Title Povezanost emocionalne kompetencije i nekih aspekata akademskog postignuća
Title (english) The association between emotional competence and some aspects of academic success
Author Kristina Kirčenkov
Mentor Tea Pavin Ivanec (mentor)
Committee member Ema Petričević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tea Pavin Ivanec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Gajšek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology General Psychology
Abstract Emocionalna kompetencija uključuje emocionalne i socijalne vještine koje utječu na način na koji osoba doživljava, izražava i regulira vlastite emocije. Ljudi koji imaju razvijeniju emocionalnu inteligenciju mogu lako identificirati svoje emocionalno stanje i bolje razumjeti kako su njihove emocije povezane s njihovim ponašanjem i kako utječu na njihov svakodnevni život. Osim toga, ljudi s višom emocionalnom inteligencijom vjerojatnije će prepoznati i razlikovati emocije drugih. Ljudi koji
... More bolje razumiju, izražavaju i kontroliraju svoje emocije, bolje se prilagođavaju novim i nepredvidivim situacijama, što je iznimno važno i u trenutnim okolnostima pandemije, ali i potresa koji su se dogodili u Hrvatskoj. Emocionalna kompetencija važna je za različite aspekte života pojedinca poput akademskog ili poslovnog te za međuljudske odnose općenito.
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je ispitati povezanost emocionalne kompetencije studenata s nekim aspektima akademskog uspjeha kao što su uključenost u zadatke na studiju, ciljne orijentacije, akademsko samopoimanje te uspjeh na studiju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 248 studenata s različitih sveučilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj, u dobi od 19 do 42 godine, a podaci su prikupljeni online upitnikom. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da studenti koji imaju veću razinu emocionalne kompetentnosti, imaju više prosječne rezultate na mjerama afektivne i kognitivno-bihevioralne uključenosti u zadatke na studiju, a također imaju i više prosječne procjene akademskog samopoimanja i bolji uspjeh na studiju. S druge strane, nisu dobivene razlike u izraženosti pojedinih ciljnih orijentacija s obzirom na razinu emocionalne kompetencije. U radu je i provjereno postoje li određene razlike između studenata s višom i nižom razinom emocionalne kompetentnosti u doživljaju nekih specifičnosti vezanih uz proteklu akademsku godinu tijekom koje se nastava zbog pandemije Covid-19 većinom održavala online i tijekom koje 86% studenata iz uzorka doživjelo potres. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da studenti s višom razinom emocionalne kompetentnosti doživljavaju da su u uvjetima online nastave uspješniji u izvršavanju obaveza vezanih uz fakultet, ali i da su potres doživjeli kao stresniji događaj u usporedbi sa studentima s nižom razinom emocionalne kompetentnosti. Less
Abstract (english) Emotional competence includes emotional and social skills that affect the way a person experiences, expresses and regulates his/her own emotions. People with higher emotional intelligence can easily identify their emotional state and better understand how their emotions relate to their behavior and affect their daily lives. In addition, people with higher emotional intelligence are more likely to recognize and distinguish the emotions of others. People who better understand, express and
... More control their emotions also better adapt to new and unpredictable situations, which is extremely important in the current circumstances of the pandemic, but also the earthquakes that happened in Croatia. Emotional competence is important for various aspects of an individual's life, such as academic or professional, and interpersonal relationships in general.
The aim of this research was to explore the association between emotional competence and some aspects of academic success, such as involvement in study assignments, goal orientations, academic self-concept and study success. The research involved 248 students from different universities in Croatia, aged 19 to 42 years, and data were collected by an online questionnaire. The results indicated that students with a higher level of emotional competence have higher average scores on measures of affective and cognitive-behavioral involvement in study assignments and higher average assessments of academic self-perception and better academic achievement. On the other hand, no differences were obtained in the expression of task orientations with the level of emotional competence. The paper also examined whether there are certain differences between students with higher and lower levels of emotional competence in experiencing some specifics related to the previous academic year, during which classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic were mostly held online and during which 86% of students in the sample experienced earthquakes. The obtained results indicated that students with a higher level of emotional competence perceive that in the conditions of online studying, they are more successful in fulfilling obligations related to the faculty, but also that they experienced earthquakes as a more stressful event compared to students with a lower level of emotional competence. Less
emocionalna kompetencija
akademsko postignuće
Keywords (english)
academic achievement
emotional competence
university students
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:553948
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-21 13:08:06