Title Odgojni utjecaj obitelji na dobrobit djeteta
Title (english) Educational impact of the family on child´s well-being
Author Josipa Sokač
Mentor Ivana Golik (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Blaženka Bačlija Sušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Obitelj je temeljna jedinica društva. Jedinstvena je zajednica u kojoj bi se dijete trebalo osjećati sigurno i voljeno. Odnosi među članovima obitelji su složeniji, bliži i intenzivniji nego u drugim zajednicama. Djeca u obitelji stječu razna iskustva koja su im potrebna za razvoj slike o sebi i drugima.
Roditeljstvo ima najznačajniju ulogu u životu svakog djeteta. Podrazumijeva niz vještina, sposobnosti i postupaka koji su potrebni kako bi dijete upoznalo sebe i svijet oko sebe te je uzor prikladnog ponašanja i izražavanja emocija. Uloga roditelja u životu djeteta ima jedinstveno značenje za njegov rast i razvoj, odgoj, emocionalnu sigurnost, socijalnu kompetenciju i intelektualno postignuće. U kontekstu obitelji odvija se djetetova socijalizacija tijekom koje se ono razvija u samostalnu osobu. Zadatak je obitelji stvoriti samostalno i samopouzdano dijete, a upravo samouvjerenost nastaje kao rezultat djetetove spoznaje da je važno roditeljima te da zaslužuje najbolje. Uz osjećaj da je voljeno i zbrinuto, tijekom djetetova odrastanja, roditelj treba postaviti jasna pravila i granice djetetovu ponašanju te ih se pridržavati.
Kroz ovaj rad biti će opisani i stilovi odgoja te kako pojedini stil utječe na dijete. Oni su kombinacija emocionalne topline i brige dok drugi faktor čini stupanj zahtjevnosti i kontrola djetetova ponašanja. Njihovo poznavanje olakšava razumijevanje ponašanja djece, ali i odraslih. Sve što se nauči u djetinjstvu, nosi se u odraslo doba jer obitelj je ta koja djetetu pruža temelje za razvoj vlastitog identiteta. Tu dijete uči vrijednosti, njeguje odnose i komunikaciju te razvija sliku o sebi, drugima i svijetu. Na taj način dijete razvija socijalne kompetencije.
Donošenje odluka o dobrobiti djeteta te djelovanje u skladu s time nije jednostavan i linearan proces. Upravo iz njegove složenosti proizlazi važnost uvida u dječje mišljenje koje nikako ne smije ostati podređeno mišljenju odraslih i koje dijete treba imati priliku izraziti. Dječji pogled i mišljenje ključni su za bolju budućnost odgoja i obrazovanja djeteta gdje ono neće biti objekt kojim se upravlja u procesu, već aktivni dionik i prije svega slobodna i samosvjesna osoba.
Abstract (english) The family is the basic unit of society. It is a unique community in which a child should be felt safe and loved. Relationships between family members are more complex, closer and more intense than in other communities. Children gain various experiences through family, which are crucial for development of the image of oneself and others.
Parenting plays the most important role in every child's life. It involves a range of skills, abilities and procedures that are necessary for the child to get to know himself and the world around him a model of appropriate behavior and expression of emotions. The role of parents in a child's life has a unique meaning for his growth and development, education, emotional security, social competence and intellectual achievement. In the context of the family, the child's socialization takes place during which it develops into an independent person. The task of the family is to create an independent and self-confident child, and it is self-confidence that arises as a result of the child's knowledge that he is important to parents and that he deserves the best. With the feeling of being loved and taken care of, during a child's growth, the parent should set clear rules and boundaries for the child's behavior and follow them adhere to.
Through this paper, the styles of upbringing and how each style affects the child will be described. They are a combination of emotional warmth and care while the second factor is the degree of demandingness and control of a child's behavior. Knowing them makes it easier to understand children's behavior, but also adults. Everything that is learned in childhood is carried into adulthood because it is the family that provides to the child the foundations for the development of one's own identity. This is where the child learns values, nurtures relationships and communication and develops an image of oneself, others and the world. In this way, the child develops social skills and competences.
Making decisions about a child's well-being and acting accordingly is not a simple and linear process. It is precisely from its complexity that the importance of insight into children's thinking arises, which by no means should remain subordinate to the opinion of adults and which the child should have the opportunity to express. Children's view and opinion are key for a better future of child upbringing and education where he will not be an object that is managed in the process, but an active stakeholder and above all a free self-aware person.
dobrobit djeteta
samopouzdano dijete
socijalne kompetencije
Keywords (english)
child well-being
self-confident child
social competences
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:217586
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-22 11:20:01