Title Prijelaz djece iz vrtića u osnovnu školu - usporedba hrvatskih i nizozemskih praksi
Title (english) Transition of children from kindergarten to primary school - comparison of Croatian and Dutch practices
Author Marica Rusan
Mentor Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić (mentor)
Committee member Ana Žnidarec Čučković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj rad bavi se procesom prijelaza djeteta iz ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje u prvi razred osnovne škole, oslanjaju i se na teorijske i zakonodavne okvire glede samog prijelaza, te uspoređuju i praksu u Republici Hrvatskoj i Nizozemskoj. Prijelaz djeteta iz ustanova za ranu brigu i skrb o djetetu u Nizozemskoj te iz samoga dječjeg vrtića u Republici Hrvatskoj, obiluje mnoštvom sličnosti, ali i različitosti, a one su kroz iskustvo roditelja i odgojitelja obiju država elaborirane u samom radu. Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua uz poštivanje etičkih normi. Roditeljska podrška i sva znanja vezana uz odgoj djeteta, te shvaćanje važnosti razvoja sigurne privrženosti imaju snažan utjecaj na kvalitetu procesa prijelaza za dijete. Pedagoški djelatnici iz obiju odgojnoobrazovnih ustanova, odgojitelji i učitelji, koriste i se profesionalnim znanjima mogu osiguravati okruženje u kojem će svako dijete slobodno istraživati i stjecati nova iskustva, pa se tako i svjesnije i sigurnije suočavati sa izazovom prijelaza. Isto tako, mogu poticati i ostvarivati partnerske i suradničke odnose sa dionicima, a iz njih koristiti ono što procesu doprinosi, obogaćuje ga i uvelike olakšava. Partnerski i suradnički odnosi u objema državama su određeni drugačijim politikama, no uvijek imaju zajednički cilj, dobrobit djeteta. Rezultati istraživanja su ukazali na nesrazmjer želja i očekivanja roditelja i odgojitelja iz obiju država, vezanih uz propisane mjere o partnerstvu i suradnji odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova međusobno i sa drugim dionicima. Proces prijelaza djeteta iz dječjeg vrtića u osnovnu školu roditelji iz obiju država opisuju stresnim razdobljem za koje je potrebno puno pripreme; isti u strah od nespremnosti i nedostatak povezanosti sa dionicima. Svi ispitanici su istaknuli da je njihovo iskustvo prijelaza drugačije od djece danas, ali kazuju da su pozitivne promjene uvijek poželjne, te mogu utjecati na kvalitetu i izazovnost prijelaza djeteta. Odgojno-obrazovne politike u Republici Hrvatskoj i Nizozemskoj mogu doprinijeti boljem prijelazu djeteta koji će biti kvalitetan svakom djetetu. Reflektiraju i se i procjenjuju i trenutačne prakse i pokazatelje u procesu prijelaza, mogu mijenjati i stvarati nove i detaljnije smjernice koje bi doprinijele optimalnom rastu i razvoju djeteta.
Abstract (english) This thesis examines the process of transitioning a child from an institution for early and preschool education to the first grade of primary school, relying on theoretical and legislative frameworks concerning the transition itself, and comparing practices in the Republic of Croatia and the Netherlands. The transition of a child from early care and education institutions in the Netherlands and from kindergarten in the Republic of Croatia is marked by numerous similarities as well as differences, which are elaborated through the experiences of parents and educators from both countries in this study. A qualitative study was conducted using the method of semistructured interviews, adhering to ethical norms. Parental support and comprehensive knowledge related to child upbringing, along with understanding the importance of developing secure attachments, significantly impact the quality of the transition process for the child. Pedagogical staff from both educational institutions, including educators and teachers, can, through their professional expertise, create an environment where every child can freely explore and gain new experiences, thereby facing the transition challenge more consciously and confidently. Furthermore, they can foster and establish partnerships and collaborative relationships with stakeholders, leveraging contributions that enrich and facilitate the process. Partnership and collaborative relationships in both countries are shaped by different policies but always share a common goal4the well-being of the child. The research findings indicated a discrepancy between the desires and expectations of parents and educators from both countries regarding the prescribed measures on partnership and cooperation between educational institutions and other stakeholders. Parents from both countries describe the process of transitioning a child from kindergarten to primary school as a stressful period requiring significant preparation, highlighting fears of unpreparedness and a lack of connection with stakeholders. All respondents emphasized that their own transition experiences were different from those of children today but noted that positive changes are always welcome and can influence the quality and challenge of a child's transition. Educational policies in the Republic of Croatia and the Netherlands can contribute to a better transition for the child, ensuring it is of high quality for every child. By reflecting on and evaluating current practices and indicators in the transition process, new and more detailed guidelines can be developed to support the optimal growth and development of the child.
odgojno-obrazovni prijelaz
odgojno-obrazovne politike
Keywords (english)
educational transition
educational policies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:528998
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-14 08:29:56