Title Dramske tehnike i metode u nastavi Hrvatskog jezika
Title (english) Dramatic techniques and methods in Croatian language teaching
Author Mateja Vandek
Mentor Iva Gruić (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Aladrović Slovaček (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maša Rimac Jurinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Gruić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati kako se nastavne jedinice Hrvatskog jezika mogu provoditi uz pomoć dramskih tehnika i metoda. Prva polovica rada prvenstveno se bavi definiranjem teorijskih pojmova, ali i potkrepljenjem ideje o dobrobiti dramskih tehnika i metoda u nastavi Hrvatskog jezika. Svrha druge polovice rada je prikazati prijedlog primjene dramskih tehnika i metoda u nastavi Hrvatskog jezika koristeći teorijske pojmove predstavljene u prvome dijelu rada. Na samome početku, oslanjajući se na suvremene teorije i istraživanja, konstatira se kako dramski odgoj doprinosi razvoju učenika, ali i poboljšanju nastave, čime se naglašava njegova važnost u nastavnome procesu. U radu se nalaze detaljniji opisi dobrobiti dramskih tehnika u nastavi te pregledi najčešćih praksi povezanih s izvođenjem dramskog odgoja u osnovnoj školi. Nadalje, jasno se pokušavaju definirati i razgraničiti pojmovi: „dramske tehnike“, „dramske metode“, „dramske igre“ i „dramske vježbe“. Specifične dramske tehnike koje su korištene u drugom dijelu rada, definirane su i obuhvaćene u zasebnom poglavlju kojim prva polovica rada ujedno i završava. Pozivajući se na podjelu Ive Gruić, dramske su tehnike svrstane u dvije osnovne skupine – „dramske tehnike kroz koje se radnja proigrava“ i „dramske tehnike u kojima sudionici ostaju na rubu dramskog svijeta“, pri čemu se prva skupina zatim dijeli na „dramske tehnike kroz koje se radnja proigrava uz manji stupanj stilizacije“ i „dramske tehnike kroz koje se radnja proigrava uz viši stupanj stilizacije“. Dramske igre, vježbe i postupci koji se koriste u primjerima u drugom dijelu rada, također su definirane u zasebnom poglavlju. U drugome dijelu rada, iznesen je prijedlog primjene dramskih tehnika i metoda u nastavi Hrvatskog jezika od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovne škole za tri nastavne domene definirane prema Kurikulumu nastavnog predmeta Hrvatski jezik za osnovne škole i gimnazije – Književnost i stvaralaštvo, Hrvatski jezik i komunikacija te Kultura i mediji. Nakon svakog primjera navedeni su odgojno-obrazovni ishodi koji se mogu ostvariti na tom satu primjenom dramskih tehnika i metoda te njihova razrada. Doprinos ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati na koji se način nastavne jedinice Hrvatskog jezika mogu provesti uz korištenje dramskih tehnika i metoda i samim time učiniti nastavni proces dinamičnijim, suvremenijim, interaktivnijim i zanimljivijim učenicima i učiteljima.
Abstract (english) This thesis aims to demonstrate how dramatic techniques and methods can contribute to Croatian language units teaching. The first part of the paper mainly defines theoretical concepts. It also emphasizes the benefits of the dramatic techniques and methods in Croatian language teaching. The second part of the paper presents a proposal for the application of dramatic techniques and methods in Croatian language teaching using the theoretical concepts introduced in the first part of the paper. At the very beginning, the thesis highlights the importance of drama education in the teaching process, as contemporary theories and research demonstrate. Therefore, drama education contributes to the development of students, but also the improvement of teaching. Furthermore, the paper tries to clearly define and differentiate the following terms: "dramatic techniques", "dramatic methods", "dramatic games", and "dramatic exercises". The specific dramatic techniques used in the second part of the paper are defined and covered in a separate chapter with which the first half of the paper ends. According to the division given by Iva Gruić, dramatic techniques are classified into two basic groups - "dramatic techniques through which the action takes place" and "dramatic techniques in which participants remain on the edge of the dramatic world", with the first group then divided into "dramatic techniques through which the action is played with a lower degree of stylization ” and „dramatic techniques through which the action is played with a higher degree of stylization“. An additional chapter also defines dramatic games, exercises, and procedures used in the examples in the second part of the thesis. The first half of the paper ends with a more detailed description of the benefits of dramatic techniques in teaching and an overview of the most common practices related to the performance of drama education in primary school. The second part of the thesis presents a proposal for the application of dramatic techniques and methods in Croatian language teaching from the first to the fourth grade of primary school for three teaching domains defined according to the Curriculum of the subject Croatian language for primary schools and gymnasiums – Literature and Creativity, Croatian Language and Communication and Culture and Media. After each example, the possible educational outcomes that can be achieved in that class by applying dramatic techniques and methods and their elaboration are listed. The contribution of this thesis is to show how Croatian language teaching units can be taught by using dramatic techniques and methods and thus make the teaching process more dynamic, modern, interactive, and interesting to students and teachers.
dramske tehnike i metode
dramski odgoj
nastava Hrvatskog jezika
Kurikulum Hrvatskog jezika
Keywords (english)
drama techniques and methods
drama education
Croatian language teaching
Croatian language curriculum
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:252374
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-06-17 09:30:28