Title Fotografija kao poticaj za likovno stvaralaštvo
Title (english) Photography As A Stimulus For Artistic Creation
Author Lea Crnčec
Mentor Kristina Horvat Blažinović (mentor)
Committee member Ljubomir Levačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Horvat Blažinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrija Večenaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELDS OF ART
Abstract Fotografija je u ljudskom životu u kratkom vremenu zauzela vrlo značajno mjesto.
Ljudi se s fotografijom susreću u svakodnevnom životu, na ulici, na mobilnim telefonima,
na televiziji, u knjigama, a ona zalazi i u sve sfere čovjekova života. Fotografija je takoreći
uspomena na određeni događaj, emociju, mišljenje, no ona obogaćuje i čovjekovo znanje.
Različiti autori spomenuti u ovom završnom radu spominju da je fotografija najpouzdaniji i
najprecizniji medij za pohranjivanje vidnih podataka.
Djeca se likovnim tehnikama i materijalima igraju, ali i svome radu pristupaju na
vrlo originalan način. Dijete likovnim radom ne reproducira već viđeno, nego pokušava
donijeti vlastita rješenja. Likovno izražavanje je svakom djetetu prirođeno no potrebno je
djecu poticati na daljnji razvoj u skladu s djetetovim karakteristikama, sklonostima i dobi.
U ovom završnom radu govori se o fotografiji, njenoj povijesti, osnovnim
elementima te o njenom utjecaju na likovno stvaralaštvo kod djece predškolske dobi. U
istraživačkom dijelu rada govori se o korištenju fotografije kao poticaj likovnog stvaralaštva.
Također, radi se o praktičnoj uporabi dviju slikarskih tehnika, izradi kolaža te crtanju.
Opisuju se i analiziraju provedene likovne aktivnosti u dječjem vrtiću „Suncokret“ u srednjoj
mješovitoj dobnoj skupini. Djeca izabiru najdraži predmet u sobi dnevnog boravka, njega
samostalno fotografiraju te u slijedećim aktivnostima tu istu fotografiju koriste kao poticaj
na likovno stvaralaštvo. U prvoj aktivnosti djeca izrađuju kolaž pomoću raznih fotografija
iz letaka i pomoću papira u boji, dok u drugoj aktivnosti djeca drvenim olovkama, olovkama
u boji, pastelama te flomasterima crtaju okolinu fotografiji koju su samostalno snimili. Cilj
ovog završnog rada jest analizirati dječji interes u fotografiju, također, cilj je utvrditi kojim
su likovnim tehnikama djeca privržena.
Abstract (english) Photography has taken a very important place in human life in a very short time.
People encounter photography in everyday life, on the street, on mobile phones, on
television, in books, and it goes into allspheres of a person's life. Photography is, so to speak,
a memory of a certain event, of emotion, of opinion, but it also enriches human knowledge.
Various authors mentioned in this final paper mention that photography is the most reliable
and accurate medium for storing visual data.
Children play with art techniques and materials, but they also approach their work in
a very original way. The child does not reproduce what has already been seen through art
work, but tries to bring his own solutions. Artistic expression is innate in every child, but it
is necessary to encourage children to further develop in accordance with the child's
characteristics, preferences and age.
This final paper discusses photography, its history, its basic elements and its impact
on artistic creativity in preschool children. The research part of the paper discusses the use
of photography as a stimulus for artistic creation. It is also about the practical use of two
painting techniques, making collages and drawing. The conducted art activities in the
kindergarten „Suncokret“ and the middle mixed age group are described and analyzed. The
children choose their favorite object in the living room, photograph it independently and in
the following activities use the same photograph as a stimulus for artistic creation. In the
first activity, children make a collage using various photographs from leaflets and colored
paper, while in the second activity, children use wooden pencils, colored pencils, pastels and
felt-tip pens to draw the surroundings of a photo they have taken themselves. Thea im of this
final paper was to analyze children's interest in photography, also, the aim was to determine
which art techniques children are attached to.
likovno stvaralaštvo
djeca predškolske dobi
Keywords (english)
artistic creation
preschool children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:529005
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-12-10 12:59:03