Title Odgojno-obrazovne potrebe učenika s problemima u ponašanju
Title (english) Educational Needs of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems
Author Adela Kupres
Mentor Dejana Bouillet (mentor)
Committee member Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlatko Bukvić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dejana Bouillet (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Odgoj i obrazovanje djece trebalo bi biti prioritet svakog društva. Pojedinac je dio društva. Dakle, društvo tvore pojedinci. Svaki je pojedinac od iznimne važnosti za društvo jer zadovoljstvo svakog pojedinog čovjeka rezultira zadovoljstvom sveukupnog društva i određuje klimu unutar istog. Kako bi osigurali optimalne uvjete za takav razvoj, veliki se napori ulažu u predškolski i osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. Za većinu djece, odgoj i obrazovanje ciljano su usmjereni njihovom razvitku i napretku, primjereni su njihovim potrebama kako bi djeca postigla obrazovni uspjeh usklađen s njihovim sposobnostima i aspiracijama.
No, što je s djecom koja su „drugačija” od većine svojih vršnjaka? Onima koji se „ne uklapaju” u određene okvire i čije potrebe zahtijevaju potpuno drugačiji pristup? Na ova i slična pitanja većina država još nije pronašla odgovarajući odgovor. Potrebe djece s problemima u ponašanju tijekom povijesti najčešće su bivale zanemarene. Njihova su se stanja opisivala jednostavnom dječjom neposlušnošću, neodgojem, nesposobnošću. Takva su se shvaćanja s vremenom, nasreću, promijenila. Društvo je uvidjelo važnost obrazovanja usmjerenog prema individualnim potrebama djeteta što je potaknulo niz pozitivnih promjena. Kako je riječ o učenicima koji često predstavljaju opasnost i štetnost za sebe i druge, a njihova ponašanja odstupaju od normi očekivanih ponašanja, njihove se potrebe itekako razlikuju od većine učenika.
Istraživanjem u ovom radu razmotrit će se specifičnosti potreba i podrške učenicima s problemima u ponašanju, točnije poremećajima u ponašanju kao najekstremnijem obliku problema u ponašanju, u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu. Cilj rada je utvrditi specifičnosti podrške koju obrazovni sustav nudi učenicima s poremećajima u ponašanju u posebnim razrednim odjelima.
Istraživanjem se potvrdila hipoteza kako je moguće primjereno zadovoljiti odgojno-obrazovne potrebe učenika s problemima u ponašanju i to primjenom odgovarajućih strategija podrške. Individualizacija pristupa, strategije temeljene na pokazateljima uspješnosti, senzibilizacija i obrazovanje osoba zaduženih za odgoj i obrazovanje ove skupine učenika samo su neke od temeljnih strategija podrške.
Abstract (english) The upbringing and education of children should be a priority of every society. An individual is part of society. Society is made of individuals. Every individual is extremely important for society because ensuring that everyone’s needs are met brings prosperity to society and determines the climate within it. To ensure optimal conditions for such development, great efforts are being made in pre-school and primary education. For most children, upbringing and education are targeted at the child’s development and progress and are appropriate to their needs. Such an approach ensures the best learning outcomes for each student.
But what about children who are “different” from most of their peers? Those who just “don’t fit” into certain frameworks and where it is evident that their needs require a different approach? Most countries have not yet found an adequate answer to these and similar questions. The needs of children with emotional and behavioral problems throughout history have most often been neglected. Their conditions were described as simple childish disobedience, lack of education, incompetence. Such perceptions have, fortunately, changed over time. Society has recognized the importance of a child-centered approach and started to change towards supporting the needs of every child. As these are students who often pose a danger and harm to themselves and others, and their behaviors deviate from the norms of expected behaviors, their needs are very different from most students. The research conducted in this master thesis will consider the specifics of the needs and support of students with emotional and behavioral problems, more precisely emotional and behavioral disorders as the most extreme form of emotional and behavioral problems in the educational system. The aim was to determine the specifics of the support that the education system offers to students with emotional and behavioral disorders in special education classrooms.
The research confirmed the hypothesis that it is possible to adequately meet the educational needs of students with emotional and behavioral problems by applying appropriate support strategies. Individualized approach, evidence-based strategies, sensitization, and education of those in charge of the upbringing and education of this group of students are just some of the basic support strategies.
odgoj i obrazovanje
učenici s problemima u ponašanju
odgojno-obrazovne potrebe
odgojno-obrazovna uloga učitelja
strategije podrške
Keywords (english)
students with emotional and behavioral problems
special education needs
teaching students with emotional and behavioral problems
support strategies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:961595
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduated university study with english language and german language; specializations in: English language, Deutsche sprache Course: Deutsche sprache Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-14 09:18:02