can also have an impact on their satisfaction with life or psychological flourishing in general. Depending on the demands of the academic studies, accomplishments and failures, the students’ wellbeing and satisfaction with the academic studies change during the academic years.
The aim of this research was to test the difference between the satisfaction with the academic studies and the general wellbeing of students according to the years of the academic studies. It was also important to see in which measure do the grade average, satisfaction with the academic studies, academic psychological flourishing and academic burnout contribute to satisfaction with life and psychological flourishing. The sample consisted of 532 students of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb; 110 were first-year students, 108 were second-year students, 104 were third-year students, 119 were fourth-year students, and 91 were fifth-year students. The results showed that the level of academic wellbeing falls with the years of the studies, while the general wellbeing stays the same. It is concluded that the students of higher years of study have higher levels of academic burnout, but also lower levels of the academic flourishing. When it comes to the predictor of satisfaction with life and psychological flourishing, it is concluded that the academic psychological flourishing is the only positive and significant predictor of satisfaction with life and psychological flourishing. The students who have a higher rate of the academic psychological flourishing are more satisfied with their lives and have a better general psychological flourishing. The results showed that the academic burnout is a negative predictor of both, satisfaction with life and psychological flourishing. |