Title Đurđevački govor u razrednoj nastavi (prikaz tematskih aktivnosti)
Title (english) Đurđevac speech in classroom teaching (presentation of thematic activities)
Author Leonarda Karlovčan
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Đurđevački mjesni govor karakterističan je po mnogočemu. Od fonoloških i leksičkih karakteristika do kulturnih aspekata korištenja. Kako bi se učenicima približila važnost korištenja mjesnog govora, osmišljene su i provedene tematske aktivnosti u trećem razredu osnovne škole.
Cilj tematskih aktivnosti bio je učenicima osvijestiti razlike u hrvatskom standardnom i mjesnom govoru. Također, cilj ovih projektnih aktivnosti bio je uvidjeti koliko su današnja djeca upoznata s mjesnim govorom koji ih okružuje, koliko žele da se mjesni govor koristi u školi i u kojoj ga mjeri razumiju. Također, rad je nastao u želji poticanja učenika na korištenje mjesnoga govora, govora koji ih je okruživao tijekom čitavog odrastanja.
Teorijski dio rada predstavlja govor u razrednoj nastavi, komunikaciju tijekom nastave, onu koja se odvija među učenicima, koja je usputna, neslužbena i odvija se spontano. Nadalje, rad predstavlja govor općenito, kako se govor može poticati te kako je govorno okružje utjecalo i još uvijek utječe na govorni razvoj djeteta. Uz to, u radu se spominje dječji jezični razvoj u kojem dolazi do susretanja zavičajnoga govora, govora kojim su okruženi svakodnevno sve do dolaska u prvi razred osnovne škole, kada učenici započinju sa sustavnim usvajanjem, učenjem i korištenjem hrvatskoga standardnog jezika. Kako je predmet ovoga rada kajkavsko narječje, ono se predstavlja – spominje se gdje je rasprostranjeno, koje su njegove osobitosti i koje su posebnosti leksika kajkavskog narječja. Naglasak je stavljen na đurđevački mjesni govor zato što su tematske aktivnosti provedene u đurđevačkoj osnovnoj školi. U radu se spominje kajkavska dječja pisana baština koja se na jednostavne i zabavne načine može uključiti u bilo koji sat kako bi se ostvarili zadani ishodi pojedinih predmeta.
Tematske aktivnosti osvijestile su važnost korištenja mjesnoga govora kako ne bi došlo do izumiranja važnog dijela kulturnog identiteta prostora i pojedinaca koji se tim govorom koriste. Aktivnosti su zadovoljile zadane ishode i uspješno su provedene.
Abstract (english) The local dialect of Đurđevac is characterized by many unique features, ranging from phonological and lexical characteristics to cultural aspects of its use. To bring students closer to the importance of using the local dialect, thematic activities were designed and implemented in the third grade of primary school.
The goal of these thematic activities was to raise students awareness of the differences between the Croatian standard language and the local dialect. Additionally, the goal of these project activities is to understand how familiar today's children are with the local dialect that surrounds them, how much they want the local dialect to be used in school, and to what extent they understand it. Furthermore, this thesis was created with the desire to encourage students to use the local dialect, a dialect that has surrounded them throughout their growing up.
The theoretical part of the thesis presents speech in classroom teaching, communication during lessons, the informal and spontaneous communication that occurs among students. Furthermore, the work presents speech in general, how speech can be encouraged, and how the speaking environment has influenced and continues to influence the speech development of a child. In addition, the work mentions children's language development, in which they encounter the local dialect that surrounds them daily until they enter the first grade of primary school, when they begin the systematic acquisition, learning, and use of the Croatian standard language. Since the subject of this thesis is the Kajkavian dialect, it is presented—mentioning where it is widespread, its characteristics, and the peculiarities of the Kajkavian lexicon. Emphasis is placed on the local dialect of Đurđevac because the thematic activities were conducted in the Đurđevac primary school. The thesis mentions Kajkavian children's written heritage, which can be included in any lesson in simple and entertaining ways to achieve the set outcomes of individual subjects.
The thematic activities raised awareness of the importance of using the local dialect to prevent the extinction of an important part of the cultural identity of the area and individuals who use this dialect. The activities met the set outcomes and were successfully implemented.
đurđevački govor
kajkavsko narječje
primarno obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
Đurđevac dialect
Kajkavian dialect
primary education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:487783
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-09-30 09:29:47