Title Djela Aljoše Vukovića u predškolskom odgoju
Title (english) Works by Aljoša Vuković in Preschool Education
Author Sara Petrović
Mentor Marina Gabelica (mentor)
Committee member Dubravka Težak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Zalar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Književnost je umjetnost koja dotiče čovjekov život i oplemenjuje njegov duh i um na više razina. Da bi čovjek stupio u kvalitetan odnos s knjigom, potrebno ga je upoznati s njom od najranijeg njegovog uzrasta. Čitanje i pripovijedanje kvalitetan je prvi korak u zbližavanju djeteta i knjige. Roditelji i odgojitelji imaju dužnost ponuditi djetetu knjigu i književne forme koji odgovaraju dječjem uzrastu. Dijete kroz odrastanje treba susresti mnogo književnih vrsta koje su prikladne za njega i koje on smatra zanimljivima. Najprije su to uspavanke i jednostavne slikovnice, a zatim ih mijenjaju bajke, basne, složenije slikovnice i dječja poezija. Iako je dječja poezija jedna od kraćih dječjih književnih formi, ona je specifično kompleksna i izražajna. Dječji pjesnici se vješto igraju sa riječima, rimama i stilskim sredstvima, a rezultat te nepredvidive igre riječima je slikovitost i ritmičnost koja je karakteristična za dječju poeziju. Ona potiče djetetovu maštu i kreativnost, proširuje rječnik, budi emociju, poboljšava koncentraciju djeteta, obogaćuje trenutak i čini ga neprocjenjivim. Starija dječja poezija imala je funkciju podučavanja djeteta i nastajala je sa ciljem da se na dijete prenesu znanje i moralna i društvena načela. Pravila za pisanje bila su stroga i pjesnici su ih se morali pridržavati. Suvremena dječja poezija se odmakla od prijašnjeg shvaćanja dječje poezije kao „učiteljice“ i dječja pjesma postala je bliska djeci i njihovom svijetu. Moderni pjesnici su u svoju poeziju unijeli maštovite radnje, zanimljive motive i likove, zaigranost i neizostavan humor. Svrha dječje poezije postala je dječji užitak i zabava. U stvaranju suvremene dječje poezije u Hrvatskoj sudjelovalo je mnogo dječjih pjesnika, od Grigora Viteza do Zvonimira Baloga i Luke Paljetka. Njihove stope slijedio je hrvatski dječji pjesnik koji stvara u 21. stoljeću – Aljoša Vuković. Objavio je dvije zbirke zagonetki, dvije slikovnice i mnogo zbirki pjesama za djecu. Njegove pjesme odišu dječjom zaigranošću, inteligentnim humorom i toplim notama. Po svim karakteristikama njegova poezija jednaka je definiciji suvremene dječje poezije. Poezija Aljoše Vukovića prikladna je za djecu i odrasle, lako se približava objema dobnim skupinama i osvaja njihova srca. Njegov pjesnički stil jedinstven je i stvara nove temelje za iduću generaciju dječjih pjesnika.
Abstract (english) Literature is an art that touches man's life and enhances his spirit and mind on multiple levels. In order for a man to accede in quality relation with book, he needs to get introduced to it from his earliest age. Reading and narration is the quality first step in bringing together a child and a book. Parents and educators have the duty to offer to a child books and literary forms that correspond to the child's age. Growing up, a child should encounter many literary species that are appropriate to him and which he considers interesting. There are lullabies and simple picture books, followed by fairy tales, fables, more complex picture books and poetry. Although poetry is one of the shorter children's literary forms, it is particularly complex and expressive. Children's poets are skillfully playing with words, rhymes and stylistic devices, and the result of this unpredictable game is the vividness and rhythm, typical for children's poetry. It stimulates the child's imagination and creativity, extends the vocabulary, stimulates emotions, improves the concentration of the child, enriches the moment and makes it invaluable. Older children's poetry had the function of teaching the child and was born with the aim of transferring knowledge and moral and social principles to the child. The writing rules were strict and the poets had to adhere to them. Contemporary children's poetry has moved away from the earlier understanding of child poetry as a "teacher" and the children poetry has become close to children and their world. Modern poets have put into their poetry imaginative actions, interesting motives and characters, playfulness and inevitable humor. The purpose of children's poetry has become a child's enjoyment and fun. Many children's poets participated in the creation of contemporary poetry in Croatia, from Grigor Vitez to Zvonimir Balog and Luko Paljetak They are followed by a Croatian children's poet - Aljoša Vuković. He has published two collections of riddles, two picture books and many collections of children's poetry. His songs are fulfilled with children's playfulness, intelligent humor and warm notes. By all the characteristics, his poetry is equal to the definition of contemporary poetry. Aljoša Vukovic's poetry is suitable for children and adults, easily approaches both age groups and overwhelms their hearts. His poetic style is unique and creates new foundations for the next generation of children's poets.
hrvatska dječja poezija
Aljoša Vuković
suvremena dječja poezija
Keywords (english)
croatian children's poetry
Aljoša Vuković
modern children's poetry
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:378142
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-04-29 14:20:16