Title Samovrednovanje djece rane i predškolske dobi
Title (english) Self-evaluation in the early years
Author Marijana Karapetrić
Mentor Maja Drvodelić (mentor)
Committee member Monika Pažur (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Drvodelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Samovrednovanje se odnosi na sposobnost procjene vlastitih mogućnosti, uspjeha i postignuća te prvenstveno rad na sebi. Doprinosi poticanju i razvoju pozitivne slike o sebi, jačanju samopouzdanja, kritičkom mišljenju, uvaţavanju različitosti te poticanju razvoja odgovornosti za odlučivanje i vlastito djelovanje. Predstavlja podlogu za cjeloţivotno obrazovanje, te je sredstvo za razvoj kompetencija odgovornosti, kako prema samome sebi, tako i prema drugima. To je ciklički proces usvajanja znanja, testiranja usvojenoga, analize uspješnosti te traţenja mogućnosti nadogradnje u svrhu poticanja daljnjeg razvoja. Mogućnosti dječjeg samovrednovanja u ranoj i predškolskoj dobi jako su slabo istraţene, uglavnom zbog predrasude da su djeca te dobi premala, ili zbog teškoće izrade i primjene prikladnih alata za samovrednovanje; iako suvremena shvaćanja djeteta naglašavaju vaţnost usvajanja vještina samovrednovanja već od najranije dobi. Stoga se ovim akcijskim istraţivanjem pokušalo utvrditi mogu li se djeca rane i predkolske dobi samovrednovati, na koji način, u kojoj dobi te s kojim alatima. Razvijeni su alati za samovrednovanje: semafor razumijevanja uputa te emotikon samovrednovanja uspješnosti nakon provedbe aktivnosti, koji su potom ponuĎeni djeci na korištenje te testirani. Cilj je bio istraţiti mogućnosti dječjeg samovrednovanja u ranoj i predškolskoj dobi, za djecu u odgojno-obrazovnim skupinama u dobi od tri do sedam godina. Dječje samovrednovanje biljeţeno je bilješkama odgajatelja, audio zapisima, fotodokumentacijom te razgovorima s djecom (dječja obrazloţenja/refleksije). Istraţivanje se provodilo od početka studenoga 2022. do kraja siječnja 2023. Rezultati istraţivanja pokazali su da su djeca sposobna za samovrednovanje, no potrebno je intenzivno raditi na tome, podsjećati ih na značenje alata te im iste konstantno nuditi već od najranije dobi, uz prilagodbu razina podjele samovrednovanja u skladu s dobi.
Abstract (english) Self-evaluation refers to the ability to assess one's own possibilities, successes and achievements, and primarily work on oneself. It contributes to encouraging and developing a positive self-image, strengthening self-confidence, critical thinking, respect for diversity and encouraging the development of responsibility for decision-making and own actions. It represents the basis for lifelong education and is a means of developing the competences of responsibility, both towards oneself and towards others. It is a cyclical process of acquiring knowledge, testing what has been acquired, analyzing performance and looking for upgrade opportunities in order to encourage further development. The possibilities of children's selfevaluation in early and preschool age are very poorly researched, mainly because of the prejudice that children of that age are too young, or because of the difficulty of creating and applying suitable tools for self-evaluation; although contemporary understandings of the child emphasize the importance of acquiring self-evaluation skills from an early age. Therefore, this action research attempted to determine whether children of early and preschool age can selfassess, in what way, at what age and with what tools. Tools for self-evaluation were developed: a traffic light scheme for understanding the instructions and an emoticon scale for self-evaluation of success after the implementation of the activity, which were then offered to
the children for use and tested. The goal was to investigate the possibilities of children's selfevaluation in early and preschool age, for children in educational groups aged three to seven years. Children's self-evaluation was recorded with teacher's notes, audio recordings, photo documentation and conversations with children (children's explanations/reflections). The research was conducted from the beginning of November 2022 to the end of January 2023.
The results of the research showed that children are capable of self-evaluation, but it is necessary to work intensively on it, to remind them of the meaning of the tools and to constantly offer them from an early age, with the adjustment of levels divisions of selfevaluation according to age.
alati za samovrednovanje
Keywords (english)
tools for self-evaluation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:420109
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-01-18 09:11:38