Title Razvojne faze dječjeg likovnog izričaja
Title (english) Developmental stages of children's artistic expression
Author Dea Jakić
Mentor Morana Varović Čekolj (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Balić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Svako se dijete likovno izražava od najranije dobi. Svoju potrebu za likovnim izražavanjem počinje ispunjavati već u drugoj godini života, kada prvi put uzima olovku u ruku. Dječji je crtež prije svega dječji, a potom i likovni izričaj kroz koji dijete prikazuje svoje osjećaje, spoznaje te doživljaj svoje okoline. On je prozor u dječju psihu koji omogućuje odraslima lakše i bolje razumiju svoju djecu. Dječji se crtež po mnogočemu razlikuje od crteža odrasle osobe. Dug je put od ostavljanja prvih tragova na papiru do svjesne primjene likovnoga jezika zbog shvaćanja likovnih vrijednosti i sustava te pravaca u umjetnosti i njihovih razlika. Na tom putu djeca prolaze kroz određene razvojne faze,redoslijed kojih je programiran i jednak za svu djecu. Prirodan je i postupan. Mnogi su stručnjaci još od 19. stoljeća promatrali dječje likovno izražavanje u svrhu otkrivanja razvojnih faza, njihovih obilježja i dobnih granica. U njihovoj distinkciji postoje mnoge sličnosti, ali i razlike,najvidljivije u određivanju vremenskoga trajanja određene faze. Međutim, kroz njihovo se uspoređivanje može doći do zaključka da ih je većina dječji likovni razvoj podijelila na četiri razvojne faze. U ovom završnom radu opisuju se razvojne faze dječjega likovnoga izraza prema nekima od brojnih stručnjaka koji su utjecali na određivanje razvojnih faza kakve danas znamo. Zatim ih se uspoređuje prema njihovim sličnostima i razlikama,uz naglašavanje važnosti dječjega likovnoga izražavanja. Prvi dio ovoga završnoga rada općenito opisuje početke likovnoga stvaralaštva kod djece te naglašava njegovu važnost. Zatim se svaka od četiriju razvojnih faza detaljnije objašnjava kroz primjere. Treći dio obuhvaća razvojne faze prema određenim stručnjacima koje opisuje te potom uspoređuje. U posljednjem dijelu rada govori se o kreativnosti, njezinim stupnjevima i utjecaju na razvoj dječjega likovnoga izražavanja.
Abstract (english) Every child expresses himself artistically from an early age. He begins to fulfill his need for artistic expression in the second year of life when he first picks up a pencil. A child's drawing is first of all a child's expression, and then an artistic expression through which the child shows his feelings, knowledge, and experience of his environment. It is a window into the child's psyche that allows adults to understand their children more easily and better. A child's drawing differs from an adult's drawing in many ways. It is a long way from leaving the first traces on paper to the conscious application of artistic language due to the understanding of artistic values and systems as well as trends in art and their differences. Along the way, children go through certain developmental stages. The sequence of these developmental stages is programmed and equal for all children. It is natural and gradual. Since the 19th century, many experts have observed children's artistic expression in order to discover developmental stages, their characteristics, and age limits. In their distinction, there are many similarities, but also differences that are most visible in determining the time duration of a certain phase. However, by comparing them, one can come to the conclusion that the majority divided children's artistic development into four developmental stages. This final paper describes the developmental stages of children's artistic expression according to some of the numerous experts who had an influence in determining the developmental stages as we know them today. Then he compares them according to their similarities and differences, and in addition, emphasizes the importance of children's artistic expression. The first part of this final paper generally describes the beginnings of artistic creativity in children and emphasizes its importance. Then he explains each of the four development stages in a little more detail through examples. The third part covers the development stages according to certain experts, which it describes and then compares. And the last part of this final paper talks about creativity, its degrees, and its influence on the development of children's artistic expression.
likovni izričaj
razvojne faze
dječji crtež
Keywords (english)
artistic expression
developmental stages
children's drawing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:197486
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-09 13:31:34