Abstract | Djeca predškolskog uzrasta prirodno su muzikalna, te je njihov glazbeni svijet od početka izuzetno raznolik. Oni su pjevači, svirači, plesači, slušatelji i stvaratelji glazbe. Razvijajući se od djetinjstva i najranije dobi do svoje predškolske dobi, te dalje, do punopravnih iskustava u osnovnoj školi, djeca rastu bogateći svoja glazbena iskustva koja ujedno pridonose razvoju djetetovih glazbenih sposobnosti. Nedvojbeno je kako nas glazba pokreće i stimulira naš razvoj upravo kroz vlastitu apelaciju i obraćanje te je tako nezamjenjiv mehanizam u cjelovitom odgoju.
Uz druga područja djetetova razvoja, u radu je opisan doprinos glazbe i pokreta na cjeloviti razvoj djeteta. Prikazan je tijek razvoja glazbenih sposobnosti djeteta, znakova za prepoznavanje glazbene darovitosti, prikaz stadija djetetova razvoja s obzirom na razvoj pokreta i povezane reakcije na pokret te pregled razvoja djetetovog kreativnog pokreta. U radu su navedena istraživanja koja potvrđuju ulogu i dobrobiti glazbenih aktivnosti, a isto tako i pokreta, u razvoju djeteta rane i predškolske dobi. Analizirana je važnost uloge odgajatelja u stvaranju kvalitetnih poticaja i okoline u svrhu zadovoljavanja djetetovih potreba i mogućnosti te ostvarenja njegovog optimalnog razvoja.
U početku je dan pregled i objašnjenje djetetovog razvitka kroz razvojne faze i područja koji će omogućiti uvid u njegovu cjelovitost, s pojačanim fokusom na razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti. Također u ovome radu prikazano je kako prisutnost glazbe i pokreta utječe i razvija različite djetetove sposobnosti i kompetencije te kako glazba i pokret pridonose cjelovitom razvoju djeteta.
Razmatranje djetetova cjelovitog razvoja u kontekstu doprinosa glazbe i pokreta, navodi na brojne zaključke. Djetetova spontana reakcija na glazbu uključuje i pokret, stoga je uz poznavanje stadija djetetova glazbenog razvoja isto tako važno poznavati i djetetove razvojne stadije s aspekta razvoja pokreta, osobito kreativnog pokreta. Pri svemu tome je izuzetno važna uloga odgajatelja kao modela glazbenog ponašanja čemu isto tako uvelike doprinosi i njegov energičan i entuzijastičan pristup u radu s djecom. Uzevši uz to u obzir ulogu okoline koja predstavlja temeljni čimbenik u stvaranju kvalitetnih uvjeta u djetetovu okruženju, potrebno je cjelovito pristupiti razvoju djetetova glazbenog potencijala u kontekstu ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. |
Abstract (english) | Children of preschool age are naturally musical, and their musical world is extremely diverse from the beginning. They are singers, musicians, dancers, listeners and creators of music. Developing from childhood and the earliest age to their pre-school age, and beyond, to full-fledged experiences in elementary school, children grow by enriching their musical experiences, which at the same time contribute to the development of the child's musical abilities. There is no doubt that music moves us and stimulates our development precisely through its own appeal and address, and is thus an irreplaceable mechanism in a complete upbringing.
Along with other areas of the child's development, the paper describes the contribution of music and movement to the overall development of the child. The course of development of a child's musical abilities, signs for recognizing musical giftedness, presentation of the stages of the child's development with regard to the development of movement and related reactions to movement, and an overview of the development of the child's creative movement are presented. The paper mentions research that confirms the role and benefits of musical activities, as well as movement, in the development of children of early and preschool age. The importance of the educator's role in creating quality incentives and environment for the purpose of meeting the child's needs and opportunities and realizing his optimal development is analyzed.
At the beginning, an overview and explanation of the child's development through developmental stages and areas that will allow insight into its integrity, with an increased focus on the development of musical abilities, is given. In this paper, it is also shown how the presence of music and movement affects and develops the child's various abilities and competencies, and how music and movement contribute to the overall development of the child.
Consideration of the child's complete development in the context of the contribution of music and movement leads to numerous conclusions. The child's spontaneous reaction to music also includes movement, therefore, in addition to knowing the stages of the child's musical development, it is also important to know the child's developmental stages from the aspect of movement development, especially creative movement. In all of this, the role of the educator as a model of musical behavior is extremely important, which is also greatly contributed by his energetic and enthusiastic approach to working with children. Taking into account the role of the environment, which represents a fundamental factor in creating quality conditions in the child's environment, it is necessary to approach the development of the child's musical potential in the context of an institution for early and preschool education. |