Abstract | Students learn about World War I and World War II in their history classes so the aim of this thesis is to investigate student awareness of the USA in these two wars. The thesis consists of the theoretical part about the USA in these wars and the research conducted with primary school students.
The theoretical part is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. The second chapter focuses on migration in the United States, the intellectual expansion, the woman suffrage movement and the imperialism of the USA before the start of World War I.. The third chapter is about World War I. and the focus is on the beginning of the war, neutrality of the United States during the first couple of years of the war, the blockade of the sea and social changes during the period of neutrality. American intervention in World War I, women in wartime, President Wilson’s peace program, truce and impact of the war is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter four is about the period between two world wars in the USA. Women, science, media and political situation during the 1920s, the Great Depression and the New Deal is also discussed. Chapter five is about World War II, the beginning of the war, America’s isolation and neutrality at the beginning of the war, Pearl Harbor and the end of neutrality, struggle with the Axis, the American economy, race and gender in the war, Operation Torch, the Tehran Conference, the Normandy Invasion, the war against Japan, the liberation of Europe, the birth of the U.N., the Yalta conference, the atomic bomb and the impact of the World War II, Research consists of a questionnaire which was filled out by students from three primary schools. The research was about students knowledge of the USA in the First and the Second World War. |
Abstract (croatian) | Učenici uče o Prvom svjetskom ratu i Drugom svjetskom ratu na satovima povijesti pa je svrha ovog rada istražiti upoznatost učenika o SAD-u u ta dva rata. Rad se sastoji od teoretskog dijela o SAD-u u tim ratovima te istraživanju provedenom na učenicima osnovnih škola.
Teoretski dio je podijeljen na pet poglavlja. Prvo poglavlje je uvod. Drugo poglavlje se odnosi na migraciju u SAD, intelektualnu ekspanziju, pokret sufražetkinja i imeprijalizam SAD-a prije početka Prvog svjetskog rata. Treće poglavlje je o Prvom svjetskom ratu i odnosi se na početak rata, neutralost SAD-a tijekom prvih godina rata, blokadu mora i socijalne promjene tijekom razdoblja neutralnosti. Američka intervencija u Prvom svjetskom ratu, žene u ratno doba, mirovni program predsjednika Wilsona, primirje i utjecaj rata je također objašnjeno u tom poglavlju. Četvrto poglavlje je o razdoblju između dva rata u SAD-u. Žene, znanost, mediji i politička situacija dvadesetih godina, Velika depresija i New Deal se također objašnjavaju. Peto poglavlje je o Drugom svjetskom ratu, početku rata, američkoj izolaciji i neutralnosti u početku rata, Pearl Harboru i završetku neutralnosti, borbi sa Silama Osovine, američkoj ekonomiji, rasi i rodu u ratu, operaciji Torch, Teheranskoj konferenciji, invaziji Normandije, ratu protiv Japana, oslobođenju Europe, nastaanku UN-a, konferenciji na Jalti, atomskoj bombi i utjecaju Drugog svjetskog rata.
Istraživanje se sastoji od upitnika kojeg su ispunili učenici triju osnovnih škola. Istraživanje je o učeničkoj informiranosti o SAD-u u Prvom i Drugom cjetskom ratu. |