Title Utjecaj interpretativnog čitanja i govorenja na leksičko-semantički razvoj kod djece rane dobi
Title (english) The Influence of Interpretative Reading and Speech on Lexical-Semantic Development in Children of Early Age
Author Marija Andrijević
Mentor Vladimira Velički (mentor)
Mentor Božica Vuić (sumentor)
Committee member Vendi Franc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božica Vuić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Procesom čitanja nazivamo složenu aktivnost primanja informacija u pisanome obliku koja ovisi o nekoliko sposobnosti i vještina što se postupno razvijaju. Proces čitanja može se promatrati kao vještinu (primanje i odašiljanje poruka u priopćavanju) te kao sposobnost (interpretativno čitanje kao nadgradnja kojoj prethodi savladavanje vještine čitanja). (Pavličević-Franić, 2005.) U određivanju pojma interpretativnog čitanja uzimaju se u obzir lingvističke i metodičke odrednice. To je čitanje koje se zasniva na vrednotama govorenoga jezika (intonaciji, intenzitetu, tempu, pauzama, boji glasa) i ima posebnu funkciju. „Svojim značenjem, emocionalnošću, slikovitošću i muzikalnošću pjesnički jezik pobuđuje estetske emocije. Zahvaljujući tim svojstvima, pjesnička se riječ nameće, izaziva pažnju, pokreće asocijacije, budi misli... U poeziji jezik ima konotativnu funkciju (suznačenjsku), estetsku funkciju.“ (D. Rosandić, 1986., str. 399) Za vrijeme pričanja priče, ulazimo u literarnu komunikaciju s djecom i tako se stvara odnos i bliskost. Djeca rane dobi leksičko – semantički sloj priče ne doživljavaju samo pomoću riječi nego gestama i mimikom. Njima interpretativno čitanje treba popratiti lutkama i drugim sredstvima kako bi lakše uspostavili komunikaciju s tekstom, dok kod starije djece treba nastojati postupno stvoriti naviku zamišljanja likova i događaja o kojima slušaju dok im se čita priča i pritom se obogaćuje njihov leksičko-semantički sloj. Da bi se ispitao mogući utjecaj interpretativnoga čitanja na leksičkosemantički sloj djece rane dobi, provedeno je istraživanje uporabom online upitnika. Upitnik proveden među odgajateljima pokazao je da većina ispitanika koristi interpretativno čitanje u radu s djecom te se koriste i ostalim sredstvima osobito lutkama. Također, iz upitnika je vidljivo da odgajatelji često koriste i verbalne i neverbalne vrednote govorenoga jezika kao i da nakon takvoga načina rada djeca pokazuju interes za daljnje poticaje i aktivnosti o istoj temi odnosno da takav način rada utječe na razvoj leksičko-semantičkog sloja kod djece rane dobi. U dječjem vrtiću „Kustošija“ provedena je provjera metodičke prakse s dvije odgojne skupine. Rezultati su pokazali kako su djeca iz eksperimentalne skupine kojoj se interpretativno čitao tekst pokazala veći interes i razumijevanje ispričane priče i pročitane pjesme. Upravo taj podatak govori kako je interpretativno čitanje važno da bismo djeci pomogli shvatiti smisao teksta i riječi koje ne razumiju.
Abstract (english) The reading process is a complex activity of receiving information in writing form which depends on the few skills and skills that are gradually being developed. The reading process can be seen as a skill (receiving and transmitting messages in the announcement) and as ability (interpretative reading as an upgrading that precedes the mastery of reading skills). (Pavličević-Franić, 2005.) In determining the notion of interpretive reading, linguistic and methodological determinants are taken into account. It is a reading that is based on the values of spoken language (intonation, intensity, temp, pauses, tone of voice) and has a special function. „With its meaning, emotionality, imagination and musicality, the poet's language exacerbates aesthetic emotions. Because of those properties, the poetic word is imposed, causes attention launches an association, wakes up thoughts ... In poetry the language has a connotative function (the connotations), aesthetic function.“ ((D. Rosandić, 1986., p. 399) During storytelling, we enter into a literary communication with children, and the storytelling creates connection and closeness. Children of early age do not only experience the lexical-semantic layer of stories by words but by hands gestures and mimics as well. Interpretative reading should be accompanied by dolls and other resources to make it easier to establish connection with the text while with older children it should gradually create a habit of imagining/visualizing characters and events they are listening to while being read a story while others read them a story and by doing that their lexical-semantic layer is being enriched. In order to examine the possible impact of interpretative reading on the lexical-semantic layer of early age children, research was conducted using the online questionnaire. The questionnaire conducted among the educators showed that most respondents use interpretative reading, working with children and they also use resources like puppets. Also, it is apparent from the questionnaire that educators often use verbal and non – equilibrium values of the spoken language as well as that after such a way children show interest in further incentives and activities on the same topic or that such a way of working influences the development of the lexicalsemantic layer in early childhood children. In the kindergarten "Kustošija" a methodological practice test was carried out with two educational groups. The results show that children from experimental groups showed greater interest and understanding of the stories told and the songs read. This is precisely what explains how interpretative reading is important to help children understand the essence of the text and the words they do not understand.
intetpretativno čitanje
vrednote govorenoga jezika
Keywords (english)
interpretative reading
the values of the spoken language
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:045277
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2019-04-29 10:01:42