Title Životni stil i pretilost djece predškolske dobi
Title (english) Lifestyle and obesity of preschool children
Author Dora Bosanac
Mentor Ivan Prskalo (mentor)
Committee member Marija Lorger (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Badrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Prskalo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Nutrition
Abstract Pretilost je kao epidemija zahvatila ljudsku populaciju zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća. Sjedilački način života, sve veća dostupnost hrane, posebno nutritivno siromašne hrane dovode do povećanog energetskog unosa. Važno je reagirati od najranije dobi djeteta, stoga je prevencija ključna za smanjenje pretilosti, kako kod djece, tako i kod odraslih. Pretilost je kompleksna multifaktorska bolest koja se razvija pod različitim faktorima, genetskim, metaboličkim, okolišnim, i loših životnih navika. Do pretilosti dolazi kada je unos energije, odnosno hrane, veći od potrošnje energije. Višak energije tada se pohranjuje u tijelu u obliku masnih stanica, odnosno masti. Mast se ponajviše nakuplja u masnom tkivu, ali i u unutarnjim organima kao što su jetra i koštano-mišićni sustav. Raspodjela masnoga tkiva po tijelu je genetski uvjetovana, te se razlikuje po spolu.
Dječja prehrana mora biti bogata svim vrstama mikronutrijenata i makronutrijenata, s obzirom na to da je to razdoblje rasta i razvoja. Važno je da je njihova prehrana što raznolikija. Osim prehrane, povećanju tjelesne težine pridonosi i smanjena tjelesna aktivnost. Djeca sve više vremena provode u sedentarnim aktivnostima, umjesto u tjelesnim aktivnostima.
Svrha ovoga rada je utvrditi povezanost životnog stila djece, prehrambene navike i tjelesne aktivnosti djece predškolske dobi, s indeksom tjelesne mase djeteta, te stavove roditelja o važnosti pravilne prehrane i tjelesne aktivnosti djeteta.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako djeca koja svakodnevno konzumiraju voće i povrće u manjoj mjeri imaju povećan ITM, za razliku od one djece koja voće i povrće ne jedu svaki dan. Također je anketa pokazala da djeca koja se bave organiziranom tjelesnom aktivnošću izvan vrtića u većoj mjeri imaju normalan ITM, od djece koja se ne bave organiziranom tjelesnom aktivnošću. Kako bi prevenirali razvitku pretilosti djeteta, obitelj je najvažnija, ponajviše roditelji. Zato su bili ispitani stavovi roditelja o važnosti prehrane i tjelesne aktivnosti, te rezultati pokazuju kako su djeca roditelja koji su svjesni važnosti pravilne prehrane od najranije dobi djeteta u većoj mjeri imali normalan ITM u odnosu na one koji su manje svjesni važnosti pravilne prehrane.
Abstract (english) Obesity as an epidemic has affected the human population over the last few decades. Sedentary lifestyle, increasing availability of food, especially nutritionally poor foods lead to increased energy intake. It is important to react from the earliest age of the child, so prevention is key to reducing obesity in both children and adults. Obesity is a complex multifactorial disease that develops under various factors, genetic, metabolic, environmental, and bad life habits. Obesity occurs when the intake of energy, specifically food, is higher than the energy consumption. Excess energy is then stored in the body in the form of fat cells, or fat. Fat mostly accumulates in adipose tissue, but also in internal organs such as the liver and musculoskeletal system. The distribution of adipose tissue throughout the body is genetically determined, and differs by sex.
Childrend's diet must be rich in all kinds of micronutrients and macronutrients, since it is a period of growth and development. It is important that their diet is as varied as possible. In addition to diet, reduced physical activity also contributes to weight gain. Children spend more and more time in sedentary activities instead of physical activities.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between children's lifestyle, eating habits and physical activity of preschool children, with the child's body mass index, and parents' attitudes about the importance of proper nutrition and physical activity of the child.
The results of the research showed that children who consume fruits and vegetables on a daily basis have a lower BMI, in contrast to those children who do not eat fruits and vegetables every day. The survey also showed that children who engage in organized physical activity outside kindergarten have a more normal BMI than children who do not engage in organized physical activity. In order to prevent the development of children's obesity, the family is most important, mostly the parents. Therefore, parents' attitudes about the importance of nutrition and physical activity were examined, and the results show that children of parents who are aware of the importance of proper nutrition from an early age had a more normal BMI than those who were less aware of the importance of proper nutrition.
indeks tjelesne mase
pravilna prehrana
tjelesna aktivnost
Keywords (english)
Body mass index
proper nutrition
physical activity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:373191
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-12 08:13:21