Title Kiparsko oblikovanje; kreativne igre glinom
Title (english) Sculpture Design: Creative Games With Clay
Author Petra Kocman
Mentor Kristina Horvat Blažinović (mentor)
Committee member Ljubomir Levačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Horvat Blažinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrija Večenaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Arts) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELDS OF ART
Abstract Diplomski rad bavi se kiparskim oblikovanjem i kreativnim igrama glinom. U prvom dijelu pobliže je objašnjena teorijska podloga kiparstva kao grane likovne umjetnosti koja koristi raznovrsne materijale za likovno izražavanje. Za kiparstvo se može reći da je umjetnost oblikovanja volumena. Objašnjeno je oblikovanje volumena u prostoru i na plohi. U radu su objašnjene i kiparske tehnike, likovni elementi i elementi prostorno plastičkog oblikovanja, a to su volumen, površina, prostor i boja. Veći naglasak stavljen je na tehnike gline i glinamola koje su učenici koristili u likovnim aktivnostima. U radu se govori i o kreativnosti, likovnom razvoju djeteta te artikulaciji sata likovne kulture u primarnom obrazovanju unutar koje su spomenuti načini poticanja i ometanja stvaralaštva. Važnu ulogu u razvoju stvaralaštva ima učitelj.
Drugi dio diplomskog rada je istraživački. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo četrdesetak učenika prvog i četvrtog razreda III. osnovne škole u Čakovcu. Istraživanje se baziralo na dvije likovne aktivnosti. Prva aktivnost „Izmišljena riječ kao poticaj“ provedena je u prvom i četvrtom razredu, a druga aktivnost „Izmišljeni lik kao poticaj“ provedena je u četvrtom razredu. Cilj istraživanja bio je potaknuti kreativni pristup učenika kroz likovne aktivnosti u dva slučaja. U prvom slučaju učenicima su se zadavali zadatci koji nisu vezani uz vidljivu stvarnost, a u drugom slučaju učenike se navodilo na zamišljanje na temelju priče.
Istraživanjem se došlo do spoznaje da su učenici različitim oblikovanjem volumena u prostoru uspješno realizirali izgovorenu i zapisanu riječ, da je učenicima bilo teže u postupku prevođenja iz lingvističkog i zvučnog u vizualno te da ne postoje sličnosti u radovima s obzirom na način izgovaranja riječi. Nadalje, došlo se do spoznaje da se na temelju radova moglo zaključiti o kojem uzrastu se radi, a to je vidljivo u načinu oblikovanja gline, odnosno glinamola. Učenički radovi vrlo su kreativni i maštoviti, a kod nekoliko učenika primjećuje se da su učenici mehanički, bez ideja osmišljavali i modelirali objekte. Spoznalo se da su učenici shvatili pojam neobičnih proporcija te su se te proporcije u radovima realizirale kroz naglašavanje ili smanjivanje dijelova tijela, u nekim radovima pojavio se problem sa statikom te su učenici radili samostalno bez obzira na motivacijsku priču.
Abstract (english) The thesis studies sculptural design and creative clay games. The first part explains, in more detail, the theoretical basis of sculpture as a branch of fine art that uses a variety of materials for artistic expression. It can be said that sculpture is the art of volume design. Volume shaping in space and on the surface is explained. The thesis also discusses creativity, the artistic development of the child and the articulation of art culture classes in primary education, within which the ways of encouraging and hindering creativity are mentioned. The teacher has an important role in the development of creativity. The second part of the thesis is research. About forty students from the first and fourth grade of III. primary school in Čakovec participated in the research. The research was based on two activities. The first activity "Fictional word as an incentive" was conducted in the first and fourth grade, and the second activity "Fictional character as an incentive" was conducted in the fourth grade. The aim of the research was to encourage students' creative approach through art activities in two cases. In the first case, students were given tasks that were not related to visible reality, and in the second case, students were instructed to imagine something based on a story. The research revealed that students successfully realized the spoken and written word by shaping the volume in space, that it was more difficult for the students in the process of translating from linguistic and sound to visual, and that there are no similarities in the works regarding the way of pronouncing words. Furthermore, it was realized that based on the work, it is possible to determine the children's age, and this is visible in the way the clay was formed. Works by students are very creative and imaginative, but it was noticed that several students designed and modelled objects mechanically, without ideas. It was realized that students understood the concept of unusual proportions, and these proportions were realized in the works through enlarging or reducing body parts. In some works, there was a problem with statics and students worked independently regardless of the motivational story.
kiparske tehnike
kreativne igre
Keywords (english)
sculptural techniques
creative games
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:314066
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-07-12 11:00:41