Title Integracija plesa u nastavu Likovne kulture u razrednoj nastavi
Title (english) Integration of Dance within Art Class in Elementary School Education
Author Diana Lesić
Mentor Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Horvat Blažinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Interdisciplinary Fields of Art
Abstract Kroz povijest su se mnogi pedagozi borili za uvođenje umjetničkog odgoja u standardne odgojno-obrazovne sustave, a danas se vizualno-likovni odgoj u Republici Hrvatskoj promiče kroz obvezni nastavni predmet Likovna kultura u osnovnoj školi i Likovna umjetnost u sustavu srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. U nastavnom procesu učenici se susreću s likovnim tehnikama, procesom stvaranja likovnog djela te sa samim umjetničkim djelom (svojim ili od odraslog umjetnika). Cilj je susreta s likovno-umjetničkim djelom poučiti učenike likovnom govoru te mogućnostima analiziranja svojeg ili tuđeg likovno-umjetničkog djela razvijanjem osjetljivosti za estetiku i umjetnost, razvijanjem sposobnosti kritičkog i divergentnog mišljenja te kreativnog pristupa problemima.
Ples, kao jedna od grana umjetničkog područja, privlači sve veću pažnju i pobuđuje interes u području odgoja i obrazovanja. Vjeruje se da je ples sposobnost urođena svakom pojedincu. Dijete se od svojih najranijih dana, prije verbalne, koristi neverbalnom komunikacijom, a to je pokret. (Maletić, 1986) Dijete u pokretu prvo prepozna igru i zabavu, a pravilnim usmjerenjem ono će kroz pokret u plesu prepoznati i umjetnost. Oni koji odabiru ples kao terapeutsku aktivnost u odrasloj dobi, u njemu uviđaju mogućnosti neverbalnog izražavanja kroz potrebu za fizičkom aktivnošću iniciranu osjećajima i glazbom. Takva aktivnost bila je poticaj za pisanje ovog rada.
Integriranim poučavanjem u okviru nastave Likovne kulture, ples i likovne umjetnosti mogu se povezati s ciljem razvijanja djetetovih sposobnosti. Takav pristup nastavi, osobito povezivanjem umjetnosti kroz strukturnu korelaciju, potaknut će psihički i fizički razvoj djeteta. Svrha rada jest istražiti pozitivan utjecaj povezivanja ovih područja na razvoj djeteta mlađe školske dobi. Cilj je rada potaknuti učitelje razredne nastave na uvođenje plesa i pokreta u razredne aktivnosti, posebice u nastavu Likovne kulture.
Abstract (english) Throughout the history, many educators were struggling to incorporate artistic education in the traditional school systems, while today, visual-artistic education in Republic of Croatia is an obligatory school subject, both in elementary and high school. In the lessons, the students are introduced with the artistic techniques, with the process of making an art work as well as with the work of art itself (made by himself/herself or the grown up professional artist). The main goal is to educate students about visual speech and to teach them how to properly analyze a work of art. Along with the development of the artistic abilities, the students will develop the critical and divergent thinking and they will learn how to use a creative approach to solve the given problems.
Dance, as one of the artistic branches, today admits growing attention and intrigue, even in the educational system. It is a common belief that dance is an innate ability of a person. During its earliest days, a child will show the need for nonverbal communication rather than verbal, which is expressed through the movement. (Maletić, 1986) To a child, movement and dance will represent fun and game, but, if the proper instructions are given, it will get an insight into the artistic feature of dance. People who choose dance as their therapeutic activity in their older age will perceive it as the need for physical activity indicated by their feelings and music. This kind of activity was the incentive for writing this paper.
Integrated teaching within Art Class can merge dance and art and help develop child’s abilities. This kind of teaching approach, specifically merging art through structural correlation, will stimulate mental and physical development of a young person. The purpose of the paper is to encourage lower primary teachers to introduce dance and movement into the classroom activities, particularly into the Art Class.
likovna umjetnost
Likovna kultura
integrirano poučavanje
Keywords (english)
Art Class
integrated teaching
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:145958
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduated university study with english language and german language; specializations in: English language, Deutsche sprache Course: English language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-15 10:11:06