Title Poticanje likovnosti djece jasličke dobi
Title (english) Encouraging artistic expression in toddlers
Author Petra Telinec
Mentor Marijana Županić Benić (mentor)
Mentor Viktorija Nevistić (sumentor)
Committee member Antonija Balić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Abstract Razvoj djeteta je cjeloživotan proces koji se kod svakog djeteta odvija u skladu s njegovim individualnim predispozicijama i uvjetima. Tijekom rasta i sazrijevanja, dijete prolazi kroz razvojne faze u kojima se razvija u svim područjima: tjelesnom i psihomotornom, spoznajnom, socio-emocionalnom i području razvoja govora, komunikacije, izražavanja i stvaralaštva.
Djetetovo likovno izražavanje u predškolskom periodu, igra ključnu ulogu u njegovom kognitivnom, emocionalnom i socijalnom razvoju. Potiče razvoj sposobnosti komuniciranja, kritičkog razmišljanja i emocionalnog izražavanja putem mogućnosti različitih iskustava.
Ovim radom, naglašava se važnost poticanja razvoja likovnosti od jasličke dobi, jer je upravo u ranoj dobi zamijećen intenzivan period razvoja svih djetetovih sposobnosti. Likovnim aktivnostima dijete stječe vizualna, taktilna i auditivna iskustva, razvijajući pritom početnu osjetljivost za likovni jezik. Kad je u pitanju poticanje djece za likovne aktivnosti te odnos prema dječjem likovnom stvaralaštvu, osim važnosti promišljenog i usmjeravajućeg odgojno obrazovnog rada s djecom u vrtiću, odgojiteljeva važna uloga je u informiranju roditelja ali i njihovom educiranju.
Za likovni razvoj djeteta jasličke dobi (1-3 godine), karakteristična je faza šaranja te je već tada važno omogućiti poticajno okruženje i osigurati susrete s različitim likovnim materijalima te upoznavati djecu s različitim likovnim tehnikama kojima se mogu izraziti na najbolji način. Dječja igra je u interaktivnom odnosu s dječjim stvaralaštvom zbog čega je važno da su likovne aktivnosti utkane kroz razvojno primjerene aktivnosti igre i istraživanja. Raznovrsnost likovnog izražavanja potiče se primjenom raznih metodičkih postupaka između kojih se posebno ističe stvaranje poticajnog okruženja, dostatnost različitih materijala i poticanje dječjeg aktivnog emocionalnog odnosa prema okolini.
Rad sadrži i prikaz rada vlastite odgojno- obrazovne prakse u kojem su provedene, prikazane i opisane likovne aktivnosti s djecom jasličke dobi prema likovnim područjima.
Abstract (english) Child development is a lifelong process that takes place in accordance with each child's individual conditions and predispositions. While growing and maturing, the child experiences further development in different areas: physical and psychomotor, cognitive, socio-emotional, communicational, expressive and creative.
A child’s artistic expression during preschool plays a key role in their cognitive, emotional and social development. This encouraging the development of their communication skills, critical thinking skills and emotional expression through different experiences.
This work emphasizes the importance of encouraging the development of artistic skills from the nursery age because it is precisely during this period that the intensive development of a child’s abilities takes place. Engaging in artistic activities the child acquires different visual, tactile and auditory experiences while simultaneously developing initial sensitivity for visual expression. When it come to matters of guiding children into exploring their own artistic expression, it is not only important to encourage and direct the children themselves but also to educate and inform their parents.
Early nursery period of a child’s artistic development (children aged 1-3) is characterized by scribbling and it is very important to use this period to stimulate environment and introduce different art techniques and materials so that children are able to express themselves in the best way possible. Child’s play is intricately connected with child’s creativity which is why it is important that artistic activities are woven into developmentally appropriate activities of play and exploration. Diversity of artistic expression is encouraged through various methods: creating a stimulating environment, introducing a variety of different materials and cultivating an active emotional relationship between the child and the environment.
The paper also contains a presentation of the author’s own educational practice, as well as detailed artistic activities done with children of nursery age according to different artistic areas.
jaslička dob
likovne tehnike
dječje stvaralaštvo u ranoj dobi
Keywords (english)
nursery age
art techniques
children’s creativity at an early age
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:391155
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-10-28 07:41:11