Title Online radionica procesne drame - mogućnosti i ograničenja
Title (english) Online process drama workshop - possibilities and limitations
Author Mila Štimac
Mentor Maša Rimac Jurinović (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Aladrović Slovaček (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maša Rimac Jurinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Cilj je ovog rada bio pokrenuti platformu Procesna drama za sve (https://procesnadrama.wixsite.com/online ) i ponuditi je odgajateljima. Na stranici će odgajatelji početnici moći saznati osnove o procesnoj drami (koje će ih, nadam se potaknuti na korištenje procesne drame u radu), a iskusniji odgajatelji će svojim znanjem i iskustvom, dijeljenjem primjera dobre prakse i kritičkom refleksijom doprinijeti profesionalnom razvoju mlađih kolega. Osvrćući se na svoje prethodno istraživanje u radu Učestalost procesne drame u dječjim vrtićima (Štimac, M., 2019.), nastojala sam utjecati na informiranje odgajatelja o procesnoj
drami kao vrijednoj i učinkovitoj metodi, na jačanje kompetencija odgajatelja za osmišljavanje i primjenu procesne drame te na podizanje razine samopouzdanja odgajatelja. Oblik usavršavanja prilagodio se epidemiološkim mjerama i trenutnom stanju u svijetu. Osim odgovora na pandemijske izazove, ovakav način edukacije nudi neke nove mogućnosti, a to su prepoznali i ispitanici. Stranica Procesna drama za sve omogućuje online razmjenu znanja i iskustva na području dramske pedagogije.
Važno je bilo i ispitati zadovoljstvo korisnika mrežnom stranicom, ispitati kakav je njihov dojam o ponuđenoj stranici, mogu li iskoristiti ponuđeni materijal, kakav je stav korisnika o stručnom usavršavanju putem platforme, kako korisnici mrežne stranice doživljavaju procesnu dramu te koje kompetencije djeca stječu sudjelovanjem u procesnoj drami. Navedena mrežna stranica namijenjena je odgojiteljima, učiteljima, dramskim pedagozima te svima onima koji žele naučiti nešto više o procesnoj drami. Spomenuta stranica sadrži kraći teorijski dio o procesnoj drami, videoprimjer procesne drame, popis dramskih tehnika, mjesto
predviđeno za razmjenu iskustava kao i bazu metodičkih priprema i izvore. Pomoću ove i/ili sličnih stranica odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici mogu se stručno usavršavati iz udobnosti vlastitog doma bez dodatnih troškova u vrijeme u koje oni to žele, poštujući sve propisane epidemiološke mjere. Najveći nedostatak ovakvog oblika usavršavanja jest nemogućnost susreta uživo pri kojem sudionici mogu biti dio procesne drame te bi tako lakše shvatili bit onoga što se želi poučiti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako su ispitanici uglavnom zadovoljni i prihvaćaju ovakav oblik stručnog usavršavanja pa uzimajući u obzir sve prednosti i nedostatke online usavršavanja, takav oblik rada svakako bi mogao imati sve značajnije mjesto u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu.
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to launch the Process Drama for All platform and offer it to preschool teachers. On the site, preschool teachers will be able to learn the basics of process drama (which will, I hope, encourage them to use process drama in their work), and more experienced educators will contribute to the professional development of younger colleagues with their knowledge and experience by sharing examples of good practice and critical reflection. Reflecting on my previous research Frequency of process drama in kindergartens (M. Štimac, 2019), I tried to influence informing educators about process drama as a valuable and effective method, reducing the feeling of incompetence of teachers to apply process drama and to raise levels of self-confidence of teacjers. The form of training has adapted to epidemiological measures and the current situation in the world. In addition to responding to pandemic challenges, this way of education offers some new opportunities, and this was recognized by the respondents. The Process Drama for All page enables the online exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of drama pedagogy. It was also important to examine user satisfaction with the website, to examine their impression of the offered site, whether they can use the offered material, what is the user's attitude about professional development through the platform, how website users experience process drama and what competencies children acquire by participating in the process drama. I started the Process Drama for All page because I wanted to examine the respondents' satisfaction with using the website for the purpose of professional development. This website is intended for educators, teachers, drama pedagogues and all those who want to learn more about process drama. The mentioned page contains a short theoretical part about process drama, a video example of process drama, a list of dramatic techniques, a place intended for the exchange of experiences as well as a base of methodological preparations and sources. With the help of this and / or similar sites, educators can be professionally trained from the comfort of their own home at no additional cost at the time they want, respecting all prescribed epidemiological measures. The biggest disadvantage of this form of training is the impossibility of a live meeting in which participants can be part of the process drama and thus make it easier to understand the essence of what is being taught. The obtained results show that the respondents are generally satisfied and accept this form of professional development, so taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of online training, such a form of work could certainly have an increasingly important place in the educational system.
mrežna stranica
online učenje
procesna drama
Keywords (english)
web page
online learning
process drama
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:244205
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-12 09:50:48