Title Govor tijekom simboličke igre
Title (english) Speech Production During Symbolic Play
Author Martina Kuran
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Biserka Petrović Sočo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Dijete je socijalno biće i već u prvim danima svoga života započinje interakciju s okolinom koja ga okružuje. Igrom dijete oponaša odraslog te se na taj način uživljava u svijet odraslih. Osim toga, igra predstavlja najznačajniji način razvoja ličnosti, uspostavlja kvalitetne odnose te potiče govorni razvoj djeteta. Razvoj jezičnih vještina jednako je važan kao spoznajni, emocionalni ili socijalni razvoj. Govor se uči i razvija nevjerojatnom brzinom od najranije dobi, a sam jezični razvoj započinje prije djetetova rođenja, već u pretporodnom razdoblju. Po rođenju dijete reagira na poznate glasove roditelja, glasanjem iskazuje svoje potrebe te postupno ovladava glasovima jezika kojemu je izloženo, riječima, značenjima, jezičnom uporabom. Iako se jezični razvoj u širem smislu nastavlja kroz cijeli život, do četvrte će godine dijete ovladati osnovom komunikacije materinskim jezikom. Govor se ne razvija kod svakog djeteta jednakom brzinom i na isti način, no potrebno je svakom djetetu omogućiti da odrasta u poticajnom jezičnom okruženju. Svjesni smo da je govor od iznimne važnosti u svakodnevnom životu, ali kako bi se pravilno mogao razvijati moraju biti ispunjeni biološki, sociološki i psihološki uvjeti. Ovaj rad donosi prikaz govorne produkcije troje djece tijekom simboličke igre. U prvom dijelu rada govori se o dječjoj igri te se detaljnije opisuje simbolička igra. Drugi dio rada predstavlja tijek govornog razvoja djeteta. Treći dio donosi prikaz, opisi analizu iskaza troje djece tijekom simboličke igre. Cilj je ovoga rada uz pomoć govornih iskaza prikazati kako se dijete koristi govorom tijekom simboličke igre i interakcije s drugom djecom.
Abstract (english) Children are social beings that begin their interaction with their surroundings at earliest age. Children begin to seek their role in the world of adults through imitating the adults during play time. In addition, the game is the most significant way of developing unique personality, quality relationships and encouraging speech development. The development of lingual skills is equally important as a cognitive, emotional or social development. Speech is developed at incredible speed from the earliest age, but the capability for speech starts developing even in prenatal period. By birth, the child responds to known voices of its parents, it articulates its needs and gradually learns to use the language of its surroundings with its meaninings, words and linguistic usage. Although language development continues trought life, until the age od four the child will master the basis of communication in mother tongue. Speech does not develop at every child in the same way but it is necessary that every child grows up in an encouraging language environment. We are aware that speech is of big importance in everyday life, so in order for child to develop its speech properly the biological, sociological and psychological conditions must be fulfilled. This paper presents a study of production of child's speech of three children during the simbolic game. In the first section we will observe children's play with detail explanation of the simbolic game. Second part of the paper presents us with progress of speech developement of children. Third part contains a description and analysis of statements of three children during the simbolic game. The aim of the paper is to display how the child uses speech during symbolic games and interraction with other children through speech.
simbolička igra
govorni razvoj
Keywords (english)
simbolic game
speech development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:528251
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-03-21 08:12:11