Title Likovni izraz učenika razredne nastave kroz različite crtačke tehnike
Title (english) Artistic expression of primary school students through different drawing techniques
Author Kristina Smud
Mentor Marijana Županić Benić (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Arts) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Abstract Likovna umjetnost kao oblik komuniciranja koristi likovni jezik i neizostavna je u dječjem razvoju. U knjizi Vizualno-likovni odgoj i obrazovanje autori Grgurić i Jakubin (1996) tvrde kako se dijete likovno izražava zbog prikazivanja onoga što ga zanima i uzbuđuje. Tu se navodi kako ga ponajprije oduševljava materijal s kojim radi, sam proces rada te neposredna percepcija i pokreti. Djetetu su najvažniji doživljaj i akcija. Kroz likovno izražavanje dijete se razvija u socijalnom, emotivnom i psihološkom smislu. Osnovna potreba djeteta tijekom razvoja njegove likovnosti jest da neprestano mijenja sadržaj rada što proizlazi iz želje za aktivnim spoznavanjem i izražavanjem doživljenoga. Jako je bitno shvatiti djetetove spoznajne mogućnosti. Upravo zbog toga od velike je važnosti metodička opremljenost učitelja. Pod metodičku opremljenost podrazumijevaju se znanja i metodički postupci u nastavi likovne kulture, kao i poznavanje dječjih mogućnosti u određenom razvojnom razdoblju. Dijete će se osjećati ispunjeno ako mu dopustimo da otkriva ljepotu, likovno se izražava, stvara i manipulira materijalima iz svoje okoline.
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je istražiti i usporediti uspješnost upotrebe crtačkih tehnika (olovke, ugljena i krede te tuša) u 1. i u 4. razredu. U istraživanju se uspješnost upotrebe svake tehnike vrednovala prema određenim kriterijima. Vrsta istraživanja je kvantitativna, a metoda deskriptivna. Tehnika istraživanja je ocjenjivanje, a instrument za prikupljanje podataka ljestvica s pet stupnjeva: izrazito uspješno (5), uspješno (4), prosječno (3), djelomično neuspješno (2), izrazito neuspješno (1). Učenički radovi vrednovali su se s obzirom na kriterij uspješnosti upotrebe određene likovne tehnike. Izračunala se aritmetička sredina brojčanih podataka dobivenih analizom učeničkih radova prema navedenim kriterijima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je 1. razred uspješniji od 4. razreda u upotrebi svih crtačkih tehnika koje su se istraživale (olovka, ugljen, kreda, tuš-drvce, tuš-pero).
Abstract (english) Fine art uses visual language as a form of communication and is indispensable in children's development. In the book Visual and Art Education by Grgurić and Jakubin (1996) it is stated that the child expresses himself artistically by showing what interests and excites him. It states that the child is fascinated by the material it works with, the work process itself and the immediate perception and movements. The most important thing for a child is experience and action. Through artistic expression the child develops in a social, emotional and psychological sense. The basic need of a child during the development of his art is to constantly change the content of the work, which stems from the desire to actively learn and express the experienced. It' s very important to understand the child's cognitive abilities. That is why the methodological equipment of teachers is really important. Methodological equipment includes knowledge and methodical procedures in the teaching of art culture, as well as knowledge of children's abilities in a certain developmental period. The child will feel fulfilled if we allow him to discover beauty, express himself artistically, create and manipulate materials from his environment.
Purpose of this graduate thesis was to research and compare the success of using drawing techniques (pencil, charcoal, chalk and ink) in 1st and 4th grade. In the research, the success of using each technique was evaluated according to certain norm. The type of research is quantitative and the method is descriptive. The research technique is grading, and the instrument for collecting data is a five-point scale: extremely successful, successful, average, partially unsuccessful, extremely unsuccessful. Student works were evaluated according to the criterion of success in the use of a particular art technique. The arithmetic mean of numerical data obtained from the analysis of student works was calculated according to the stated criteria. The research results show that the 1st grade is more successful than the 4th grade in the use of all drawing techniques that were researched (pencil, charcoal, chalk, ink).
likovni izraz
dječji crtež
crtačke tehnike
razvojne faze
likovni jezik
Keywords (english)
artistic expression
children's drawing
drawing techniques
developmental stages
visual language
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:551716
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-28 09:13:03