Title Uloga odgajateljice u vrtiću u prevenciji pretilosti u male i predškolske djece
Title (english) The role of kindergarten teacher in the prevention of obesity in toddlers and preschool children
Author Helena Jakčin
Mentor Milan Stanojević (mentor)
Committee member Maša Malenica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavičić Bošnjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Stanojević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-06-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Nutrition
Abstract Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) smatra pretilost globalnom epidemijom 21. stoljeća zbog njezine visoke učestalosti diljem svijeta. Zabrinjavajuće je što je učestalost pretilosti u djece mlađe i predškolske dobi u porastu. Djeca su ranjiva populacija koja obuhvaća više od trećine svjetske populacije, a okolišni čimbenici imaju vrlo važnu ulogu u određivanju njihovog zdravlja. Djeca mlađe i predškolske dobi većinu vremena provode u predškolskim ustanovama gdje usvajaju životne navike. Poznato je da prevencija pretilosti počinje u dojenačkoj dobi odabirom dojenja kao optimalnog načina prehrane dojenčadi i male djece.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi postotak male i predškolske djece s prekomjernom tjelesnom masom i pretilošću te definirati postupke kojima odgojiteljica u vrtiću može doprinijeti u prevenciji pretilosti.
Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 84 male i predškolske djece raspona dobi od dvije do sedam godina, koja pohađaju gradski dječji vrtić Trešnjevka u Zagrebu. Svim ispitanicima su izmjereni tjelesna masa, tjelesna dužina ili visina i opseg glave, te je izračunat indeks tjelesne mase (ITM). Prekomjerna tjelesna masa i pretilost se definira kao prekomjerno nakupljanje masnog tkiva koje predstavlja rizik za zdravlje. Za djecu do 5 godina definira se odnosom između tjelesne mase i visine, a za djecu od 5 do 19 godina i odrasle definira se indeksom tjelesne mase (ITM) koji se izračunava tako da se tjelesna masa podijeli s kvadratom tjelesne dužine ili visine u metrima (kg/m2). Prekomjernom tjelesnom masom se u djece do dobi od 5 godina smatra kada je odnos između tjelesne mase za visinu 2 standardne devijacije iznad medijana za dob, pretilošću se smatra kada je odnos između tjelesne mase za visinu veći od 3 standardne devijacije za dob. Za djecu od 5 do 19 godina definicija prekomjerne tjelesne mase je kada je ITM iznad 1 standardne devijacije medijana za dob, a pretilost kada je ITM iznad 2 standardne devijacije medijana za dob. Tjelesne mjere svakog djeteta uspoređene su s odgovarajućim standardima krivulja SZO.
U ovom istraživanju utvrđeno je da je učestalost prekomjerne tjelesne mase i pretilosti u male i predškolske djece bila 19,05%. Učestalost prekomjerne tjelesne mase je bila 8,33%, a učestalost pretilosti 10,72%. Utvrđeno je da odgajateljica u vrtiću može znakovito utjecati na formiranje djetetovih životnih navika poput redovite prehrane, tjelesne aktivnosti i igre. Djeca najlakše uče igrom kroz prirodne, praktične i svakodnevne aktivnosti. Da bi organizacija i provođenje takvih aktivnosti bila uspješna, ključno je da odgajateljica posjeduje znanja i razumijevanje njihovih veza između zdravlja, prehrane i tjelesne aktivnosti u djece.
Abstract (english) The World Health Organization (WHO) considers obesity a global epidemic of the 21st century due to its high prevalence worldwide. It is worrying that the prevalence of obesity in toddlers and preschool children is on the rise. Children are a vulnerable population that accounts for more than a third of the world's population and environmental factors play an important role in determining their health. Toddlers and preschool children get to spend most of their time in kindergarten where they adopt life habits. It is known that the prevention of obesity begins in infancy by choosing breastfeeding as the optimal way of feeding for infants and preschool children.
This research aims to determine the percentage of toddlers and preschool children with overweight and obesity and to define the measures by which a kindergarten teacher can contribute to their prevention.
The research involved 84 two to seven years old toddlers and preschool children, who attend kindergarten Trešnjevka in Zagreb. The following anthropometric measurements were performed in all children: body weight in kg, body length or height in cm, head circumference in cm. For children up to 5 years it is defined by the ratio between body weight and height, and for children 5 to 19 years it is defined by the body mass index (BMI) which is calculated by dividing body weight by the square of body length or height in meters m2. For children under 5 years of age overweight is weight-for-height greater than 2 standard deviations above WHO Child Growth Standards median; and obesity is weight-for-height greater than 3 standard deviations above the WHO Child Growth Standards median. For children aged between 5–19 years overweight is BMI-for-age greater than 1 standard deviation above the WHO Growth Reference median; and obesity is greater than 2 standard deviations above the WHO Growth Reference median. Each child's anthropometric measurements were compared to appropriate WHO standards.
In our research the prevalence of overweight and obesity in toddlers and preschool children was 19,05%. Prevalence of overweight was 8,33%, and prevalence of obesity was 10,72%.
It was concluded that a kindergarten teacher can significantly influence the establishment of a child's life habits such as regular diet, physical activity, and play. Children learn most easily by playing in natural and shared and healthy environment, taught to perform correctly everyday activities. For successful organization and implementation of such activities the kindergarten teacher should have the skills, knowledge and understanding of the links between health, nutrition, and physical activity in children.
dječji vrtić
predškolska djeca
Keywords (english)
preschool children
preschool teacher
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:674213
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-22 10:08:35