Title Izvori osjećaja kompetencije kod odgojitelja
Title (english) Sources of teachers' sense of competence
Author Marija Bakunić
Mentor Daria Rovan (mentor)
Committee member Ema Petričević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Šarić Drnas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daria Rovan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-06-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Kako bi odgojitelj mogao raditi, on mora posjedovati određene kompetencije. Rad s djecom rane i predškolske dobi vrlo je zahtjevan i uspješno ga može obavljati samo obrazovana osoba koja je stekla potrebno znanje o odgoju djece u ranom djetinjstvu. Temeljni cilj ovog rada je istražiti i ispitati izvore osjećaja kompetentnosti kod odgojitelja. U ispitivanju je sudjelovala 41 odgojiteljica. Sudionici istraživanja ispunjavali su online upitnik s pitanjima koja su se odnosila na samoprocjenu izvora kompetentnosti. Konkretno, željelo se utvrditi u kojoj mjeri se osjećaju kompetentno kao odgojitelji te kojoj mjeri smatraju da njihovom osjećaju kompetentnosti doprinosi osjećaj kontrole u radu, prepoznavanje individualnih potreba djeteta, rad s roditeljima, suradnički odnosi, suradnja sa stručnom službom. Također su dali procjenu u kolikoj mjeri je njihovom osjećaju kompetentnosti doprinijelo inicijalno obrazovanje, stručno usavršavanje i iskustveno učenje. Dodatno su postavljena otvorena pitanja kojima se željelo saznati kako odgojitelji razmišljaju o razvoju svojih kompetencija. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno kako odgojitelji vole posao koji rade te da se osjećaju sigurno i kompetentno Za osjećaj kompetentnosti odgojitelja veću važnost od inicijalnog obrazovanja, prema rezultatima istraživanja, ima učenje na temelju iskustva. Prema sudionicama, osjećaj kontrole nad vlastitim djelovanjem u odnosu s djecom i roditeljima uvelike doprinosi osjećaju kompetentnosti, baš kao i mogućnost prepoznavanja potreba djeteta. Smatraju da velik utjecaj imaju i suradnički odnosi, dok nešto manji stručna služba samog vrtića. Kao što je vidljivo, svaki odgojitelj zapravo osjećaj kompetentnosti pronalazi u drugim stavkama, no ono što se može smatrati zajedničkim svakako su dobri suradnički odnosi s kolegama, stjecanje praktičnog znanja i mogućnost odgovaranja na sve dječje potrebe. Odgojiteljice ističu kako je sposobnost samorefleksije te želja za napretkom, promjenama i rješavanjem problema ključna za razvoj kompetencija.
Abstract (english) In order for the early education teacher to work successfully, he must possess certain competencies. Working with children of early and preschool age is very demanding and can only be successfully performed by an educated person who has acquired the necessary knowledge about early childhood education. The main goal of this thesis is to investigate and examine the sources of the sense of competence among early education teachers. 41 early education teachers participated in the survey. Research participants filled out an online questionnaire with questions related to self-assessment of sources of competence. Specifically, we wanted to determine to what extent they feel competent as educators and to what extent they believe that their sense of competence is contributed to by a sense of control in their work, recognition of the individual needs of the child, work with parents, collaborative relationships, cooperation with the professional service. They also assessed the extent to which initial education, professional development and experiential learning contributed to their sense of competence. In addition, open questions were asked to find out how educators think about the development of their competencies. The research established that educators enjoy their work and that they feel safe and competent. According to the results of the research, experience-based learning is more important than initial education for educators' sense of competence. According to the participants, the feeling of control over one's actions in the relationship with children and parents greatly contributes to the feeling of competence, just like the ability to recognize the needs of the child. They believe that collaborative relationships have a great influence, while the professional team of the kindergarten has a slightly smaller influence. As can be seen, each early education teacher has different sources of a sense of competence, but what can be considered common are certainly good cooperative relations with colleagues, the development of practical knowledge and the ability to respond to all children's needs. Educators point out that the ability to self-reflect and the desire for professional development, willingness to change and to solve problems are essential for the development of competences.
profesionalni razvoj
iskustveno učenje
Keywords (english)
early education teachers
professional development
experiential learning
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:180960
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-30 06:58:15