Abstract | Cilj ovoga rada je osvijestiti narod kako je folklor i danas temelj svake novonastale kulture, ali posebno koliki utjecaj može imati u svakodnevnom razvoju djeteta. Bezbrižnom razvoju kroz igru, pjesmu i ples.
Folklor, kao pojam, osim narodnih plesova obuhvaća tradiciju, običaje, kulturu te zastarjeli način života. Razvojem čovječanstva razvijale su se razne kulture, razne vrste narodnih plesova i običaja. Narodni ples je najstarija vrsta plesa, ono je karakteristika razvoja svih naroda. Kroz narodne plesove danas su prikazani prijašnji načini života na selu. Danas se isti smatraju kulturnom baštinom koja je na pragu izumiranja. Dječji folklor ili narodni plesovi koriste se i danas u prilagođenom, moglo bi se reći i moderniziranom, obliku.
U odraslom svijetu narodni plesovi se ne upotrebljavaju osim u slučaju profesionalnog bavljenja istim. Stoga se narodni običaji, narodni plesovi i pjesme upoznavaju te održavaju na životu kroz međunarodne smotre folklora, na kojima brojna kulturno-umjetnička društva i druge organizacije predstavljaju povijest svoga naroda. Narodni plesovi, narodne nošnje, pjesme, običaji razlikuju se u svakom narodu. Svaki je karakterističan sam po sebi te, iako su ponekad razlike vrlo male, nam ono predstavlja veliko bogatstvo.
U najmlađem životnom razdoblju, vrtiću, koriste se narodne igre iako ljudi nekada nisu ni svjesni da su iste dio folklora, kulturne baštine. Svakodnevno se u vrtiću koriste brojalice te igre s pjevanjem koje pridonose razvoju djeteta s više aspekata, glazbenog, kineziološkog te onog najbitnijeg, odgojnog aspekta razvoja djeteta u samostalnu osobu. Djeca recitiranjem brojalica i pjevanjem pjesmica razvijaju pojam o vremenskim mjerama, kao što su metar i ritam, melodija itd. S kineziološke strane dijete, kroz igre s pjevanjem, uči razne pokrete, od osnovnih do složenijih. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this work is to make the people aware that folklore is still the basis of every new culture, but especially how much influence it can have in the daily development of a child. Carefree development through play, song and dance.
Folklore, as a term, includes, in addition to folk dances, traditions, customs, culture and an outdated way of life. With the development of humanity, various cultures, various types of folk dances and customs developed. Folk dance is the oldest type of dance, it is a characteristic of the development of all nations. Through folk dances today, former ways of life in the countryside are shown. Today, they are considered a cultural heritage that is on the verge of extinction. Children's folklore or folk dances are still used today in an adapted, one could even say modernized, form.
In the adult world, folk dances are not used except in the case of professional practice. Therefore, folk customs, folk dances and songs are introduced and kept alive through international folklore fairs, where numerous cultural and artistic societies and other organizations present the history of their people. Folk dances, folk costumes, songs, customs differ in every nation. Each is characteristic in itself and, although sometimes the differences are very small, they represent a great wealth to us.
Folk games are used in the youngest period of life, kindergarten, even though people are sometimes not even aware that they are part of folklore, cultural heritage. Counting machines and singing games are used every day in the kindergarten, which contribute to the development of the child in several aspects, musical, kinesiology and the most important, educational aspect of the child's development into an independent person. By reciting counters and singing songs, children develop the concept of time measures, such as meter and rhythm, melody, etc. From the kinesiology side, the child learns various movements, from basic to more complex, through singing games. |